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It's A Supernatural Life


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"So if we convert what you said into English Priest... your a hunter. Well i can hardly just kick you out on your backside now, have a drink, just keep the church's affairs away from my ears, this is an atheist household." Amy said with a wry smile. She got the glasses, in which she mixed some of her own cocktails, and handed one to July, Raven and Jennie. she didn't offer one to the priest, as she didn't know if he was aloud to drink, but the bar was fully stocked should he wish.


Amy spotted Deuce leaning against the wall, smirking to himself, her face went from a slight smile to nothingness "Oi Jackass! Either get over here and tell me what your doing in my apartment, or scat."

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July threw her hands up in frustration how everyone seemed to ignore that she stood in the doorway and stopping them to enter the room. While mumbling something she approached the chair and settled herself in. "It's awfully unprofessional to just randomly appear out of nowhere and blabber about demons, father." The huntress replied as she looked around for something to drink.


The huntress nodded in thanks to Amy when she passed a glass to her.

Edited by Naktis
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"Just came to say hi, mostly to give my thanks for not shooting me back at the gas station.. he said as he tossed the half-eaten apple over his shoulder and caught it with the other hand.


He walked up towards the loud mouthed girl in the fancy clothes and smiled, "Most of your kind just shoot mine..."

He added and took another bite of his stolen apple.

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Deuce took the cocktail and smiled, He wasn't used to hunters being kind to him. He had to admit to himself that it was foolish to walk into this den of hunters but he might need their help.


"I'm sure you all have questions as to my...unique quality. I am willing to answer questions if you have them so..ask." he said before he downed the cocktail and took another bite of his apple.

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"Well, I've got one," Raven replied, sipping her cocktail and throwing her hat onto the coffee table, "You've obviously come here for more than just to give us thanks and offer to be prodded with immature questions. You want something from us...so what is it?"


She raised her glass to Amy, "You're good at this."


The huntress thought nothing of Amber's dead body. In fact, she was a bit happy. One less demon to worry about. She had half a mind to give the 'Father' a bit of monetary thanks for his service.

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Deuce laughed at how the woman caught on, he knew if he was to gain their aide he needed to come clean.


'I am an abnormality, so is the creature I hunt...the leader of te' pack you saw at te' gas station is named Blacke. He is special...an' he turned me." He explained as he poured himself a glass of scotch.


"I was adopted by a family, my adoptive father was a hunter...he specialized in hunting Werewolves. Blacke hunted him down an' killed my adopted family, he turned me ta' spite my father." He continued after sniffing the glass of scotch and then he downed it in one shot.


"He is like me, an abnormality. Most werewolves loose sense of their humanity during te' turn, Blacke and I don't but he has a unique ability. He can force other wolves to change...as to how I do not know.."

Edited by Macman253
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Amy smiled at Raven's comment about the cocktail being good "I've had years of solitude to perfect it... just wait, soon you'll be out cold." Amy replied, the last part she said in a pretend serious tone, giving Raven a wink. The Huntress got a tray of various snacks from the kitchen, and set it down on the coffee table in the sitting area. She lounged on the green-leather sofa, and listened to what Deuce had to say.
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Anderson ignored the cocktails, and looked through the bar for a bottle of his preferred drinks, scotch or whiskey. He found a rather good bottle of 20 year old scotch, and helped himself, pouring a generous glass full, tossing half it back, then refilling it. He remembered one of the.. hunters, mentioned it was unprofessional to talk about demons, and he responded, with a smile,


"As a Bishop in the Catholic Church, talk of Demons and evil is hardly uncommon, young lady. I get leeway where most, Hunters as you called them, do not, being backed by certain discrete members within the Archdioceses. I would be a worthy ally to have on your side. By the way, this is bloody good scotch." Anderson smiled, and drank some more of his glass of Scotch.


Jennie tasted the cocktail, and although normally disliking fruity drinks, found it rather tasty.


"Normally, I hate fruity cocktails, but this is quite good, Amy. Thank you for making them. Father Anderson, you say you're a priest or bishop or whatever, yet you sit here drinking scotch. I thought alcohol was forbidden." Anderson nodded at Jennie,


"To any priest with a pole shoved up his arse and an altar boy on his crotch, yes. I've always been known as a.. radical thinker among the church. I believe in more freedom, provided you still believe in the word and love of G-d and Jesus Christ, who after all drank wine himself. So, if the good lord Jesus Christ was able to drink, then I'm gonna drink too." He drank some more of his scotch. A short, wiry man came to the door, collected Amber's body, and departed, with a wave at Anderson. Anderson found no chairs to his liking, and remained standing, leaning on the wall by the bar.


"I have an apartment in the back of an old church nearby. It's large enough to encompass several guests, provided you don't mind sharing the bunk room. I understand people prefer to sleep safely from Demons and other monsters, and this possesses all the warding glyphs against Demons, and Ghosts, and what-have-you. Feel free to visit, or stay. Plenty of spare ammunition to further the holy Crusade.. um I mean, hunt." Anderson finished his glass, and washed it in the sink until it sparkled, then placed it in the dish rack, drying his hands and turning off the tap. As he went to leave the bar area, he forgot to duck, and whacked his head on a lower beam. Clutching his forehead, he cursed loudly and then ducked under it on the second attempt.


*Disclaimer* The comments and opinions expressed by Alexander Anderson do not reflect my personal views or opinions, they merely reflect the views of the character. *Disclaimer*

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Raven swirled her cocktail absentmindedly as she listened to Deuce. Once he was finished, she glanced to July, "You think this Blacke has a totem of some sort? Something that makes him able to turn others of his blood?"
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