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Limited Vortex alpha release today, full release soon


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Hello, I have just now been able to grab and download a copy being 10.00 am my time aussie time ..

It installed just fine , I could never wrap my head around about how to use mo , which is why I prefered to use nmm in the first place, I thought it was easier over all..

But do want to give this a try, but like others, dong like I dont have control of my load order per say , ...

That all been said , I cant Look at the program to see whats what, because atm its only giving me too choices, to either login / register or quit :ohmy: :huh: :ermm:

I'm always logged into nmm mod page btw ... so do I need to restart my computer thing and try re opening the program ?

I also read the "known issues" thread, but thats locked so I posted here .. :happy:


This Is where I'm stuck at after 2 restarts



Then this



Clicking login does not get me anywhere .. :mellow:

Edited by jaderiver
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I will try out Vortex. I will see, for myself, what it's like, and give some feedback on it. I wasn't planning on playing a couple old games, but I can play Dragon Age Origins, maybe DA 2 for a change. Both good games.
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I got alpha of Vortex, found a bug - I added a new mod from file, and can't sse it in the plugin section. Yes, it is ebaled and greenand seen in the mods section

Now, to the good pointts- stable programm, nice layown, expoeted from NMM flawlesly

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In response to post #57211396.

jaderiver wrote:

Hello, I have just now been able to grab and download a copy being 10.00 am my time aussie time ..

It installed just fine , I could never wrap my head around about how to use mo , which is why I prefered to use nmm in the first place, I thought it was easier over all..

But do want to give this a try, but like others, dong like I dont have control of my load order per say , ...

That all been said , I cant Look at the program to see whats what, because atm its only giving me too choices, to either login / register or quit :ohmy: :huh: :ermm:

I'm always logged into nmm mod page btw ... so do I need to restart my computer thing and try re opening the program ?

I also read the "known issues" thread, but thats locked so I posted here .. :happy:

Press the login button.
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There are more than a year of work and effort behind both new nexus and vortex. I just love it when people destroy others' hard work with only few sentences. Yes, there is a concept of criticism but criticism shows the way to better. If a comment doesn't involve a single positive thing it means you are not criticizing, in best scenario you are just whining or worst satisfying your ego.
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In response to post #57211641.

sonogu wrote: There are more than a year of work and effort behind both new nexus and vortex. I just love it when people destroy others' hard work with only few sentences. Yes, there is a concept of criticism but criticism shows the way to better. If a comment doesn't involve a single positive thing it means you are not criticizing, in best scenario you are just whining or worst satisfying your ego.

Don't worry about us, after 16 years we understand the difference between whiners and people who actually have something meaningful and constructive to say. We listen to the latter!
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In response to post #57206506. #57207486 is also a reply to the same post.

PirateZ86 wrote: I just tested it. My first impressions are the UI looks pretty clean, very professional and I like it . Tested a few mods with skyrim and it works without problem. Do you guys have any plan on adding more games like DAI or MGS5?
Dark0ne wrote: Yes, we certainly hope to add support for more games once we can get the core application stable.

Nice, glad to hear it.
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In response to post #57206606.

RadioactiveStud wrote: I don't know if this was intended but using hardlink deployment right now and when disabling a mod, all the files are removed from the game folder as intended but the folders stay when they are empty (eg. meshes).

Also I'm assuming softlink will never work for SSE or Fallout 4?

Why are you writing here? There's a "Send feedback" built into the program itself. They'll probably see it quicker if you go there :D
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In response to post #57207131. #57207521, #57209031, #57209301, #57209331, #57210181, #57210331, #57210641, #57211246 are all replies on the same post.

Mebantiza wrote: Nice, the same hideous, barely legible interface that the 'new' nexus uses, now rears its fugly head in 'Vortex' as well. Just perfect. An immediate turn-off, since it looks exactly like the wildly (UN)popular 'new' nexus look. If you were worried Vortex was going force MO on you, that was the least of your worries. They asked the same guy that made the nexus barely usable, and barely legible , if he would skin 'vortex' as well.

What a mess.

Who thought wed want to see nexus news , or latest mods even baked into this? Yes, those can be turned off, but still.

RadioactiveStud wrote: Sounds like you didn't even try to use it. Also I don't see what's wrong with the UI. It's super easy to use.
OnyxSix wrote: I'm with Mebantiza here. Vortex, along with the new nexus, is very poorly designed and laid out. It just seems like a worse looking, less user friendly version of ModDrop(Which is where I'm moving if Nexus doesn't get their s#*! together tbh)
Ethreon wrote: Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
nappilydeestructio wrote: Honestly I respectfully disagree with you. I wasn't into the new UI at first when nexusmods update it because it had some issues But now that its fixed, it looks fine and simple. I really didn't like the old look at all. It was a lil dated and it was clunky to me tbh. To me its not that bad looking. I have seen worst looking UIs and its hella worst than what nexusmods has now.
rcdcce wrote: I think this post can be awarded over statement of the year.

Aside from a few annoyances the new Nexus layout is fine. It's not like the old one was perfect.
Oblitus wrote: New nexus is really bad. Huge amounts of wasted space, weird composition, and it looks like a mess overall. It's just a bunch of merging and intersecting rectangles without any hierarchy.
rincewindTA wrote: I like the actual Nexus design. I found it perfectly functional and easy to use. And looks neat too.
RadioactiveStud wrote: You guys are all talking about the new nexus, but that has nothing to do with vortex. They don't really look alike.

If you think you can do better, by all means design and share it.
Keep in mind that your design has to fit correctly on everything from a mobile phone to a ultrawide monitor, also be usable with touch.
I'm not even going to try and explain why everything was designed the way it was.
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Bit of a learning curve for me, having never used or even looked at MO. Confused about a whole lot of things, found and reported some bugs, started to rebuild my FO4 from scratch, that'll be a lot of work considering I like a very specific way of loading my mods (environmental mods in one lump, armours in another and so on), but as soon as it's build and setup once, I can relax and be happy, I'm sure.


I was really dreading this change because I knew Vortex would be more complex than NMM. I love NMM for it's simplicity and how easy it is to setup, but I'm willing to keep an open mind and acknowledge that I hate change, especially when it forces me out of my comfort zone and to learn new things. People told me I would hate Vortex, so especially for that reason, I am willing to not submit to blind hate without first giving it an honest chance. I am liking what I'm seeing so far but I have a long night ahead of me to setup a completely new game.


Love the notes feature on mods, and how it lets me relink mods to their corresponding Nexus page if I've added them to the program from a backup source or somewhere else "not directly from Nexus".


The "New files" dashlet in the Dashboard needs to be able to be resized because it looks very odd being a stub that can't even present one mod completely.


UI looks very nice, love how it matches the way the site itself looks.


I'll continue to provide bug reports and feedback as I build my load order and learn to use the program. Thanks for all the work on it so far :)

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