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is FNV dead?


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they didn't make the environment interesting, not enough towns, the map was emtpy for the most part, i hope obsidian learns from this so the next fallout game they make is a bit more on par with other games when it comes to interesting environments, you can make a game in a desert and put in interesting locations, deserts do have small towns, airports, power stations, industrial type complexes etc, to just say its a desert and leave it emtpy doesn't cut it, FO3 had lots of good locations outside the city, with secret bases, power stations, towns, radar factilities etc.

there is a lot more going on in and around las vegas that what they put in the game. they put in an airport near the bottom of the map and didn't do anything with it, you can't go inside it, nothing but a few scorpions. nipton was a cool town, but once you vistit the first time, no reason to go back, no raiders shows up, no ncr troops, no more ceasers legion etc. and putting in a lot of tents all over the map and a few single shacks here and there is bad game design.


Mmh. Alright.


I see where you're coming from. I get that sense of emptiness when wandering the Mojave....(don't play a high level character in NV on console, no mods, you will REALLY see the lack of things to do). But at the same time, I actually feel that the Mojave was livelier than the Capital Wasteland. EVERYTHING was revolved around the Hoover Dam conflict, from the war with the NCR and Legion to the history of the Mojave (and the former factions that meant something like Khans and Brotherhood) to New Vegas itself. It had so much more character than FO3, and Obsidian really worked their behinds off to fit it all together fluently in one place.


I think they did a rather good job, ya? They could have just done without the initial cowboy/western theme.


In turn, all this business and diplomacy in the Mojave also made me wish the true "wasteland" feeling of FO3. TOO MUCH was happening in the Mojave. I thought this was a post-apocalyptic America? And IF these factions are recovering from the bombs, then most of these establishments should be as far developed as New Vegas by now! In my mind, these factions/settlemenets must go one way or the other (lost/broken or developed/rebuilt), not in-between.


To summarize that point, the Mojave felt too busy to be a wasteland, OR not developed enough to feel like a rebuilt society.




As far as the New Vegas modding activity lately...I've been complaining to other fellow modders. Because on the surface of it all, it definitely feels "dead". Some people find it hard to develop mods for a game that feels like last year's model. But if that's the case, then why do people still mod Morrowind? Oblivion?


People mod the games they love. The "top" modders tend mod the games that are popular, or are receiving lots of traffic, so that their works can be recognized. I don't look down upon this, because all modders want recognition. It's their only real payoff for the work put into the mods. I myself was still trying to figure out if I was going to move on to Skyrim or not this past January.


I chose to stay because I saw the lack of traffic for New Vegas slow down, and I have yet to release a quality mod of my own for the game.


So know that there ARE plenty of mods being developed for the game. Rob aka RJHelms84 is just about DONE with Beyond Boulder Dome, the first true, massive FNV fan-made DLC. He has been working on this project for the past YEAR. You can expect such a mod to be worth the wait.


Project Brazil is also still in the works, though I am not sure of it's current state as I have not spoken to Brandan aka Thaiauxn in the past month. You can, however, follow his Development Bible on Google Docs, as it has pretty much every story element that will be used in the mods initial playthrough. And by the looks of it, the mod will be its OWN GAME, starting you off with a new beginning, in a new vault, in a new location, with new characters to develop relationships with.


Millenia and Camon are working on fun weapon mods, like always. You can never have too many weapons, and they stay true to that statement.


Dragbody's Legion overhaul was a real treat for the New Vegas community, just when things has just about hit a new low in overall activity. He had been hard at work on the mod for quite some time, and a lot of people love his work for it. He regularly does great work over at VGU, and he is a real down-to-earth guy IMO.


And JUST when you thought New Vegas had it's last show, the XRE physics module is released. Flyable vertibird, yeah! Aside from that, and more relevant to modders, there is now a decent object manipulation script suitable for vehicles and the like!


Izumiko has been spitting out fantastic female armor/clothing replacers. NVInteriors is still being working on as far as I know. I mean...geez, the list goes on. So just know this: New Vegas is not yet dead. Just keep NV installed, and check nexus weekly, if not daily. Before you know it, there will be yet another fantastic mod for you to play around with.



**my only wish is that modders would make more quality quest mods. It does not have to be the size of Boulder Dome or Project Brazil. I just feel that players need new areas, or new adventures, to use all this good content still coming to New Vegas**

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Yes, NVInteriors is still in progress! It's very much alive!http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif


I've only taken a break to help the RFCW guys get there new update finished, because I want to play it myself. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif


I'm going no where until FO4 comes out so, expect countless new interiors to explore until then! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif I've also gone as far as to update DCInteriors for compatibility with RFCW! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif


I've got big plans for a huge crossover mod containing both DCInteriors and, NVInteriors, possibly new quests that take the player from DC to FNV and back, to complete.



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Eventually the Skyrim modding craze will subside and a few of the modders who went there will come back here. It always happens like that, everyone just gets excited for the new game. What disappoints me is that no one ever seemed to try making a Shadowrun TC I think NV would really lend itself well to that universe. Course now with all the bigger modders gone I doubt we will ever see any TC for NV.
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Total Conversions are more work than people seem to assume. Even with a whole team of professionals working full time on it, a game like NV takes years to make. A couple of modders working in their free time, yeah, won't make a whole new game on the NV engine any time soon.
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FNV will not die! It remains one of the single best post apocalyptic simulators out there. With hardcore mode on, and the right mods, it becomes completely engrossing... it sucks you into the world like nothing else I've played.
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Call me a nekrophile then, but to me it is a tried and tested method to wait for a game to mature before I can be bothered to buy and install. A game with an active scene behind it after a year and a half will probably be worth the time, while the lattest hype more often than not turns out to be a near to unusual piece of half-baked code and some flashyflshy blinkblink. Well... so what I'm, essentially saying is, that I just wait and see how long it takes for people to become bored. Better than me being bored for sure. Life is not all about games after all. Have a good one. Edited by catmagnet
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I've taken a break from Skyrim to come back and play FO:NV using some mods I never played with before, in this case the COMPANION mods.


Currently playing a one of the Alternate Rose Cassidy mods, very fun.


I also decided to futz around with the FO:NV Geck and I modified Vikki's Bonnet and gave to Cass and to me it completes her trampy outfit while fighting out in the wastes :D


So I guess this means it's not dead to me.


I have also been downloading some mods for both Morrowind and Oblivion and will be playing these games again too.

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