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Fat, Ugly or Slutty


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So we all know that the internet's anonymity factor gives certain people a lot more courage than they have in real life, right? And we all know that those who struggle to get girlfriends are often very butthurt about it, right? Now what happens if lonely losers encounter the internet?


Fat, Ugly or Slutty!


The site is basically a compilation of messages that girl gamers frequently receive online, probably from guys who freeze up when they get close to a girl in real life. Some of them are pretty hilarious in their patheticness.

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probably from guys who freeze up when they get close to a girl in real life

That and the ones that think they are the most macho guy in the world and they see women as objects to be collected.


This site reminds me of why I don't have a console, a lot of immature children that have nothing better to do then insult you if you aren't like them or have a different opinion on anything (I realize not all are like that, but a lot are).


And just to FYI people that the site has some vulgar language, but otherwise it's hilarious to see the pure idiocy of some people.

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Wow that's terrible...


I used to use my mic when I played TF2. It was just easier for me to say "Spy" or "Uber coming" than to get the hotkeys. The minute I started talking I'd either get "What are you a 12 year old boy?", "Get in the kitchen", and a number of other things. They'd get even more ticked off when I killed them...that's when fat b***, the "c" word, and everything else came out. If it wasn't that, I'd get a ton of friend invites and it'd be a bunch of sick jerks that wanted to cyber or something. Glad Steam has an easy block function ;)


I dunno, seems to be more prevalent on the consoles. My uncle told me he purposely didn't buy a headset for his 360 just because of a lot of that. He said you wouldn't believe the language and combos of curse words these people would come up with :P


The servers on the 360 have admins, right? Can they kick you from that server? That's what I liked about the TF2 server I was on, if someone was totally being out of hand, they'd be banned from the server for a day.

Edited by Illiad86
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probably from guys who freeze up when they get close to a girl in real life

This site reminds me of why I don't have a console, a lot of immature children that have nothing better to do then insult you if you aren't like them or have a different opinion on anything (I realize not all are like that, but a lot are).


dont act like its only console. ive seen tons of talk like that on PC on games like CoD and BC2 and LoL and most definitely WoW


All the messages are from Xbox live lol


thats why it has the worst rep for online community. its a bunch of 12 year olds who just smack talk people on CoD is swear. i rarely get hate mail on PS3 (though i dont play CoD, and i seriously think its more a CoD thing the a console thing)

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I've had some similar issues, especialy in TOR related to healing.


I have a female character set up as a Sage(heal spec) It's an excellent character, strongly geared for it's level, with good stats and I can use it fairly well, it can also lay down some good DOTs without interrupting the heals, which is a real boon. A few people, who have worked with me, have /friended me in my 22 levels, and even deliberately sought my help over that of similar guildmates. It's a rewarding feeling, working the healer role with a good team-get it right and it's just a steamroller. However, for every man and woman who thanks me for keeping their butt in the fight, there's an ingrateful child that really can't see the point of healers, or the challenge of simultaneously healing four people while doing DOT damage to a boss, Interupting an Additional and laying down AOE knockback. For some reason though, the insults I get on a female character, always seem to be substantialy more obcene than on my male Commando.


It absolutely astounds me just how hateful and vitriolic some of them are-and yet how likeable others are. One player I helped through a quest he was unable to do at the time, paid me back in kind over a month later, helping me finish gathering a dungeon group during a very slow day. A second contracted Rak plague just before a dungeon, and I gave them a dose of vaccine(a moderately expensive consumable). He told me he couldn't pay me for it then, and I just let the matter go. Three days later I got an in-game mail from him with the cost of the vaccine and a thanks. Yet another player, who shall not be mentioned, spent half a dungeon running miles ahead over everyone else, aggroing seemingly everything, and carpet-bombing the C-word when myself and several others asked him to please let the Tank do the aggroing. Eventualy, the inevitable happened-he died. He died in such a way that it took literaly everything the three survivors had just not to wipe, and he spent the time howling at me "you stupid *****ing *****, get your ***** over here and rez me". Now, only level 50 Sages could Rez in combat at the time so he just had to tough it out.


However, after I did get around to reviving him, he then spent three hours screaming at my guild mates about "what a **** healer I was" and how "women are too stupid to play games"


It doesn't really bother me, I can simply mute them and laugh, but the attitude though, that does concern me a lot.

Edited by Vindekarr
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You guys should've join raids more, there's always people there who lacks the attention and starts ranting and screaming for just about anything i`ll mannered people deserves to be placed in the ignore list.


@Vindekkar lol same thing happened to my sage on an Tarral V run , guy kept aggroing those creature even tho Tank ask him many many times not to do so cause party got wipe 3 times ,so lead came up w/ a solution to teach him a lesson. left him to DIE kicked him in a party and replaced him with a guildy and placed him on ignore much better that way.Few minutes later a friend whisper me telling he eventually started E-Rage on republic fleet and got into trouble with some irritated players. Lol

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Sometimes im ashamed i have the same gender as these kids.

Its like with each new male generation their minds are more and more degenerated, i wonder where is this going.


We do seem to have created a generation with a lot of misogynists, I don't know what's happened, it's quite a recent thing. My better half isn't a gamer at all but thought she'd give Playstation Home a try, I won't go into detail with happened but that was her first and last interaction with online "gaming". I don't understand why Sony and others don't take this issue more seriously, there must be a large number of potential customers out there who won't use their products because of the abuse and perverts.

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Hey, it's not all young men-just a vocal minority.


Unfortunately it's always the minority of jackasses that turn people off a game-ot upset someone into become one of them. I'm liking the TOR community thusfar, though I have to admit the only thing keeping me on Australian servers is low-ping, the community really is aweful.

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