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Never buy another bethesda title thanks to SE


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When my friend got me into Skyrim it made perfect sense to buy the SE version, yet that turned out to be the biggest mistake of my gaming life.


All the good mods only work with Skyrim not SE and it blows my mind why a game company would do this to their player base.


We effectively have 2 totally different games right now for PC original and SE and due to limitations (and amount of modders who rightfully stayed with original) we have a very limited modding community and a vast limitation on our mods.


Thanks for getting me to waste my money bethesda but I will never buy another game from you because of what you did with Skyrim.

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Bethesda has never supported modding even with the mods provided on their website. If you screw up your game by using mods that disrupt the game coding it's up to you to fix it not Bethesda's.



The Rabbit

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actually , the main reason for having SE is the same reason why LE mods don't work on it - the engine

the engine the original Skyrim ran on was a mess , it had massive issues , and getting a stable modded game was a nightmare for all but the most adept mod users

SE has an engine that actually works properly (though it's still outdated , but at least it's not ancient tech)

also , you can't really blame them for the community moving away...... after all , even though SE is a 2016 game , Skyrim is almost 7 years old , and it hasn't seen any official content since 2013 (I think that was when Dragonborn was released)

there is a limit to how much fun you can have with a game , and how many hours you can spend on it . some of the community has left , new people have joined , that's just how things are . this isn't really Bethesda's fault (nor do I think anyone has expected them to release new content for Skyrim with SE)


the actual reason to not buy a Bethesda game ever again is that they seem to release games with a mentality that because the community seems to fix these games , they don't have to bother with it themselves

other than that , all I can see in the future is more generic content (like radiant quests instead of story quests) , more silly gimmicks and a game so dumbed down you can teach your dog to play it

but I still hold out hope that maybe their next release will be an experience worth having

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Skyrim was developed for console and very badly ported to PC. Five years after the original release, Bethesda finally released an update developed especially for PC. The engine underwent one major change in that it was adapted into 64-bits instead of the original 32-bits version.


For the rest, you can't blame Bethesda for mods not being adapted from Skyrim to the Special Edition. Mods have nothing to do with Bethesda but instead are privately made additions which The Nexus kindly provides a platform for...

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Plenty of mods have been - and are still being - ported to SSE. Like WastelandAssassin said, SSE is a much more stable game than Oldrim. Less than 100 plugins into trying to mod Oldrim not too long ago - BAM. The game was unplayable. I'm not a l33t modder, but I'm no slouch, either, and I did have a reasonably stable modded Oldrim set up at one point. But SSE is so much better, stability-wise.


I do agree that since Bethesda intentionally made it possible for users to create mods that they should have at least one paid staff person whose sole responsibility is mod community outreach and some kind of limited official help for popular mods. So when the company has an update, this person coordinates seeing if popular mods would work and what should be done to make them work with the update.


They ain't never gonna, of course, but I agree it's kind of lame for a company to say they're officially releasing tools that make modifications possible, but they're not going to support you if you use the tools for their intended purpose. It would be different if 100% of all modding tools were the result of user effort, but the creation kit is from Bethesda... "hey, make some mods, but tough cookies if our mandatory updates break your game" is not, in my mind, good business, although it is the same standard micro$oft follows with windows. :-P It should at least be possible to accept or refuse updates at will as part of the standard MO instead of having to jump through hoops to fool a game client into thinking a game isn't being played, so don't update it. This may be more Steam's fault than Bethesda's, though.


They do make essentially good/fun games, though, so I'll still perk up if they say they have something new coming.

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SSE is so much more stable and there are thousands of mods and more are being ported everyday. What do you want to see? SSE is superior in most aspects and while there is room for improvement and mod support - it's a solid product.

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All the good mods only work with Skyrim not SE and it blows my mind why a game company would do this to their player base.


Which mods are you talking about?

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