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Skyrim DLC'S what do you wan't to see?


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I have a couple ideas...


1; Revolution

This is based around an Imperial backed Dunmer (and Argonian) uprising in Windhelm. The player can choose to help the Stormcloaks suppress the Dark Elves, or they can help the Dunmer get out from under the boots of their oppressors.


2; War of the Reach

This is a continuation of the events in Markarth, with the player helping Madanach and the foresworn retake the reach, or help the nords keep control of the area.

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Vampires? Meh. Vampires are okay in their place, but what do they have to do with being a dovahkiin? For DLC, I would much rather see something that is really connected to the character being dragonborn. Surely we have some destiny beyond just being the enemy of Alduin. It would be nice if it gave us new interaction with the Graybeards and/or the Blades in the process.


An invasion of Akaviri tiger dragons would be good, since who is better fitted than a dragonborn to deal with dragons? Of course, that might also be connected to vampires if the Tsaesci vampire snakes show up too. Delphine would certainly want to get in on that action, but ... on which side? :)


Alternatively, any DLC should at least be connected to the concerns already established for Skyrim. The growing Falmer threat is an obvious candidate, since the base game made it clear that they are no longer restricted to old Dwemer ruins, but are taking up residence in other locations and staging raids on the surface population. It would be interesting if they could also tie it in to the finding of the Eye of Magnus, which started the whole Nord/Falmer conflict in the first place. It looks like they were setting the stage for a planned future conflict, putting in all kinds of hooks to support such a DLC. There would be opportunity to involve the Companions as the direct heirs of Ysgrammor's original Falmer pogrom, as well as giving the College of Winterhold a chance to get involved.


I like this idea regarding the Tsaesci snake men, it would tie in really well with skyrim given that the Nords are so nuts about Talos. Also the akaviri Dragons could intersect with that too, because if i remember correctly the Tsaesci tried to enslave the dragons but were not entirely successful. so i could see some kinda three way war between the snake men, dragons, and the Nords.


Also i believe it to be the Tiger-Dragon king's goal to invade Tamriel, so that in and of its self could make a great DLC.

Edited by stationstu
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Vampires? Meh. Vampires are okay in their place, but what do they have to do with being a dovahkiin? For DLC, I would much rather see something that is really connected to the character being dragonborn. Surely we have some destiny beyond just being the enemy of Alduin. It would be nice if it gave us new interaction with the Graybeards and/or the Blades in the process.


An invasion of Akaviri tiger dragons would be good, since who is better fitted than a dragonborn to deal with dragons? Of course, that might also be connected to vampires if the Tsaesci vampire snakes show up too. Delphine would certainly want to get in on that action, but ... on which side? :)


Alternatively, any DLC should at least be connected to the concerns already established for Skyrim. The growing Falmer threat is an obvious candidate, since the base game made it clear that they are no longer restricted to old Dwemer ruins, but are taking up residence in other locations and staging raids on the surface population. It would be interesting if they could also tie it in to the finding of the Eye of Magnus, which started the whole Nord/Falmer conflict in the first place. It looks like they were setting the stage for a planned future conflict, putting in all kinds of hooks to support such a DLC. There would be opportunity to involve the Companions as the direct heirs of Ysgrammor's original Falmer pogrom, as well as giving the College of Winterhold a chance to get involved.


I agree there. Yeah, vampires are a nice side perk in the game, but what do they really have to do with he big picture and in regards with being Dragonborn. Especially with so much other potential material that can be covered, from the falmer and snow elves (solstheim) to the thalmor threat and civil war going on. And of course plenty of other lore in regards to the akaviri. Compared to that, running around as an Van Helsing or Dracula on steroids seems kind of shallow.

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Mmmm. DLC eh? I was thinking about it, and also read some stuff. And came to the three possible conclusions.

Conclusion One: Dawngaurd. Who is the Deadric Lord of Dusk and Dawn? Azura. Who has a Deadric Realm with silver cities full of Dunmer, and Khajeit? Azura. Where could we possibly be going in Dawngaurd? Azura's Deadric Realm of Moonshadow! This could play out similar to Oblivions Expansion. Sheogorath was one of the more peaceful Deadric Lords, just as Azura is. Sadly, I am just going off of a slight knowledge though, because I have not played the Oblivion Expansion. For some reason I downloaded it, and nothing would work. I did as instructed, in guides, and nothing would happen. It was notifying that I had it downloaded.


Conclusion Two: In the city town* of Dawnstar, there is a ship. That ship has a full crew, and is in tact. Dawnstar being in the far North of Skyrim, it could very well be a ship to take you farther North to the ancient lands of Atmora, where Nords had come from. No clue what could happen while there. But this would be an interesting setting.


Conclusion Three: Azura, being Deadric Lord of Dusk & Dawn, as well as the Dunmer, could relate to Morrowland, home of the Dark Elves. This would also be a nice setting because everyone likes LOVES* Morrowind! ^^

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Yay, another one of those threads!


I wouldn't mind having something original, like they did with the Shivering Isles. I think lore regions should be kept for official releases, not DLC. They should create something like an evil invasion force appearing from beneath the earth, or another plane, etc.

You mean something that's pretty much exactly the same as the Oblivion Crisis? No thanks.


I was thinking more along the lines of Hordes of the Underdark (Neverwinter Nights) or miners opening a Dwemer seal, unleashing some sort of nasty, or a super powerful witch turning a large forest into a Blairwitch type of thing with its own weirdness, etc. Basically a semi-large local crisis, not another freaking continent with a 3000-year-old history and 50000 new monsters and weapons, which is what I get the impression people want in a $30 DLC...

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Kicking the s*** out of the Thalmor. period.
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