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What was the game that caused your gaming addiction to begin?


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The first Sim City, Airborne Ranger and Testdrive II on MS-DOS. Also happen to play a bowling game, but don't remember the full name.

With Testdrive II i was hitting trees more then really driving and if i finally made it to drive then i got cops after me and ending into the ravine.

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Mine was the first entry in the Sonic the Hedgehog series.


I started playing it for a little bit, and then I dug into the other awesome titles. Sonic CD is particularly interesting in terms of the "secret" content it has to offer.

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The first three Ratchet and Clank games.

Back in 2005, I was too poor for a brand new Xbox 360- so I played my PS2 instead; right up until 2007. The first three ratchet and clank games were probably the best games a kid could play on the play on PS2; because my parents wouldn't buy me San Andreas or anything over the 12 rating. Since then I've become a fat, lonely, loser- no regrets though.

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Oh god I wish I could truly answer this question easily. I would definitely say my addiction started extremely early, so there was no specific game, my first console being the Sega: Genesis.
I believe the game that had me hooked for absolute hours would definitely one of the Baldur's Gate series, although I still can't figure out which one it was for the life of me, I don't even remember what console it was for!


I remember me and my brother playing co-op, he would play some melee class and I was a necromancer, summoning skeletons and destroying monsters so easily! I felt like I was doing so much work and I was hoping my older brother was somewhat impressed by how good I was. Ahh the nostalgia.

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There are no easy answers here- I started early too. I could point to the hours I spent on FF7 on the PS1, or playing the original X-com on pc...We could take a trip through Zaxxon on our home Coleco-Vision system, or visiting friends houses to play Zork. There is even a ton of time spent playing a puzzle based game called Fool's Errand on an old Apple IIe...I've been gaming forever it seems.

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