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I don't frequent these forums at all. Just here because NMM is down and I'm bored. Thought I'd read this because it seemed interesting.


Anyway I have to say, while I don't agree with everything some of the people have said here, and I admittedly only read the top few comments, I think many of us agree on one thing. While we don't like trump, your arguments were rather weak. If I cared enough, and you gave me enough time to do the proper research, I could write you a novel on all the things wrong with trump. I know you linked to an article, but it would help if you talked about the article a bit more, and sited some more facts from it instead of just talking about how terrible he is and calling him Hitler, which is quiet a stretch by the way. For example I hadn't skimmed the article, I wouldn't even know what it was about from reading your post.


I hope you take this as the constructive criticism it was meant to be. I didn't mean it to sound harsh, I know tone is hard to read on the internet.


Edit: Just realized how old this is... and how buried my comment is, oh well. I suppose there's still a chance they will see it.

Edited by Sosaythedice
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I may not like trump, but, I liked him more than Hilary......... thus, he got my vote. Same thing applies for 2020. if the dems can't come up with a decent candidate, I will once again vote for trump.


And in all reality, while yes, trump is an azz...... he really isn't any worse than numerous other politicians. The media simply loves to vilify him, at every available opportunity.

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Trump isn't the problem. I'm going to always shower in cold water to keep me under control. I think the real reason I think we are all hot headed and want to shout at Trump. The real reason is, " He's the competition. "


What is the game he plays so we can compete? Book sales on how to become a millionaire is plagiarized by people who claim they got rich before their plagiarized copy ever were put on the shelves in the bookstores.


Competition? Where else could Trump be a challenge? What tools or book learned skills is he an expert at? Or did he learn all his skills because he was beside his Mother and Father all the time while they were doing business with clients?

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Second that Trump is not the problem.


Although he is a problem in general ... simply because he does not exude solutions.

So maybe he is not a problem at the level of him conspiring to create a problem.

Hence he is just a focal point to exacerbate the problems we set on the counter already.




Damn that shure sownds like I'm rammbelling




It might be from Trump derangement syndrome ?




Is the cure to get rid of Trump ,,, or get rid of those who appose him ?


Can we graciously shuffle him out of the presidency ? Or must we bring it to a head from a critical mass situation.




We can't hang it all on Trump ... our sores would still be swelltering after his salt shaker was taking away. And our best defense against russia ... is heal those wounds.




or at least admit the truth , no outside force can wound or heal our polarity status. Only exploit that which already exists. And why should we fault them for it ?

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America is now perpetuating one of the largest genocides in human history against its Hispanic and Muslim population, on the beckoning of the white supremacists in complete control of the totalitarian American society. Hopefully democratic countries like Venezuala and Iran can put a stop to the evil American empire before it destroys world civilization. Down with the brutal unelected American dictator, long live democracy, long live freedom.

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Iran tried diplomacy, diplomacy failed. The evil American empire is not interested in peace. Persian civilization requires nuclear weapons to defend itself from the aggressive empire which once nothing less than the genocide of all nonwhites.

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America is now perpetuating one of the largest genocides in human history against its Hispanic and Muslim population, on the beckoning of the white supremacists in complete control of the totalitarian American society. Hopefully democratic countries like Venezuala and Iran can put a stop to the evil American empire before it destroys world civilization. Down with the brutal unelected American dictator, long live democracy, long live freedom.

Where do you get that from? I LIVE here, and I am not seeing this. We are having an issue with foreign invaders on our southern border, but, we haven't taken to shooting them wholesale yet, but, I wouldn't be surprised to see that happen.... I think the question really should be, why aren't those folks taking back their own countries, instead of coming here seeking (EXPECTING) handouts???


Iran tried diplomacy, diplomacy failed. The evil American empire is not interested in peace. Persian civilization requires nuclear weapons to defend itself from the aggressive empire which once nothing less than the genocide of all nonwhites.

There is some accuracy to that statement. But, no, Iran does not require nukes to defend itself against the US, they need to stop supporting terrorism in that part of the world. What would be REALLY nice is, if the Saudis would ALSO stop supporting terrorists...... I suspect there is little hope of either of those coming to pass though.


If you ask the typical american, (one that hasn't been elected to pubic office) if they want a war with Iran, you will get a resounding "NO!!!". We don't need any more foreign wars, we are not the 'world police'. We can't afford to be, nor SHOULD we be. We have flushed enough money down the toilet, along with american lives, to no good purpose. I am sure the defense contractors are loving it..... and their upper management types are getting lovely bonuses every year.... But as for the rest of us? Nope. Had enough, don't want any more, think we should get out of the ones we have been involved in for over a decade now...... If we can't do anything in almost TWENTY years, we never are going to accomplish anything. GET OUT! Bring our boys/equipment home, and let the sh**holes go back to being the sh**holes they were before we got there.

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South of the border people expecting hand outs is a lie.


Not one single one of them I have met are lazy by a long shot.


And that is why they will eventually take over like you fear. Simple capitalistic principals.


Socialism is your only salvation at this point.

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South of the border people expecting hand outs is a lie.


Not one single one of them I have met are lazy by a long shot.


And that is why they will eventually take over like you fear. Simple capitalistic principals.


Socialism is your only salvation at this point.

And there is a very good reason to keep them OUT. Want to come to this country? Do it LEGALLY, and we don't have a problem with you. Cross illegally, and that makes you a criminal. And we DON'T want you.

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The stop stupid answer to keeping them out is ... go after those who employ them.


Stop the migrant worker program ... because that is the avenue it mostly comes through.

Drugs / sex traffic /// most all of it !!!


Of course this will have a pretty significant economic impact. But it will stop what the willfully ignorant wall builders want to stop. Boom ! DONE !!!


I ain't scared ... lets do it :armscrossed:

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