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I loved George Carlin. There was a man that had clear vision, and wasn't afraid to speak out. He could put things in simple terms, that everyone could understand. It was a very sad day when he died. I still miss him. :)


Technically, we aren't a democracy at all, we are a republic...... We elect folks to represent our views on the national scene. It's truly unfortunate that it doesn't actually work that way.


Yeah, I have been really poisoned on the whole american political scene. For the last several decades, the 'choices' we were offered were bad, and worse..... Congress is a prime example. They haven't had an approval rating over 30% in decades, yet we still keep putting the same idiots back in office..... Really doesn't say much for the collective intelligence of the american people......


Oh well. The next four years should be really interesting.... (in the chinese curse kind of interesting.....) Should be fun. :D

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You cannot separate the man from his politics. People aren't voting for the man, they are voting for his politics.


I've been following this thread on and off for some time now, and of all the people that have contributed to this conversation, I've found your arguments to be very balanced and closer to the truth than the other debaters (not to kiss ass; just an honest observation). I agree with your sentiment that politicians can't be trusted and as was the case with the 2016 election, we were dealt a bad hand in this one as well. Many people these days seem to operate under the illusion that the people elect their representatives. They're wrong. Money decides the elections. People forget (perhaps conveniently) that there are lobbyists and special interest groups that have bought out our government and have pull with each of the candidates. Political favors are very much alive in our "Democracy", which if you ask me (and no one did), hasn't been a Democracy in well over a century; if it even ever was one!


Out of curiosity, I want to know if you've ever watched George Carlin or if you agree with any of his sentiments? I've found his observations on our society and political system to be

very astute, if not somewhat offensive at times, lol. Anyway, and correct me if I'm mistaken, I've found your views to be much more in line with his, at least as it concerns thinking for yourself, not choosing sides, and cultivating a healthy sense of skepticism towards the bull. we've been led to believe.


Anyway, the Founding Fathers saw this sh*t coming. Forget Nostradamus. These guys predicted these very outcomes almost two centuries in advance. It's funny. Or perhaps, if anything, a strong demonstration of the kind of foresight these men had. I believe it was Madison Monroe, John Adams, and even George Washington at one point that warned the nation that it would come to this as a consequence of the two-party political system. Less than a hundred years after their predictions, we had a Civil War, and over a century later, it seems we're staring down the barrel of another one. People just don't follow the issues anymore. There's no "United" States. It's never been. It never will be. People vote for parties without even knowing who they're voting for. They vote Red. They vote Blue. They don't vote with a brain because we are a myopic species: we don't see past our issues and smarter men and women profit from that. It's a sad situation.


Anyway, just ranting at this point. I like this kind of stuff (if you couldn't tell :laugh:).




I loved George Carlin. There was a man that had clear vision, and wasn't afraid to speak out. He could put things in simple terms, that everyone could understand. It was a very sad day when he died. I still miss him. :smile:


Technically, we aren't a democracy at all, we are a republic...... We elect folks to represent our views on the national scene. It's truly unfortunate that it doesn't actually work that way.


Yeah, I have been really poisoned on the whole american political scene. For the last several decades, the 'choices' we were offered were bad, and worse..... Congress is a prime example. They haven't had an approval rating over 30% in decades, yet we still keep putting the same idiots back in office..... Really doesn't say much for the collective intelligence of the american people......


Oh well. The next four years should be really interesting.... (in the chinese curse kind of interesting.....) Should be fun. :D


Everything that George Carlin brought to the attention of the audiences, he entertained, was forward.


HeyYou I watched his online skits, his SNL shows, and listened up to his last day to what he said. Now that I am older I heard a different buzz in his meanings then I heard before. Now that I'm more aware.


Just how he and Joan Rivers used their comedic acts seemed sensible to their listeners when their generation was in the limelight talking to our generation. Joan Rivers was interviewed just before she died. Mr. Carlin made one more blast of his talented comedic contempt of the way of life before he died too.


Joan Rivers died almost immediately after her last interview, and just like George Carlin, before he died he talked about the things in his last show put up front. How we're afraid of disease was the thing and he laughed at the audienced, and bragged that as a child he and his friends swam in rivers filthy water. He made it clear how weak and stupid people are. Then he died; shortly after, just like Joan Rivers.


People laughed just the same. Didn't matter for them, it's already way too late to do anything about it. The life in the cities in parts of the old sections that are slums now, people still live, and their homes are bad a places to live in than China's.


Even in George Carlin's TV season 1 Episode 1 he continued to live the way that life was in his reality. Next week was George sees an airplane. Here's a link to all his TV episodes. And last he did! >>> It's Bad for Ya!


He's probably having drinks and dinner with John Belushi, George Washington, Madison, Monroe, John Adams, Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus), and all the SNL: Saturday Night Live Gang that died before him because they served a hot temper fanning the flames of contempt and burned out when the audiences laughed!


Yeah! Everyone here debating was really doing a bang up job of making it clear how we can't do nothing but blubber in the puddle while we sit on the curb; after the rain rinsed all the stench, poisoned factory air, smelters chimney's gushing forth arsenic, lead, and other waste filling the posts with our minds intellectual s*** from the city air we breath and the sky dumps on us. I enjoy a good laugh don't you???


The woman that interviewed Joan Rivers said something to her that threw her into a fit and she walked off the TV set. Did you see those two swinging their last fists throws on of life?

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I myself am quite the pessimist and cynic, but even I cringe at calling people outright idiots. I think people sometimes jump the gun on this one. I try (emphasis on "try") not to judge people that are most likely uneducated and being ignorant is not the same as being stupid, though the two certainly do go hand-in-hand. By definition, we are all ignorant because we can't be all knowing. One could argue that all that intelligence is lies in the measurement of how ignorant that individual happens to be. Stupidity is the opposite: you know you shouldn't do something, you are aware of it to a certain degree, yet you abandon reason and logic and act against your better judgement.


My point here, beyond arguing mere semantics, is that people believe what they've been led to. Our piss-poor educational system where they brainwash our youth is part of the problem. But the issue here isn't that people lack the intellectual capacity to grasp what's really going on, indeed they can if only they took the time to question their circumstances, but they won't, because they've been told to swallow any amount of lies that they immediately default to so that they don't have to think about the reality of their situation.


Carlin was a little rough in his delivery (at times disturbing) but I want to believe that was just for the shock factor. I think he genuinely cared for humanity, in his own jaded way, and in my developing years, as I began to shift my priorities, it was refreshing to see someone lay it down so bare and raw without giving a damn. And the thing is, everyone thinks that they're right. Everyone believes they see things for how they truly are. But do we really? I can just hear Carlin now: "bullsh*t!" People like him understood what a trickster life can really be, how ridiculous and nonsensical it all can get.


Maybe that's why everything is so screwed up. Maybe it's because the joke is on us. Who really has the answers? Who really knows anymore?

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All the teachers did was show us valuable rocks. Then someone told us what rocks the smelter people would pay us for. We had to provide our own shovels, pick axes, and if we really got good at digging our own mines we could by dynamite and blasting caps.




How about just never desiring anything more than enough money to get what we needed? And that was that!


Just watching the episode "George sees an Airplane" should give you an idea of how people, real people, can be. What's there to get all excited about? Have you been to and put through rehab to ring out and dry you out after all the water and suds you got from being brainwashed was done washing you?

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i know i'm a minority in this debate. to put your answers in red or any other color or celebrating each other for your posts does not change real life in any way. it just shows that living in bubble - even a big one like trump - doesn't change reality and the legitimisation of your democracy and the 2020 votes and election.

also dems made mistakes for sure but tying to tell me like only reps are worth to vote in 2020 election is such a nonsense and fake argument taking into account how trump acted as a president.

the majority of u.s. americans reflect the opposite of what you post here and sure you can ignore or just not refer to what i post and ask.

to ignore the divisive, ignorant, discrediting and dangerous actions of the trump administration and his fake media seems your passion - ok i accept that and your parallel universe you live in. you people are lost in my opinion ignoring essential facts or turning them in the direction you like.

nobody can heal your problem if you consume only trump controlled unbalanced media. i also don't know what you guys consume or smoke the whole day to argue in such an unbalanced manner in favor of rep. i hope you open for reality as the majority of u.s. people already did. so celebrate your fake (or alternative facts) reality with each other but at least accept the unquestionable facts like the existing democracy and the realty that dems won the 2020 election with the majority of voters and states and try to be more constructive even if reps lost this time. dems accepted the much closer race in 2016 with russian influence.


what let you believe that it is a good idea to discredit 2020 elections or to support people (including many rep politicians!) who do this without any serious evidence for election fraud?

what hinders trump to support the elected new president biden in the handover process like obama did with trump in 2016 ?

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I used red because it stands for the color in the U. S. of A. flag meaning our Blood. We are all red blooded members of the U. S. of A. working people. Democracy is the standard of the Working Class. White is the color in our U. S. of A. flag that refers to our bones, scattered on the fields of battle for all who died for our cause.


I do not celebrate as you say. I am back to mending the fences that were broken down by people rushing from their lands where they have no security to the U. S. A. where they have the same dream we all have. To find the land of opportunity and start a new home.


The election standing as it is; is over.


It is time for us all to return to our needs, our daily routines, and get the basic jobs done. We learn nothing new! We still grow crops, raise herds of food, TURKEY TIME USA. Happy ThanksGiving.


We live with what we are able to reason with, no further can we stretch our bodies. Our minds see what we need and we do what it takes to get it so we will be able to exist with any new rules that are set for us to abide by.


As the new members we have voted for are getting settled in we go back to work. I for one, have stopped celebrating in the fashion which you seem to think is a jest, jokers play on unsuspecting babes too innocent yet to see that task that one day they will have to perform to get what they can from it to learn to set at the table and share.

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To be clear, I don't support the Trump Administration. I share the sentiment that he is one of the most divisive presidents in our history and I don't agree with the argument that he's good for America simply because he helped the economy along. The economy doesn't mean crap if the country, rallied around two political parties, have drawn a line in the sand. Economics doesn't mean much once it all collapses under the strain of civil war. After all, the last one nearly ended the nation. That conflict was so traumatic, that it singlehandedly destroyed the Third-Party political system, so deeply dividing our country that we still feel the effects of it to this day. However big the cracks were before the 2016 election, Trump has widened them past the point of no return. The damage he caused is irreversible. Was it worth it? I sure as hell hope it was.


Again, we are a myopic species. We aren't very good at looking forward. We only see our mistakes for what they are once we've committed them (obviously). But as terrible as that man is, I don't think the Democrats have it right either. There is a lot of tribalism in our political system. Americans today can't even discuss differences in opinions without acting like savages. Many of us don't understand who the real enemy is. We scream at each other because that is precisely what they want us to do. There is exactly what the Founding Fathers feared would become of us. They knew this situation might one day become a reality and they hoped to whatever God they believed in that it wouldn't.


We don't need Democrats and Republicans. What we need is dialogue. Common ground. We need to learn to coexist if we are going to save our country. Is that magical thinking? Perhaps. You will find that I am not an idealist. And it is likely that it will end the same way that it all began.

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