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The News didn't say Biden was president. The News was he interfered with the $2,000.00 stimulus check so it did not get sent somehow. Probably with his cronies help that aided him that are still holding a seat and in other offices.

The News.

I'm not aware of this organization.

Please provide any evidence that Biden interfered with the $2000 stimulus.



Don't you have Microsoft Windows 10 with the browser Edge that fills the page with a floating banner of their News about U. S. of A. each day? Where's your browser focused?

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that is what trump says: make america great again


his proven result of this after four years: he and his followers made his personal america comprehensively rediculous and pathetic, presenting it like a banana republic but not like a worthy democracy.

and it seems he doesn't stop his democracy undermining soap opera until his last day just to feed his ego - still with an unexplainable number of dumb, unteachable or power hungry supporters. trump miserably fails day by day and he acts in a dangerous manner !


this ist the inconceivably sad truth of the last four years monitoring this presidency. a true challenge for any successor...

trump is not an american problem. trump is trump and as a leader he would be a severe problem in every country. but the still unexplainable high number of dumb, unteachable or power hungry supporters of such a man as a leader is what makes me feel sad and shocked.

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that is what trump says: make america great again


his proven result of this after four years: he and his followers made his personal america comprehensively rediculous and pathetic, presenting it like a banana republic but not like a worthy democracy.

and it seems he doesn't stop his democracy undermining soap opera until his last day just to feed his ego - still with an unexplainable number of dumb, unteachable or power hungry supporters. trump miserably fails day by day and he acts in a dangerous manner !


this ist the inconceivably sad truth of the last four years monitoring this presidency. a true challenge for any successor...

trump is not an american problem. trump is trump and as a leader he would be a severe problem in every country. but the still unexplainable high number of dumb, unteachable or power hungry supporters of such a man as a leader is what makes me feel sad and shocked.

We aren't a democracy, we are a republic.


Trump did OK, for the most part, right up until it was pointed out to him that he did NOT win the election. Then, he just lost it. The last few weeks have shown that he really isn't a 'good' candidate for president. Not any more. Folks are still supporting him because he is still president, and quite likely, some of those folks in DC are still hoping to get something from him for their support. What that would be, I have no idea. He is a Lame Duck at this point, and it seems the most he can hope to accomplish is executing some folks on the federal death row.


For the most part, he is done. He isn't going to be able to retain power after the 20th....... and as it begins to appear that the dems won the run-off elections in Georgia, the dems will have the presidency, and a majority in both houses of congress. Promises to be an interesting next four years. I am not looking forward to it. You think Trump did some damage? Biden has the potential to do a great deal more.

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you seem not to be aware that USA is a democracy and also a republic. that is surprising.


the last four years it was drifting straight away from a democracy... trump never did ok. but at least his agenda sounded partly worthy in the beginning. the first thing i remember was trumps stupid inauguration fairy tail or lie. but it was no faux pas it was just the beginning of the endless spread of lies, alternative facts and his self praising twaddle. so you sound quite surprised related to what's happened the last few weeks. for me it is just the logical result of what a limited character like trump is able to produce. sad but foreseeable.

since the fox news chris wallace live interview every u.s american could have known how limited trumps abilities are and that he suffers from permanent pathetic self-overestimation. i do not envy him his useless talents.

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that is what trump says: make america great again


his proven result of this after four years: he and his followers made his personal america comprehensively rediculous and pathetic, presenting it like a banana republic but not like a worthy democracy.

and it seems he doesn't stop his democracy undermining soap opera until his last day just to feed his ego - still with an unexplainable number of dumb, unteachable or power hungry supporters. trump miserably fails day by day and he acts in a dangerous manner !


this ist the inconceivably sad truth of the last four years monitoring this presidency. a true challenge for any successor...

trump is not an american problem. trump is trump and as a leader he would be a severe problem in every country. but the still unexplainable high number of dumb, unteachable or power hungry supporters of such a man as a leader is what makes me feel sad and shocked.


that is what trump says: make america great again


his proven result of this after four years: he and his followers made his personal america comprehensively rediculous and pathetic, presenting it like a banana republic but not like a worthy democracy.

and it seems he doesn't stop his democracy undermining soap opera until his last day just to feed his ego - still with an unexplainable number of dumb, unteachable or power hungry supporters. trump miserably fails day by day and he acts in a dangerous manner !


this ist the inconceivably sad truth of the last four years monitoring this presidency. a true challenge for any successor...

trump is not an american problem. trump is trump and as a leader he would be a severe problem in every country. but the still unexplainable high number of dumb, unteachable or power hungry supporters of such a man as a leader is what makes me feel sad and shocked.

We aren't a democracy, we are a republic.


Trump did OK, for the most part, right up until it was pointed out to him that he did NOT win the election. Then, he just lost it. The last few weeks have shown that he really isn't a 'good' candidate for president. Not any more. Folks are still supporting him because he is still president, and quite likely, some of those folks in DC are still hoping to get something from him for their support. What that would be, I have no idea. He is a Lame Duck at this point, and it seems the most he can hope to accomplish is executing some folks on the federal death row.


For the most part, he is done. He isn't going to be able to retain power after the 20th....... and as it begins to appear that the dems won the run-off elections in Georgia, the dems will have the presidency, and a majority in both houses of congress. Promises to be an interesting next four years. I am not looking forward to it. You think Trump did some damage? Biden has the potential to do a great deal more.



All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't get the humpty dumpties of the thirteen colonies back together again.


As we near the end of President Donald Trump days as president. (sic) Maybe? If there isn't another wild card in the deck. Look upon that smile he shares. A Cheshsire Cat would recognize it anywhere if the Cheshire Cat had a mirror. What will the final saga share?


President Trump holds his head up, and leans toward the dread. He watches as the players struggle each day as they struggle with all their might. What is, is, and what will be when the end is in our sight, will be.


The Last Poser Wins. Only 13 more days to go for the tirade of crying over spilt politics. Trump made his mark!


All this began because of 13 colonies? I guess so?

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trump supports currently destroying the the capitol instead of defending it. what next ? support of the destruction of white house or collective peeing of the protesters over there ? trump makes america great again...

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Hmm, not really interested in any of this, but the news today was really shocking.


Washington Congress Shootings live on footage broadcasted on international news reports. Governor requested help from National Guard, White House said "no". Reporters as well as politicians over here are speechless.

And to think I have relatives over there. That's not the U.S. of A. I remember.

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Washington ? you probably mean trump and his naive and overpaid press secretary including some of his naive supporters who still not check whats going on...

they are all naive but fully responsible with their way how to communicate and to mislead u.s. people

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