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<tin foil hat on> Were I you, I'd be preparing for a Guerrilla war, or WW II French Resistance type of action, because they've infiltrated every institution, including the military (watch the recent "speech" to Congress from one of the Joint Chiefs) And they've also successfully sowed anarchy and dissent among the populace, they are in the process of demoralising and pacifying the police (the guys and gals who used to 'serve and protect' their local community, and are now quitting or retiring on droves, because they are so disgusted by Democrat leadership and policies), and they've set up "The Capital" as an armed military fortress. Once they get your guns, they'll immediately roll out their "new and improved" armed forces, ostensibly "for your protection".


<tin foil hat off>


Seriously though, Trump tried to warn people, and tried to shut down things like CRT and prevent them from infecting the government, but he was vilified by people like xrayy, who are indoctrinated and blinded by the Ministry of Truth. The news coming out of America is worrying, I just hope you guys on the ground are keeping it real, and not walking slowly and blindly over that cliff.

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<tin foil hat on> Were I you, I'd be preparing for a Guerrilla war, or WW II French Resistance type of action, because they've infiltrated every institution, including the military (watch the recent "speech" to Congress from one of the Joint Chiefs) And they've also successfully sowed anarchy and dissent among the populace, they are in the process of demoralising and pacifying the police (the guys and gals who used to 'serve and protect' their local community, and are now quitting or retiring on droves, because they are so disgusted by Democrat leadership and policies), and they've set up "The Capital" as an armed military fortress. Once they get your guns, they'll immediately roll out their "new and improved" armed forces, ostensibly "for your protection".


<tin foil hat off>


Seriously though, Trump tried to warn people, and tried to shut down things like CRT and prevent them from infecting the government, but he was vilified by people like xrayy, who are indoctrinated and blinded by the Ministry of Truth. The news coming out of America is worrying, I just hope you guys on the ground are keeping it real, and not walking slowly and blindly over that cliff.

Given what I have been seeing lately, I suspect it is more to the tune of "Running right up to the edge and taking a flying leap."...... :D


And now, Biden is saying he won't sign the infrastructure bill that passed both house, unless he ALSO gets his 'other' infrastructure bill.... (with a whole buncha social programs that the repubbies simply won't accept, as it is mostly stuff they negotiated OUT of the infrastructure bill.)


Our country is broken, and it is only getting worse.

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Trump doesn't really care about anything other them himself. It's pretty obvious he has no actual real interests in serving as a public official other then being in a position of absolute authority. As an example Trump has been floated the idea of running for congress and would most likely win if he did. So why wouldn't he run for congress? Other serious Politian's who have potentially run for President have gladly took the mantel of serving other public offices showing they have a real desire to do what they can to serve the country. An obvious reason why Trump won't is because he could care less of being a congressman. Trump won't run for congress because he most likely thinks it's beneath him besides the point he probably wouldn't be able to actually handle that type of job, which should speak volumes about how he views being a public servant in the 1st place.


The sole purpose of his current political style tours around the country is to basically petty trash talk other republicans in office who he felt crossed him and to complain about the election results continuing a false narrative about the election being stolen as well as other conspiracy theories and this would be besides trashing on Democrats. Trump is obviously struggling to stay politically relevant if the only thing he wants to do is to hold rallies and petty other people while complain about the election results. Since the January 6th riot at the capital the percentage of republican voters who felt Trump actually won the election has fallen to only about 30% from a number that was originally over a majority of voters in the same camp. Another reason why Trump wants stay publicly relevant is because he is potentially going to be facing a lot of lawsuits over the next few years and this is the only way he really can.
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Trump doesn't really care about anything other them himself. It's pretty obvious he has no actual real interests in serving as a public official other then being in a position of absolute authority. As an example Trump has been floated the idea of running for congress and would most likely win if he did. So why wouldn't he run for congress? Other serious Politian's who have potentially run for President have gladly took the mantel of serving other public offices showing they have a real desire to do what they can to serve the country. An obvious reason why Trump won't is because he could care less of being a congressman. Trump won't run for congress because he most likely thinks it's beneath him besides the point he probably wouldn't be able to actually handle that type of job, which should speak volumes about how he views being a public servant in the 1st place.


The sole purpose of his current political style tours around the country is to basically petty trash talk other republicans in office who he felt crossed him and to complain about the election results continuing a false narrative about the election being stolen as well as other conspiracy theories and this would be besides trashing on Democrats. Trump is obviously struggling to stay politically relevant if the only thing he wants to do is to hold rallies and petty other people while complain about the election results. Since the January 6th riot at the capital the percentage of republican voters who felt Trump actually won the election has fallen to only about 30% from a number that was originally over a majority of voters in the same camp. Another reason why Trump wants stay publicly relevant is because he is potentially going to be facing a lot of lawsuits over the next few years and this is the only way he really can.


People are beginning to figure out that Trump is, at this point, just a bag of hot air. However, there is still money to be made from it, so, some are sticking with him. I am hoping that he fades from relevance as we approach mid-term elections. He really isn't doing the republican party and good at this point.

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True, but you know that politicians and especially Presidents aren't elected for their policies, because if that were the case, the Democrats would never win EVER again. People vote on personalities and on election promis ... lies.


We have a similar politician to Trump in Australia called Pauline Hanson. She's loud mouthed, self centred, not particularly well spoken, not particularly intellectual, and says some really dumb things. But, she's a figurehead. And "some" of the things she says do appeal and resonate with members of the public (and no not all of them are bad either).


Who do the Republicans have that can rally people like Trump did? Cruz? He's too oily, and doesn't come across as particularity trustworthy, and can be quite polarizing. DeSantis? He's a possibility, but is he "charismatic" enough?

Jenner? That one would stir the porridge a bit :devil:

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True, but you know that politicians and especially Presidents aren't elected for their policies, because if that were the case, the Democrats would never win EVER again. People vote on personalities and on election promis ... lies.


We have a similar politician to Trump in Australia called Pauline Hanson. She's loud mouthed, self centred, not particularly well spoken, not particularly intellectual, and says some really dumb things. But, she's a figurehead. And "some" of the things she says do appeal and resonate with members of the public (and no not all of them are bad either).


Who do the Republicans have that can rally people like Trump did? Cruz? He's too oily, and doesn't come across as particularity trustworthy, and can be quite polarizing. DeSantis? He's a possibility, but is he "charismatic" enough?

Jenner? That one would stir the porridge a bit :devil:

Caitlyn? (Bruce.....) I would think that individual would be running on the demcratic ticket. :D

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"They" are currently running for Governor in California I believe? On a Republican ticket IIRC. And yeah, you would think that, given their, erm, gender proclivity that "they" would side with the Democrats, but apparently even Trans people think that the Dems have not only gone too far, but have done SFA for dozens of years, so "they" are platforming on "reform" I believe.

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People are beginning to figure out that Trump is, at this point, just a bag of hot air. However, there is still money to be made from it, so, some are sticking with him. I am hoping that he fades from relevance as we approach mid-term elections. He really isn't doing the republican party and good at this point.


i would be happy if this is true but the truth is what happens in ohio. i'm losing more and more my trust in the true american republican society. republicans destroy their party to hide behind trump. if anyone still believe trumps election fraud claim it is an oath of disclosure. and there are simply too many americans who still believe that trump fairy tale even if they could know better in the meantime.

this kind of blind personality cult reminds me of germanies darkest hours in 1933. isn't the sign of the 6th of january sufficient ? what do americans need to open their eyes regarding trump ? colouwheels explanation says it all. have a nice sunday.

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People are beginning to figure out that Trump is, at this point, just a bag of hot air. However, there is still money to be made from it, so, some are sticking with him. I am hoping that he fades from relevance as we approach mid-term elections. He really isn't doing the republican party and good at this point.


i would be happy if this is true but the truth is what happens in ohio. i'm losing more and more my trust in the true american republican society. republicans destroy their party to hide behind trump. if anyone still believe trumps election fraud claim it is an oath of disclosure. and there are simply too many americans who still believe that trump fairy tail even if they could know better in the meantime.

this kind of blind personality cult reminds me of germanies darkest hours in 1933. isn't the sign of the 6th of january sufficient ? what do americans need to open their eyes regarding trump ? colouwheels explanation says it all. have a nice sunday.


There are still folks that believe the world is flat, aliens abduct people, and various other far-fetched notions. Granted, mid-terms are coming up pretty quick..... but, we still have a few more years before the presidential elections come by again. If Trump runs again, on the republican ticket....... That's gonna be a problem. So far as I know, a Third-Party candidate has NEVER won the election...... so, voting for one is pretty much a waste. And yeah, I suspect that if he does run, a fair few republicans will vote for him..... even knowing his past history.... But again, they aren't voting for the man, they are voting for his policies. Unfortunately, we can't separate the man, from the policies. If Trump is who the republican party decides to run...... well.... we'll see what happens with that.

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Here is the thing, Publicly Trump won't be completely going away for any foreseeable future. He is a complete narcissist and a person like Trump needs the attention. Regardless of what anyone thinks, Trump is far from being a humble man. Just his petty nature of needing to strike revenge on anyone he can think of who he felt was ever a fraction of a bit disloyal to him should say it all.


For the next few election cycles, if it means you have to be a Trump loyalist to be considered a Republican then the Republican Party is doomed to fail on a national stage for quite some time. There just are not enough people who will follow Trump blindly, even if they make up over a majority of all Republicans in America. In order for this to change, the Republican Party has to stop being blindly loyal to just one person and make room for those who feel differently about Trump. If the party starts to excommunicate anyone who isn't for Trump then the Republican Party should just throw in the towel on every national stage. Currently if this is the new doctrine for the Republican party going forward, they are better off looking into strategies on how to better shrink the Party.


edit: The sad irony about the modern Republican Party is it will probably be the year 2024 and people at Trump rallies will still be chanting "Lock her up!" as if Trump was still running against Hillary Clinton.

Edited by colourwheel
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