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Mods will be allowed on Fallout 76


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I'm honestly slightly stunned about F76.


...there's a huge chance, that the game will be just boring for its usual audience.



It seems to me that Bethesda is moving on from its traditional audience, and catering to newer generations of gamers instead. So, yeah. I think there is at least some chance that FO76 will be a total flop.

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this is a quote from Prinyo over at lovers lab. funny because its kinda true.

Credit where credit is due - V76 is a result of BGS actually listening to our feedback and fixing the problems in FO4 we were complaining about.

Some examples:

1. Why do you sell mictotransactions in a SP game - fixed - the game is now MP

2. The dialogue options are bad - fixed - no more dialogue options

3. The settler's AI is a bit flaky - fixed - no more settlers

4. The factions are not fully fleshed out - fixed - no more factions

5. Preston is annoying - fixed - no more NPCs

6. The story is not so good - fixed - "make your own story"

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Looking at my games library, Bethesda and its entity companies are disproportionately represented by titles and play time.

I hope the modding tools release soon after launch. I hope its a worthy addition to the collection. But I might buy Doom eternal first.

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Game Devs want to make as much money as they can with as little effort and money invested into making the games as possible.
That's why they're all going for the "online Service, Co-Op Games"

EA has been whining about how expensive Single Player games are, and that they only make them money on every purchase, but that the game ends and the players move on, when they can make an online Game with just enough content to get people playing, while milking them for loot boxes, and different color costumes while sitting back and raking in extra cash above and beyond the sale of the actual game.

This is why EA is trying to spread the idea that people are tired of Single Player games (I'm not), and want more online stuff.

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Some examples:

1. Why do you sell mictotransactions in a SP game - fixed - the game is now MP

2. The dialogue options are bad - fixed - no more dialogue options

3. The settler's AI is a bit flaky - fixed - no more settlers

4. The factions are not fully fleshed out - fixed - no more factions

5. Preston is annoying - fixed - no more NPCs

6. The story is not so good - fixed - "make your own story"



That basically mirrors my thoughts. They took every complaint and decided just flip the game board and walk away.. Or more like flip the game board then mug the other player with micro dlc.

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Damn it, what is wrong with Nexus? I wrote something, posted, and ... my comment is gone, and nothing is posted.

Anyway, I was going to say: Mass Effect 4 had the same experience, although less dramatic. ME4 came out as another ME flagship game. We played, enjoyed, loved, and heard the announcement there wouldn't be any DLC. Instead, we got online feature with co-op and PVP. Literately exactly like Star Wars Battlefront 2. We play just for the heck of shooting people. No story, no quest, no meaning, no advancement. And the glaring store selling a lot of $$$ items.

Fallout 76 is exactly the same when I first heard of it. No doubt Bethesda is sucked into this band wagon. From business stand point, I think I may understand and even do the same. The marketing team will present their charts and urge the company to jump on to the trend of co-op pvp online games as this should be the money maker. Like League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, Battlefront 2, Titan Fall 2, Fortnite, etc... Titan Fall 2 is amazing. I love the single player campaign. But I was not willing to be a part of the wonton online action that is a time waster.

Bottom line, like Fallout Shelter, FO76 is a spin-off where the company feels the pressure from its stakeholders to at least experiment with different markets. There is a huge market for wonton PVP like League or Legend, there is a huge market for freemium mobile platform. And Bethesda holds the license for the franchise. So instead of making a game like Overwatch from scratch, Bethesda already has the entire Fallout universe to work with, along with million of existing fans. It seems to be like a no brainer.

I guess the ONLY biggest concern from us here is: Will Bethesda put off FO series development to appease $$$? Will they be distracted? To me, I don't mind if they have a 100 FO themed card games, MMO, Online PVP, etc... as long as FO5 is coming, on schedule, with MOD support. I am a happy camper.

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"We play just for the heck of shooting people. No story, no quest, no meaning, no advancement."

Yep, that about sums it up, but we can buy all the CC mods we want.

About the CC store... for the kind FO76 is going to be... all we get are likely weapons, armors, strictly censored by Bethesda for balance (you can't simply buy a pistol that has 10x the damage of a nuke), some settlement building aesthetics (for look) and perhaps some defensive power (like turrets). 3rd party developers may or may not be allowed in. CC store may be full of underwhelmed content made by overpaid entitled desk jockeys. Nothing against the professional, but comparing to the modding community, everyone who gets paid 80k a year to create content for Bethesda looks like overpaid entitled desk jockey. And so far their in-house content are pretty underwhelming.


Let's just say we all have weapons/armors from Nexus to FO76 (checked for balance), CBBE and other aesthetic mods are client side (can be seen only by the player), we are still missing a large part of the content provided by the modding community. Did I just mention Sim Settlement somewhere? Or the VATS replacement, Bullet Time? Player made building materials? It is going to be an underwhelmed FO game, attracting the most internet lowlife people to FO franchise. Oh yeah, let's not forget the lowlife scums of the internet that plagues FPS online games.


Oh and the hackers. It would take only 1 to ruin your experience. And last time I checked, Bethesda is a newbie when it comes to these kinds of games.

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