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Diablo 3; first impressions and experiences.


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D3 so far strikes me as a rather bipolar game-on the one hand you've got the graphics, the combat, the plot/premise, the acting and the zombies. All of the afforementioned feels absolutely rock-solid and AAA right off the bat. On the other hand you've got the battle.net, the servers(they're getting better but not 100%) and the connectivity issues, which can be an equally immediate deqalbreaker.


The fairest review I can give it right now is 5 out of ten-the game makes a lousy first impression, but if you can actually get it working, it will reward you. More will follow as I get to know it better.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I've played it for an hour and I'm already bored of it. I can't quite remember if the same can be said for when I played Diablo 2 for the first time, but I have fond memories of that game so I will play D3 through to completion and then give a proper verdict.


I can say straight away, however, that I hate how they've changed the levelling system. It would have been really hard to dumb down Diablo 2 any more, but some how Blizzard managed to do it. Bravo Blizzard, Bravo.

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I've played it for an hour and I'm already bored of it. I can't quite remember if the same can be said for when I played Diablo 2 for the first time, but I have fond memories of that game so I will play D3 through to completion and then give a proper verdict.


I can say straight away, however, that I hate how they've changed the levelling system. It would have been really hard to dumb down Diablo 2 any more, but some how Blizzard managed to do it. Bravo Blizzard, Bravo.


Yeah, I'm coming into this via Torchlight as my only isometric gaming experience whatsoever... it's a serious improvement over torchlight and a good game, but not legendary. And I think I wanted legendary. What I really don't like, besides the lousy DRM, and the fact that even Torchlight had a more sophisticated level system, is the "RMAH"


The whole concept of pay-to-win sort of defeats the point of grinding away at bosses for months to make the perfectly geared character-some yob can just pull out his wallet and be better than you in seconds. They still have to level up, but that's easy compared to the gambling involved in gearing up the old fashioned, honourable way. Too casualistic for my tastes.


Torchlight was anything but cruel, nasty or even really that hardcore, but it sure as hell was rewarding, after a week of sundays your character became an omnipotent living hurricane of death-or in my case more a "finger of god" type Crossbow/rogue. It was rewarding because I could remember atleast one story to each bit of gear, every plate and dagger and crossbow was special, and the reason was I'd ripped each bit off the smoking corpse a boss, then ran the gauntlet of the game's random chance based enchant system until it was so enchanted the buff didn't fit in a single tooltip. Similarly in Borderlands, my "perfect vanilla arsenal" character took three playthroughs and more than 120 logged hours to become what it was-perfectly geared. I resent the idea someone can buy that perfection.

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I'll get a somewhat bias review from a buddy of mine in a few days about it. He seems to just want to like it because it's Diablo III. He's played the beta, I've played the beta, and so has my boyfriend. He seems to be the only one that thinks it's cool and he's been playing Diablo II longer than the both of us. He pre-ordered it, so I'm sure he's playing it right now or waiting to play. All I'm gonna hear from him is how awesome it is and we should get it. It's not awesome...


Lack of stat adding, crappy skill tree, very small mobs, 4 players per game, weapon/armor stats dumbed down, using 1234 for skills instead of the F buttons. I could go on, it just doesn't feel like Diablo to me. The atmosphere is there and that's about it. There's also at least totally random items and the maps are still randomly generated (they still seemed too "linear" to me though) I've only played the beta but I highly doubt they changed anything from that.


Thanks Blizzard.

Edited by Illiad86
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I got pretty bored of the game with the closed beta. I did enjoy the graphical style and the stylish zombie deaths were pretty cool but it just didn't feel the same as diablo 2. I think I made it around 3-4 hours into the game and after that I couldn't even be bothered to patch it. The real money AH and constant online requirement killed it for me more than anything else.


Torchlight 2 is looking pretty good though :laugh: .

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I'll get a somewhat bias review from a buddy of mine in a few days about it. He seems to just want to like it because it's Diablo III. He's played the beta, I've played the beta, and so has my boyfriend. He seems to be the only one that thinks it's cool and he's been playing Diablo II longer than the both of us. He pre-ordered it, so I'm sure he's playing it right now or waiting to play. All I'm gonna hear from him is how awesome it is and we should get it. It's not awesome...


Lack of stat adding, crappy skill tree, very small mobs, 4 players per game, weapon/armor stats dumbed down, using 1234 for skills instead of the F buttons. I could go on, it just doesn't feel like Diablo to me. The atmosphere is there and that's about it. There's also at least totally random items and the maps are still randomly generated (they still seemed too "linear" to me though) I've only played the beta but I highly doubt they changed anything from that.


Thanks Blizzard.


Ditto. My buddy has it pre-ordered, simply because it has the Diablo name. I tried to explain to him why I don't like this sort of DRM, but he just wouldn't have any of it.


I played the Beta, and I got bored after my first play through (admittedly, playing it was quite fun).


I think I'll just stick to Titan Quest.

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At least you CAN play it!!!


Would be nice if I could get the flipping thing to run. I got the game free on the back of my WoW annual pass. Last night the launcher would launch but I couldn't get into the game. Fair enough, there's a frenzy said I, I'll try Tuesday evening.


Tonight, the launcher would not even run. In desperation I have uninstalled and am redownloading. Yes, I have even set a special firewall rule for Diablo III, to open the ports, because I know AVG has tantrums with some game clients (I have had to do the same with the WoW MoP Beta and GW2 Beta as well).

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Ya i miss the good old lagging EPIIC diablo runs, sniff and cow levels lol. Memorys...


I just got it like a hour ago, so i have no idea what I'm in for.. :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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I pre ordered it sense 3 month's ago. Peer pressure :teehee:

Friends are like, why don't you get diablo 3, come on its going to be great... LOL not to mention My Brother bought a copy to :woot: So did one of my cousins..

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