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Vortex and SKSE64


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Question i have is when i install skse64 it installs fine and works but the issue im seeing is on the mods tab every mod i install just pushes skse further down the list. shouldnt skse be first on the list if so how do i make it stay there. If not does vortex automatically start it first somehow? I was use to how mod organizer 2 handled it. but I really love vortex and want to stay with it.

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If you copy SKSE into the Skyrim directory, the Data\Script files will be copied as well and they'll never be touched by Vortex. So installing it manually is absolutely fine.


I consider it even preferable over using Vortex to install the SKSE scripts. Because if you ever purge all mods (and the scripts a long with them), you'd end up with a crippled SKSE install, because the loader and skse would still be there.

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Awesome thanks for the heads up from all of you. Very much appreciated. I feel like vortex is starting to become a very well made manager. There are a few things that I'm still very confused about and have not found the answer for.
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Like bashed patches. Does this work correctly in vortex will vortex keep my patch at the bottom of both my mods and plugins folder. Or do I even need wrye bash anymore. Secondly does vortex keep my load order for me I noticedwhen I install any mod it seems to place it some what appropriately however if I hit the install order it shows something much different. Is install order my load order or is the load order what I'm looking at when install order is not ticked.
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Like bashed patches. Does this work correctly in vortex will vortex keep my patch at the bottom of both my mods and plugins folder. Or do I even need wrye bash anymore. Secondly does vortex keep my load order for me I noticedwhen I install any mod it seems to place it some what appropriately however if I hit the install order it shows something much different. Is install order my load order or is the load order what I'm looking at when install order is not ticked.


Yes bashed patches work.

Keep your load order unlocked in WryeBash

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Ok that's good to know but how does vortex handle the bashed patches mod wise and plugin wise or will I have to manually set a rule every time. And do you have any insight on the other part of my question. I really would like to keep using this manager love it sofar but have just had issues I could not figure out like I stated
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