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The next person still has a bunch of mods they started that they need some kind of motivation to get focused so they get back to work on one or another of their WIP that is sitting in the modders' cradle.

Can't buy me love, so maybe I can just rent it for awhile. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hit.  Got a few that have been sitting unfinished or semi-unfinished for years now.

The next person missed seeing me in Forum Games for a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...


The next person fancies themself a bit of a Herbologist.  Maybe they even got a start when they discovered the plants of the video game Elvira : Mistress of the Dark was known for really exist.  That could have led to taking Herbology in college or at least studying more at Hogwarts School for Witches and Wizards.

Making potions in a video game most likely is as close as most video gamers get to involving themself in Herbology though.  

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