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Hit or Miss


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Miss.  I've still never done sudoku.

The next person has a better-than-super-cheap keyboard.

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I have come to prefer donut holes with bits of blueberries in them.

The next person likes food that is fat free. 

That doesn't really have any free fat in it.

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Hit.  Especially assuming you mean cola drinks.  I rarely buy pop anymore, since I switched to tea for my caffeination some years back.

The next person has too many tabs open in their browser. 🙃

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The next person plays their favorite video game so much some times they have to take real life breaks for eating, drinking, and other required RL while playing it for a day or two, or three.

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Hit, though it's a very old computer version (Taipei, part of the Windows Entertainment Pack for Windows 3.x).

The next person plays card games occasionally.

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