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has Jannix Quinn stopped modding??


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So we could have pushed out luck a little too far already and this may be the straw that breaks the camels back.
I don't think any camel is going to get their back broken (especially on a mountain...hehehe) so I do not think it will begin a floodgate of smacking modder's hands for including any kind of NIF and DDS files in mods (they have already patted too many people on the back for doing so). I think this was purely based on it being presented on the official forums that a mod was released with KOTN content (even if severely modified) and does not require KOTN (a relatively simple plugin trickery technique).


Regarding the plugins, they do not like seeing any of the following re-released without requiring dependency on the DLCs (Meshes, Textures or the Plugin...basically anything that came with the download / CDROM)



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This saddens me.. So, would it have technically been ok to release the crusader outfits if it required KOTN?

That's the idea, but in reality, it doesn't make much difference. Either way, the mesh is being distributed. An experienced CS user could simply make a new plugin. An amateur user with TES4Gecko could remove the dependency.


Personally, I disagree with the "official" stance concerning this, but what are you going to do?

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I am sorry to hear about this. You are certainly NOT a thief. I and many others really enjoy and rely on your work in our own modding. So I do hope that you will come back after a rest.

I agree with Giskard on the ESF in general, I avoid as much as possible and only go if I absolutely have too for ORE site purposes. Life has become much more peaceful.


I have known Princess Stomper quite a while now and would not hesitate to describe her as a very fair and honest person. For those that mentioned the possibility of a personal attack, I know that this in absolutely no way was. Anyone who knows her, knows she is honest, upfront and direct, she will not insinuate something snidely. She has no problem telling you what she thinks. My point is.. don't read more into the locking of the thread then there is. She is not calling you a thief, she is following regulations and nothing more.


Now some other moderators there........politely put, can be very frustrating.


On a slightly side note, there are many incredible modders creating incredible resources that receive little accolade for their efforts, this was a recent topic on my own forum. I try and shout about it from my resource site MORE and created a Hall of Modders specifically for those unsung resource creators because I just feel, like Giskard said, we need to give them a little more vocal appreciation.

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I hate to see you leave Jannix. Any chance we can see you modding for another game though? It's a shame you put all this talent to waste. :blush: I understand your reasons though, I'm sorry it went this way. I will enjoy your mods for a long time though, and I bet other will too!



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Giskard, you and I don't agree very often at all, but for once I can do nothing else.


I agree that Jannix was one of those modders who actually brought more important stuff. I have quite a bit of his resources here and I must say they really add to a mod. It's a shame his mods will never see the light again.


I also agree with you that Bet'hs official forums are getting more and more worse by the day. I won't call any names, but recent additions to the moderating team are making it feel even more less free. Furthermore I'm quite tired of these guys enforcing messed up polices. Just the other day I get a message that my avatar was too big when it came to filesize. The reason... oh my if that guy stood in front of me I would have probably given him a good wake-up call. Most incorrect reason ever. But according to him I just had to deal with it, oh I'm fairly certain I will if he manages to pull it off to remove my avatar for that reason again :D


However that's just my personal ranting about Beth's colorfull (as in 16 different forms of Gray...) forums.


Jannix, I so totally understand why you did this. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you will do now. I truly hope though that this was all a misunderstanding, but I'm not talking about a misunderstanding from your side there. Let me be perfectly clear on that.



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Your one of the best freelance modders in our community, no doubt about it. Although 90% of the community will support you until the end, I know that is of little consequence to someone who has lost face in this way. We can all beg you to stay but what it really comes down to is, can you live with the shame of making such a mistake? If the answer is no then our community loses a great asset and if the answer is yes then you have to always look over your shoulder for the next person that will accuse you of repeating that mistake(on BGSF anyway). A tough choice that is certain and one no one else can help you make. In my opinion this incident pales in comparison to all of your contributions and will soon be forgotten but nobody's opinion can change the way you feel and if that feeling takes you away from here then so be it. I think that feeling will fade in time and I also think that you shouldn't feel so ashamed but again, no one can change the way you feel by a few kind words no matter how many people say them. I for one would love you to reconsider and hope that you do. All in all when it's all over, I'll look back at Oblivion modding and the people that made it great, I'll think of people just like you and the great things they did but incidents like this will be forgotten amidst the revelry.


If it is to be then I bid you a fond farewell and thank you for all you've given me in your labor of love and hope that you find this kind of love once more, whether it is here or elsewhere. Good luck and take care JQ, you will be missed by many.

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Your character and talent are not questioned- I believe that the situtation was one where nothing else could have been done - it was the Official Forum, after all, and if there was a perceived permission being given, the whole EULA would be worthless. I am one of the many who throughly enjoyed the origionality and talent that you regularly displayed in your work. I would ask that you think about it a bit, and then chalk it up to one of Life's Unfairnesses. I will not be the only one to miss your talent and skill- :thanks: for all the clever mods, and hopefully for those yet to come.



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Repost from the ESF thread ( which is now locked ):


Yeesh. A shame the issue of content redistribution had to come up like this. This is why I hate copyright problems and I'm sure is why there's very little work being done in the DLCs or SI since it's never been made entirely clear what's acceptable and what's not.


To put it simply, starting with X, using tools to hack it up and make Y, which eventually leads to Z is still a derived work of X under the law. Bethesda must then act accordingly in order to maintain the effectiveness of their license not their copyright. Their copyright is inviolate and would withstand court challenge easily. It's the license that could be jeopardized by not properly enforcing it.


That said, we need to know clearly what's permitted and what's not. Are mods which rebuild JUST a mesh allowed? Mods that rebuild JUST a texture? Mods that use an ESP that requires a parent file such as Knights.esp? In the case of texture replacer packs that also include the meshes, how does one set it so the original game/expansion is still required to make it work? I imagine all of this would be good information and should be stickied once provided. <-- This last part might fit under the "don't discuss moderator actions on the forum" rule that was quoted by summer. So I don't know if she/he saw it since I posted literally seconds before the thread got locked. But it *IS* an important clarification we all need.

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Jannix Quinn, thank you for sharing your work with all of us. Thanks to you, my chars have a warm fur woodsman's hat, bandages, sign posts, and a fancy new backpack to store it all in. Anyway, it is indeed sad news to hear you have stopped, but that is your choice. Good luck to you, JQ.


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My humble opinion is that the moderator in question took the job a little too seriously.

Bethesda has been turning a blind eye on mods using resources from their DLCs for a variety of possible reasons. I'm guessing that didn't change as of late so the fact that a relatively new moderator shut down a thread for reusing DLC resources looks like a case of overzealousness to me. More so because the author was never given a chance to explain that it was more than a simple retexture, the mesh was changed as well.

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