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An independent New Vegas mod.


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DSL line issues? Ah, I feel your pain, I've had the same problems for weeks.


If I can get an idea of who's permission we'll need for the mod, I can work on getting permission, I'd also really have to up the standard of the grammar in "Run The Lucky 38" because I'd hate to have a really well-written modification only for it to be ruined by a co-mods bad grammar, we shouldn't be reliant on too many mods, maybe have "Additional Packs" to enhance the experience of the player.


Also, it was mentioned a few pages back to have a separate world space to the original game, however the amount of conflicts that will happen and all the copying and pasting we'd have to do wouldn't be worth it, plus every modification ever will become incompatible but we'd need a new idea on how the wasteland will change.


The plot is a real game-changer, either it could be a bland plot with unrealistic and out-of-lore settings, or it could be a large plot to the size of New Vegas Bounties or the Rockwell Pursuit, or Project Brazil, for that matter.




These need to be implemented, pre-voiced lines? Wow!


I really think we need proper dialogue with acting, it adds to the immersion, every top-rated mod on the Nexus has voice-acting included.


About the modification thing, I guess you can say releasing modifications isn't my strong point, or, well, releasing and marketing certainly is, but just making mods for everyone, you dig? I usually create modifications for my specific characters...


Anyhow, who's actually on the team? We should have a roster, included with Steam names and email addresses, I mean, we all have Steam if we have F:NV on PC.


I can get add to my plot, I've been thinking of some ideas on my travels in the real world, I've been to the Mojave and Las Vegas before, and when Mr House said, "Restore New Vegas to it's former glory." Believe me, I empathize with him there, that sign needs fixing, the gates need coming down, Freeside needs to be incorporated into the strip, the buildings need repair, the grass needs watering, the thugs need killing, the streets need protecting, the businesses need to be thriving, or not, welcome to fabulous New Vegas, please, drive safely.


Also, I disagree with Yes Man being a antagonist, you didn't spend all that time to be outed by a Securitron. I can try to voice anyone you want me to.

Of course you're not "outed" by him, you're the player after all. :biggrin:

He's merely one threat among many. In the short term probably the most dangerous... I think that his power/threat should upgrade with the securitrons. Hence an interesting irony: MKI securitrons make it a lot harder/bloodier to bully/talk down/crush rebels (maybe an 80 speech check, lower faction rep, karma, etc. to convince belligerents to toe the line, if you have the MK-IIs, but MK-is require a maxed out speech or faction relations etc.) but Yes-Man is considerably stronger (he could probably hack a few securitrons...) if you upgraded.

So threat wise I se it like this:

clean up strip- MK-Is (easier time) v.s. MK IIs (harder) with some crazy skill/speech/karma/faction rep helping a bit. FOr instance being on good terms with the Followers could get better medical care for the survivors (could we do a Fable-III type scenario, where the better prepared/ the better you perform, the more NPCs are walking around town afterwards? So a sucky player could have NV/Freeside be a ghost town...) whereas the Kings could form a Freeside militia of sorts and also keep more of the locals on your side, freeing up resources to focus on the strip factions. If we want a Benny-companion side-quest he could, depending on things, turn on you, propose a co-rulership (King-Queen of Vegas for those inclined), etc. or defuse/take/demand control of the Tops.



Then you have Yes-man trying to turn the army against you or something. Other rebellions could flare up.

Then (or alongside) you have the "ruler" stuff, with outer-factions needing pacification, envoys and assassins showing up, sabotage, etc. etc.

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Also, I disagree with Yes Man being a antagonist, you didn't spend all that time to be outed by a Securitron. I can try to voice anyone you want me to.


Your forgetting the most essential point, Yesman isn't simply any securitron. He/it controls the Securitron army and is about to undergo a recompile to become "more assertive". It's the perfect setup already written by teh vanilla game story. Here are some ideas we came up with a few pages back (they may be rusty, I need to review them) in very general forms (also incomplete).



House didn't die (he just disappeared in my game when I didn't kill him) or was killed in his pod which is an advanced form of autodoc and as such was resuscitated. Victor whisks him off to a place of security and safety. However he has less than a year to live due to bacterial infection. From this place of safety (I'm not sure if we ever figured out if it was in the NV worldspace or a new worldspace containing a vacation home) Victor uses his ability to posses the securitrons to gain entrance to the Lucky38 and overload it's recently activated reactor (as well as covertly infiltrating Yesman's programming as he is undergoing his recompiling or while connected to the mainframe). From here the player must race the clock to several terminals (one located in teh basement) to disable the catastrophic meltdown or exit the lucky 38, with hostile securitrons. As s/he does Yesman informs the player that it's system is being compromised and adds fuel to teh fire.


If s/he runs/exits the lucky38, the meltdown is discontinued and House gains control of Yesman/mainframe, resulting in teh player having to face a NV full of hostile mark II's. S/he must escape NV, locate and hunt down House.


If s/he stays there can be multiple directions for the plot;

1. loose the race against the clock (reactor meltdown), could be endgame (boom) or can be revealed as a ruse, to distract the player while control of Yesman/mainframe is attained. Elevator is disabled to penthouse (possibly suites) and as above hunt down House

2. Disable reactor but unable to prevent house from gaining control of Yesman, which is the same result as above.

3. Disable reactor & prevent Houses completion of control of Yesman (some code rewritten). Houses partial rewrites have resulted in a compromised state & Yesman's AI/ programming is severely corrupted/damaged. This may go the skynet route (or in fallout terms the calculator), where a army of securitrons begin "removing" humans from NV. The player is forced to flee (if evil/neutral karma, most of pop gets massacred) or (if good karma) hold off the bots while as much as the population as possible escapes. The player hunts down Houses location and in a plot twist is able to convince House to help defeat the corrupted Yesman (appeal to his humanity, legacy etc), resulting in House lending aid and Victor becoming your "inside man" & co-patriot during a covert ops to destroy Yesman (remember Victor can jump from Securitron to Securitron, but not into Yesman). This is my favorite, I like the irony of working with House and victor against a ruthless (insane?), incredibly dangerous threat.

4. Disable reactor, prevent Houses recompile of Yesman's code. All is well on NV's end, but it's clear that House has to be found & dealt with.


Part of the key to finding House will be a ghoulified Anthony House, he will be a source of information (or guide) re: Houses pre-war life, leading to his location.


But that being said, if you come up with a better plot line/villain s/he/it will be added or can replace what were working on here. So shoot me some ideas.

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Hence an interesting irony: MKI securitrons make it a lot harder/bloodier to bully/talk down/crush rebels (maybe an 80 speech check, lower faction rep, karma, etc. to convince belligerents to toe the line, if you have the MK-IIs, but MK-is require a maxed out speech or faction relations etc.) but Yes-Man is considerably stronger (he could probably hack a few securitrons...) if you upgraded.Of


Interesting, I would have thought it would be the opposite. MKII's, can pump out some serous carnage (by 235% :biggrin: ), and as such would be a greater threat to back up those speech checks. Or do you mean after the riots and are saying the speech checks reverse (MkI vs MkII) during reconstruction?




but Yes-Man is considerably stronger (he could probably hack a few securitrons...) if you upgraded.Of course you're not "outed" by him, you're the player after all. :biggrin:


I imagined him being in the mainframe, but able to jump to/control different Securitrons (something like Victor, but more powerful, since he's in the nexus of their network), though the securitron wireless network. So he could talk through any securitron in NV (maybe beyond). But I don't see any reason he couldn't have a prototype MkIII body/programming (or upgraded MkII) for outings. Or were you thinking something more potent?



FOr instance being on good terms with the Followers could get better medical care for the survivors (could we do a Fable-III type scenario, where the better prepared/ the better you perform, the more NPCs are walking around town afterwards? So a sucky player could have NV/Freeside be a ghost town...) whereas the Kings could form a Freeside militia of sorts and also keep more of the locals on your side, freeing up resources to focus on the strip factions. If we want a Benny-companion side-quest he could, depending on things, turn on you, propose a co-rulership (King-Queen of Vegas for those inclined), etc. or defuse/take/demand control of the Tops.


Yeah, definitely, some good solid ideas. Kings seem like the natural progression if you'v got good relations with the King. I wonder if any of the casinos could play a similar role? Also like the idea of the Followers, & agree they should be an essential and valuable aid in restoration.

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Hmm, but then where does the power come in? After all the explosions and Robert turning insane or before? Also it'll be pretty good to find Robert and he's managed to look like a pre-war version of himself, I've got an idea but I need to sleep, I'll post tomorrow when I get the chance.

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House didn't die (he just disappeared in my game when I didn't kill him) or was killed in his pod which is an advanced form of autodoc and as such was resuscitated. Victor whisks him off to a place of security and safety. However he has less than a year to live due to bacterial infection.


I like your ideas for Mr House but I am a bit skeptical about him surviving the Courier's assassination attempt even with an advanced auto doc. You could have House being taken away by Victor to a safe location but only if the player chooses to disconnect him from the mainframe but leaves him alive. If the player chooses to kill House I can imagine House surviving as a sentient A.I using the same kind of technology that was used in creating those securitrons with the female faces Jane and Marilyn. I can imagine that after Benny's betrayal House would have a few countermeasures in place for the next time somebody decided to turn against him.


Regarding Yes Man being an antagonist, this something I don't mind just as long as I get the option of turning him back to normal afterwards. When I first played the No Gods, No Masters quest I thought that the code that Yes Man found in House's mainframe to change his personality sounded ominous at first. I thought that the code was something House left in place in event of his death and contained some kind of hidden program to take over Yes Man, assure that his own plans for Vegas are carried out and finally to get revenge on whoever killed him. However the game's designer JE Sawyer has confirmed that all it means is that Yes Man won't rollover for the next person to walk up to him in the Courier's absence.


I also like the idea of having Anthony House as a ghoul. I always found it interesting that the access codes to Robert's inner chamber was found in the tool factory. That could be tied in with his story. Maybe something about Anthony trying to use Benny to get to House would work as well. If they ever managed to succeed I would imagine both trying to double cross each other.

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Hey guys, got an idea for you:


Robert House was a brilliant (but paranoid) inventor who was extremely gifted with designing, building, and programming machines. When he built his cryo-thing-a-ma-jig, he no doubt understood, that even with the aging process slowed down, eventually his body would die, and steps would have to be taken to continue his legacy. This backup process leads to two options, A) Cloning; and B) an A.I. with House's memories.


Now, considering Mr. House and his behavior (programing female companions, domineering personality, perhaps being afraid of his body failing again like when he fell into coma), I think it's safe to assume that he would prefer option B over A. Following off that assumption, let's say that the computer network of the Lucky 38 recorded Mr. Houses' brainwaves and copied them into a mainframe somewhere. Upon Mr. House disconnecting from the L38 network either through death or foul play, the backup A.I. program activates - through this method, you can have a dead or disconnected Mr. House in your playthrough and still have him as a plot element.



About Benny: I don't know about you other guys, but after he tried to kill my character twice - he deserved getting turned into an ash-pile at the Tops. If you follow my outside syndicate idea, then Benny could have invited them in as partners once the coup was over in return for supplies... and now they've come to collect. In this way, you still have a Benny hook, without Benny needing to be there.

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Hey guys, got an idea for you:


Robert House was a brilliant (but paranoid) inventor who was extremely gifted with designing, building, and programming machines. When he built his cryo-thing-a-ma-jig, he no doubt understood, that even with the aging process slowed down, eventually his body would die, and steps would have to be taken to continue his legacy. This backup process leads to two options, A) Cloning; and B) an A.I. with House's memories.


Definitely a viable option. Remember way back when we first started, this is one of the possibilities (like 9 months ago, so easy to forget) we were thinking about? It's starts around page 5 of this thread. I do believe the digital copy has legs, and like you, I believe it's a better solution than cloning. The other one, we were throwing around was the brain in a jar (only his gray matter survived).


Mostly the problem with them (cloning & AI) is why didn't he do that instead of the life support pod....you know in the first place. Since his life support is unique (as far as I can tell) I thought it might be good to keep his story line tied to it. But really we can probably make any of the solutions work with the same plot, whether that's his decrepit body, a clone, a brain bot type setup or a digital/AI House.



About Benny: I don't know about you other guys, but after he tried to kill my character twice - he deserved getting turned into an ash-pile at the Tops. If you follow my outside syndicate idea, then Benny could have invited them in as partners once the coup was over in return for supplies... and now they've come to collect. In this way, you still have a Benny hook, without Benny needing to be there.


Sounds good, could you expand on that, especially in re: to who the syndicate is. Seems like a good plot to develop.


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Hmm, but then where does the power come in? After all the explosions and Robert turning insane or before? Also it'll be pretty good to find Robert and he's managed to look like a pre-war version of himself, I've got an idea but I need to sleep, I'll post tomorrow when I get the chance.


Sorry could you run that one by me again. I'm not quite picking up in re: to "where does the power come in"

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I like your ideas for Mr House but I am a bit skeptical about him surviving the Courier's assassination attempt even with an advanced auto doc. You could have House being taken away by Victor to a safe location but only if the player chooses to disconnect him from the mainframe but leaves him alive. If the player chooses to kill House I can imagine House surviving as a sentient A.I using the same kind of technology that was used in creating those securitrons with the female faces Jane and Marilyn.


Yeah, it's hard to get House back in teh picture, nothing will fit perfectly, but one that might be somewhat more believable is an earlier idea in the thread where house didn't survive completely, only his brain was viable. His withered body was beyond even the advanced auto doc's ability to save due to the couriers coup de grace. This sets up a brain bot type character for House. It makes his "suvival" more realistic, but ignores the fact that if House had brain bot tech (and with a few exceptions like think tanks, and some earlier stuff from pre FO3 games, only general atomic had this know how) woudn't he have used it?


It's not a huge show stopper though, there are reasons we can contrive for why he didn't implement it initially.


Jane & Marilyn are just programmed, not really a digital copy of consciousness.....at least I believe that's the case.



Regarding Yes Man being an antagonist, this something I don't mind just as long as I get the option of turning him back to normal afterwards.


Yeah, I like Yesman too



When I first played the No Gods, No Masters quest I thought that the code that Yes Man found in House's mainframe to change his personality sounded ominous at first. I thought that the code was something House left in place in event of his death and contained some kind of hidden program to take over Yes Man, assure that his own plans for Vegas are carried out and finally to get revenge on whoever killed him. However the game's designer JE Sawyer has confirmed that all it means is that Yes Man won't rollover for the next person to walk up to him in the Courier's absence.


Yeah I don't think Yesman is a malevolent entity, that's why for him to be a villain, his programming has to be severely corrupted/jacked. In the scenario I outlined above that happens if he is partially overwritten by House leaving his code in a very unstable state.



I also like the idea of having Anthony House as a ghoul. I always found it interesting that the access codes to Robert's inner chamber was found in the tool factory. That could be tied in with his story. Maybe something about Anthony trying to use Benny to get to House would work as well. If they ever managed to succeed I would imagine both trying to double cross each other.


Yeah Anthony is a good idea. Darkus first came up with the idea of using him and GreenKnight with the idea of him being ghoulified.

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So does anyone want to work on "themes" for the city, fort, strip, penthouse etc? We can't give the player a choice to change every little detail, but we can give some choices that might reflect a general theme for these locations.


I can't find my old independantNV.esp so I guess I'll start again. I'll probably begin on some small stuff like altering the penthouse to make it npc friendly, clearing out the fort and damn. Then once I get back into the swing of things begin tackling bigger parts of the project.

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