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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Ahh , you got me with a ninja :ninja: ,,, cuz I re read mine and it seemed to ramble.

So I was just clarifying that the first battle arena I set up for demonstration ... be against the bos.

Not that it would be the first one in your story ... just that had the player chose to not ally with them. They would eventually fight them in a battle arena.


I imagine the bos with their tech , would be tough against a robot army.

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But how bout the story Idea of conflict with the legion ... extended beyond the vanilla ?

Yep definitely continued combat/interaction with the legion. Initially offensive maneuvers to clean up remaining legion resistance in the Mojave, it later switches somewhat to limited mostly defensive/reactive actions in the Mojave theater of operations. I don't have intentions of working on a extended campaighn to battle legion in thier home turf. I think mad mongo was (maybe already has) working on a mod to do some legion A** kicking in flagstaff.


Here is an example that is posted earlier in the thread. The legion are surprisingly good at low tech solutions to high tech problems. The securitrons communicate real time data via a wireless network. Shortly after the post game battle and the securitrons become active the Legion will send an elite force to Black Mountain. They will occupy and fortify it. As soon as basic defensive measure are taken they will being converting the black mountain pre war monitoring station to jam the securitons network, essentially blinding/blocking out more than a quarter of the map in the southeast.

The player will have to go in and roust them from their fortified positions. This is a tactical encounter, a chance for the player to get his/her hands dirty, not a strategic encounter handled by the securitrons, although the player can have seciritron forces (and/or companions) along for support and added firepower.





What is the posibility of this mod interacting with the mod that aims to take the battle to the legion territory?

Edited by ElrazielMoon
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But how bout the story Idea of conflict with the legion ... extended beyond the vanilla ?

Yep definitely continued combat/interaction with the legion. Initially offensive maneuvers to clean up remaining legion resistance in the Mojave, it later switches somewhat to limited mostly defensive/reactive actions in the Mojave theater of operations. I don't have intentions of working on a extended campaighn to battle legion in thier home turf. I think mad mongo was (maybe already has) working on a mod to do some legion A** kicking in flagstaff.


Here is an example that is posted earlier in the thread. The legion are surprisingly good at low tech solutions to high tech problems. The securitrons communicate real time data via a wireless network. Shortly after the post game battle and the securitrons become active the Legion will send an elite force to Black Mountain. They will occupy and fortify it. As soon as basic defensive measure are taken they will being converting the black mountain pre war monitoring station to jam the securitons network, essentially blinding/blocking out more than a quarter of the map in the southeast.

The player will have to go in and roust them from their fortified positions. This is a tactical encounter, a chance for the player to get his/her hands dirty, not a strategic encounter handled by the securitrons, although the player can have seciritron forces (and/or companions) along for support and added firepower.





What is the posibility of this mod interacting with the mod that aims to take the battle to the legion territory?



I would say none unless you get madmongo involved.


If that is what you were meaning ... not that we couldn't come up with our own ... but why if mongo is down for incorporation.


The mod definitely has potential to expand off into the ether regions if we take it that far.

But sorry to be stickler ... I am basing my input on the premise stated on page one of the thread. About getting a bare bones vs out there ... then write and release updates to the story.


Which the battle arena works well with that. Since it will take awhile to build each skirmish , specific to the story point it would be meant to play out. And each skirmish just keeps getting bigger with more content for the player to work with.


For starters ... 3 skirmishes ... 1 for each choice, But maybe 1 before that ... hence I suggest against the Legion for that purpose. IDK ?


I want yall to see it in action , then make your choice. For how to add , improve , or even cancel it. Then we move on from there.


Don't forget ... I am not dealing with story decisions ... hence while yall sort that out ... I could be building this first arena. Lotsa navmeshing /// any volunteers for that ?> ;p

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I realized this needs some clarity.

All the regular modus operandi of battle mechanics the game has would still be in play.

And still have large scale versions of that take place. The battle arena would be a side game within the overall game. Started when the player chose to do it. not forced on them at some point. In essence the player could probalby find diplomatic solutions never needing to start the battle arena. Also during the battle arena ... they need not engage anyone to win ... just command troops to run packages that lead to beating the AI team. Although they probably could fight a lot of the battle solo/with followers if they chose to.

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Sorry, I haven't really been following this thread.


As devinpatterson said, I have been working on my own mod. I was a lot further along with it, but this was my first mod where I had made new worldspaces, and over time I learned a few things. The end result was that I got to a point where I realized that I had done a lot of things wrong, and there was no way to fix them, so I scrapped a lot and started over.


Part of the problem is that I started out with too big of an idea. I just wanted to be able to go off of the map in different directions, all the way to Flagstaff on the Arizona side, over to Necropolis and the Hub in the other direction, and up to New Reno on the top side. It might be a good idea to split that up into smaller chunks.


What I currently have working is a mod that drops you out of the main quest after the battle at Hoover Dam and restores the dam to pre-battle conditions (a lot of stuff gets switched on and off as you transition over to the other side of the dam). It taps into the House, NCR, Independent, and Legion quest lines, so it has hooks for all of those possible endings.


My basic idea was to have two quest lines off of that. Mr. House only cares about New Vegas. Once he has secured the dam and no longer feels that the Legion is a threat (or the NCR, since he took the dam), he's done. So the House and Independent quest are basically the same. You get approached by a small army of refugees from Arizona who want you to take the battle all the way to Flagstaff. For the NCR quest it's basically the same thing, except you are given the quest by the NCR. For the Legion option, the game doesn't just end. You have to actually take over New Vegas yourself. None of this has been implemented yet.


The current plan on the Arizona side is for three worldspaces.


One starts basically just on the other side of the dam and follows 93 down through Arizona, stopping between Chloride and Kingman. There's not a lot in this area (look at a real Nevada map and you'll see what I mean - it's a lot of long empty roads). Grasshopper Junction is a Legion supply outpost, otherwise it's just abandoned towns (White Hills, Meadview, and Dolan Springs). There's a junk yard, a quarry, a boat landing, and some other minor locations, but that's it. The main purpose of this area is to remind you that hey, this is Arizona, and there's a lot of nothing in this part of Arizona. So it's a long walk with only one small Legion outpost to take out. This area is done.


The next area covers Kingman down to just below Needles, CA (basically as far south as where I-40 turns westward and crosses the Colorado River). The NCR owns the western side of this worldspace, which has 95 on the western side. There's not much along the western side, just Cal-Nav-Ari, Palm Gardens, and Needles. The Colorado River runs down the middle, with the NCR controlling Laughlin and Bullhead City (so sayeth Fallout lore), and Fort Mohave and Mohave Valley being abandoned towns. The NCR has ranger camps down the western side of the Colorado, and the Legion has matching camps down the eastern side. The eastern side of this worldspace ends along I-40. I am currently re-doing this area.


The third worldspace continues along I-40, going by Seligman, Ash Fork, Williams, and finally into Flagstaff. The main Legion military stronghold is Camp Navajo just outside of Flagstaff. The plan is that the final battle involves taking Camp Navajo. If Caesar was killed during the player's playthrough, then a new leader will have taken over the Legion. If Caesar was not explicitly killed, then he survives the bombardment at Hoover Dam and is taken to Camp Navajo, where his brain tumor gets more severe and he is bedridden (and again, the new leader effectively takes over). Either way, you need to defeat the same new leader of the Legion at Camp Navajo. This gets around the problem of trying to match up voice actors to existing Legion NPCs.


My first attempt at the third area was a miserable failure. The game engine doesn't like big battles with lots of NPCs running around. So this is going to have to be done with smaller areas split up into chunks, with fewer NPCs actually being involved and the rest of the battle being implied rather than actually seen. At this point, almost nothing has been done on this re-do of the third worldspace.


So that's where it's at currently. I've been off doing other things so I haven't made a lot of progress on it lately, but if folks want to integrate into this or work cooperatively I am definitely up for that.

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What about a scenario for if the NCR and BOS teamed up against the player ?

I guess something that comes about if the player makes the wrong diplomatic choices ... eegadds !

Again, I haven't read through all of the comments that led up to this, but I can't imagine the BoS and NCR ever working together. The western BoS is a significantly different group than the eastern BoS. The eastern BoS was able to integrate with locals and become the dominant military force in the area, and are often seen as heroes due to Project Purity and other things that they have done. The western BoS clashed with other groups, and instead of being seen as heroes, they were seen as the enemy.


The western BoS clashed with everyone, including the NCR, and over time their clashes turned into an all-out war. During the NCR-Brotherhood war, the NCR's numerical advantage proved to be greater than the BoS's technological advantage, and while the BoS continued to refuse to trust outsiders and were therefore unable to replenish lost soldiers, the NCR has been continually expanding and bringing fresh troops in to replace their lost soldiers. The end result is that the BoS is fractured into tiny groups. Each of the groups has lost communication with the others, and they are hiding so that the NCR can't find them and finish them off. That's how the group at Hidden Valley ended up there. That's the hiding place they found to get away from the NCR.


The last encounter that the Hidden Valley branch of the BoS had with the NCR was at Helios One, and when Elijah refused to evacuate, the BoS lost about half of their group trying (unsuccessfully) to hold the power plant.


There is no way in hell that the BoS is going to work with the group that killed their friends and loved ones, destroyed their entire organization, and forced them into hiding.


I can see the player pissing off the NCR, and I can see the player pissing of the BoS, but I can't see the NCR and BoS ever teaming up together, even to face a common enemy.

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Ya see what happens when I try to come up with story points ... everything breaks loose at Helios one / all hell breaks loose ;/.


That is awesome you want to get involved. Would luv to do some collaberation :)


I'll leave it there untill devin chimes in.

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Just that the basis of the story is key to the work I would be about to do ... I ask that the STORY concept about it. Be a who/where for the battle , in your big picture story. Instead of an arbitrary bunch of npc's attacking each other just for demonstration.

I'm a little confused about what the battle arena is, maybe you could fill in some of the details for me. Is the battle arena the RTS idea you were discussing earlier? What is the essence or origin of it? Does it spring out of geo-political conflicts in the area or is it a separate thing in and of itself....like a giant mini game? Are there different locations in different military encounters or is this an actual, physical arena of some sort?


I have a suggestion. If it's not directly related to military actions and conflicts in the area, and I'm guessing it's not since you have differentiated (it to some degree)......then maybe you could justify or explain it as a mainframe simulation. I recall House (and in a way Yesman) mentioning simulations/predictions and a VR running in the mainframe could be how this info was gained.

The player inherits the lucky 38 mainframe, and thus could run battle simulations within it. This has an additional advantage in that you could setup simulations or simulated battles without limitations due to existing lore (ie squads of paladins vs deathclaws etc).


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