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I assume that the boston terriers are not actual offspring, that Rex and Roxie found a genetic sample somewhere in the research lab, cloned it to produce real Boston Terriers and upgraded them with cyberdog components.

That of course is conjecture, all the ending really says is that Rex and Roxie created an army of Boston Terrier cyberdogs.

It doesn't go into details of how they did it.

they do have the splicing center, so if they had the tape they could do it, I'v just never considered Rex intelligent enough to pull off something like that. Most likely it's a throwaway line in typical OWB craziness. I'd like to implement it, but I doubt I could make a decent boston terrier.


I always assumed a cyberdog was more intelligent then a normal dog, probably something to do with their computerized data storage banks.

Roxie was able to find a way to get through the Radio Fence that isolates Big Mountain and bring Rex back with her.

And that was far beyond the capabilties of most of the Think Tank (excluding Mobius).

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I did realize there is one idea I had for a DLC expansion.


Here he is:



Since I have very little idea how to use G.E.C.K, it's probably going to take me a long time to get this guy ready.


But I tell you a little about what I am trying to make here.


One of the endings of Dog/God (it's number 2 in the list), I thought, that had potential to be explored.


The basic concept is that the merged entity (as the picture shows, I've named him Gordon) found his way back to the abandoned bunker and is available to become a Companion.



Of course, I have very little idea how to turn God (that is who you are really seeing here) into a fully featured companion.


Add in the other complicated factors, like tying him to a specific ending of Dead Money and I'm most likely out of my depth!




And a seperate question, is there a Steam network established for work on this project?


I use Steam to play Fallout New Vegas, but due to incidents in the past, I don't disclose my internet contact details on forums that can be publicly accessed.

Edited by XTgrndr
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I did realize there is one idea I had for a DLC expansion.

Yeah I like dog/god. The next time he thinks of the courier is upon hearing of the battle of Hoover dam, so it's appropriate for VivaNV.


Of course, I have very little idea how to turn God (that is who you are really seeing here) into a fully featured companion.


Add in the other complicated factors, like tying him to a specific ending of Dead Money and I'm most likely out of my depth!

It's not too bad to put together if you follow the existing examples. Look for a quest that will probably have followers in it's name (both FO3 & NV do) as well as NVDLC01 (that's in there for almost everything that is dead money). That's a dialog quest, it shows topics, the audio clips, result scripts etc. Look for something with slideshow or ending and the NVDLC01 and yuo can tell by the result script what variable was used to play what slide. Look for dogs fate (it will be in the dialog text), that you want and copy the conditions.



And a seperate question, is there a Steam network established for work on this project?


I use Steam to play Fallout New Vegas, but due to incidents in the past, I don't disclose my internet contact details on forums that can be publicly accessed.

At the moment I'm considering three different forums/tools for the mod, one of them is steam groups. I probably won't be doing anything in re: to them until the weekend.

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I think it would be best to remove the bear trap and chain on God/Dog/Gordon's arm since he comments on how painful it is.

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Stop reading my mind!



But seriously, yes, that's the next step.


IF I can solve whatever the heck is blocking the dialogue script, I'll then work on the model.


Hopefully, I won't have to do too much to it, since my modelling skills are limited at best.


But they should be good enough to remove the chain and bear trap, since I imagine I just have to select and delete the meshes.

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I think we're better off keeping him (No-bark), due preceisely to his character, but we can get opinions on how people feel about him.


I think he should die. Mainly because in the event of a Legion attack, I don't see him as the type to run away or evac. I can definitely see him making a last stand against the Legion to but time for Novac residents to evac. Also by logic, I can see Ranger Andy dying as well. Plus, it would drive home that this was a war.

Would you guys be interested in adding a little realism to the mod. I run the trails and put in a fair amount of milage in the Mojave, or in areas close to it, so I come across a lot of the game elements frequently. This is an example the first pic is a overly ripe buffalo gourd and the 2nd is a green (not ripe) one (it's hard to see the scale, but it's very tiny).


they wouldn't heal as much as a ripe one in game (maybe 3/4 as much), but it would make for some variety. There are all kinds of plants and animals that could tweaked including avian life. The raven model is a good base to work with, and it seems like other birds could have survived if Ravens made it (although they are onivores like no one's business, eating meat/carrion so maybe that's why they made it).


Worthwhile idea? Included in this mod or as a separate mod all it's own?

I'd say separate mod all its own for now. Far too many other elements in the mod to worry about.

Edited by dangman4ever
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Also by logic, I can see Ranger Andy dying as well. Plus, it would drive home that this was a war.


Good call, let's just hope that the player has already completed Raul's quest at that point in the game. I would also add Manny Vargas' name to Novac's KIA list considering that he's one of the town snipers. I have my doubts about No-Bark being brave enough to take on the Legion though. I would say that No-Bark surviving the Legion raid gets my vote but I'm in agreement with the ripe buffalo gourd being a separate mod.

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