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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Which is why I'm looking for another companion code to rip into Gordon.

At the very least your going to have to fill in conditions like his refid, ripping it from another mod wouldn't save you much work in any case. If it served as an example, you already have those in all the followers. To be honest I think your just better off following the turorial that dangman suggested. I looked it over and it seems very comprehensive, heck I'm going to keep it for reference.


To be honest your not going to find a easy shortcut to this without using another mod as a dependency, your better off filling it in yourself.

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Hey all, glad to be a part of the team. And can't wait to work with you all!


Hi Riliththerogue, great to see you


This is some voicework Riliththerogue has done.


BTW some great voices :thumbsup: my only complaint on the NV voices would be that the pauses seem a little out of sync to what I would imagine, but that could just be my personal pref. I really like the voice quality and the fact that your able to pull off a genuine range of voices, that sound very authentic.


Now 93 pages is a bit daunting. Are there any pages (besides the first) that have utmost importance to scan through?

We have a development thread that should contain a primer and plot outline that would function as a shortcut to getting a handle on where we are and where we are going, but I havn't filled it in yet :sad: It does have a small file listing of the most important binaries and a short outline by lucia in this post. And sometime this weekend I'll look into a dev group/page or util (like google docs) that is exterior to nexus, but that will be at least a week or two down the line.


Right now we are discussing a few subjects;

1. is a base mod (no real quests just a setting) for New Rome (the legion ending of New Vegas). The idea being that we would knock out a relatively simple (by comparison to the other three endings) mod for Legion fans, then concentrate on the other 3 mods (Independent, House, NCR).

2. we are discussing ideas for all 4 DLC expansions (these won't be implemented until well down the road, but I'd like story lines and ideas to be well in place before we begin on them).

3. A lot of work is being done on the dam itself (and associated fort & legate camp). Hoover city/town is being primarily handled by Lucia, although she has been uncharacteristically quiet as of late.

4. We are jumping around the Mojave noting various locations and ideas for how they will change under each mod ending.


Key points to the philosophy of the mod is that we try to implement *at least* the choices available in the end slides, and hopefully offer at a minimum an additional choice or two.


In addition the Independent ending has far more options and complication than any single other mod, as as such has 3 main variations. 1. is an Independent mod with a friendly NCR ending (an extension of the New Vegas treaty, 2. a neutral trade agreement after a NCR withdrawal and 3. a option to declare war on the NCR (probably won't be used by 99% of players, but it's there to allow a full spread of choice). You'll often see a reference to the Ind. (independent) ending as Ind friendly, or Ind neutral, reflecting the the #1 and #2 choice listed above.


When I have more time (probably this weekend) I'll try to jot down a more detailed outline and post it in the dev thread.

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Originally this mod was intended to be installed for people already playing beyond the end battle (via whatever mod they use to extend the game). The idea being that we could start immediately on the story aspects, but there have been requests to make it possible to load the mod at anytime before the end game. Everything I'v seen leads me to believe that's a relatively simple process (In fact I already did it in the base mod, and it seems to work fine), but there are both pros and cons to the process.


Some advantages are wouldn't have to rely on anyone elses mods to extend the end game, before loading our mod. And the whole process is a little more streamlined for the player.


However there are downsides. When we add content to our mod, and we want to activate this mod before the endgame, then that content has to be initially disabled. When I say content, I'm talking primarily models, actors, triggers etc (things like scripts and dialogs can be triggered by vars). When we have an item that is enabled or disabled via a script we have to make it persistent. If it is persistent it is in the players save file and can contribute to some heavy save game bloat (like 1mb+ size saves). Those giant saves can cause problems.


I believe we can get around this by using some parents to enable a whole slew of models, actors etc that are disabled but don't have to be persistent. So we don't have to completely gum up the players saves. But there may be exceptions and I can't say for sure.


The other downside is I'll have to revamp the base mod that each of the endings uses as it's foundation. Probably about 40 or 50 items were actually deleted since they were'nt persistant and I didn't want to go through the hassle of giving them each a new refID, persistent etc to use in the script. I'll have to go through FNVedit and see what was deleted, copy those records, clear them in FNVedit, hop into the geck & tie them into the script (probably a master parent that we can enable/disable). It's not a monumental task, but with testing, it will take some time.


Another downside is we run the risk of impacting someone's game before the battle if we install the mod early. It may not be a single problem, but obviously if we don't install it until after the battle there is 0% of impacting the players game prior to the battle at hoover.


So my question is how many of you would lean toward this solution of a built in play beyond the end game, and being able to install before Hoover? How many of you would rather rely on some one else s solution to play post endgame? I'll also need beta testers, so how many of you are playing post Hoover battle, for what faction and using what mod to extend the game?


Not to sound bitchy, but this last part (^^^^ end game play, faction & mod to extend game) is really important info I need to know, so I'm hoping everyone will pass that info on to me.

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Re: Post game settings


I've currently been holding off on starting the final battle at Hoover Dam so I could do some beta testing. I might have to disable some restoration mods that I've been running first. I've been going for the Independent path of course.


I've used the CAGE mod http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42428//? by Chrissy-M- to extend my game post Hoover Dam some time ago. After the end slides it moves the player to the location the courier is shown walking in during the final end slide. Unfortunately I still had the Enclave Remnants tagging along until I decided to shoot them (which resulted in a bit of NCR reputation loss). Since it hasn't been updated recently I might decide to hold off on installing it again until these issue with the Remnants has been fixed.


The best thing that I can think of is creating your own file that just simply extends the game similar to CAGE then everything else can be built upon that afterwards. It might be worth looking out for the problems reported on other mods that extend game play such as the Remnants and multiple versions of Ed-Es showing up. Extending the game seems to be the first hurdle that needs to be cleared in this mod.

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glitch on the Marilyn file, I was in angel cave in Zion talking to graham, when the option to say goodbye Marilyn came up, curious I clicked it, then he recited the quote that he says in the sorrows camp, and when he does appear in the camp, he's just standing there not moving, non interactible

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glitch on the Marilyn file, I was in angel cave in Zion talking to graham, when the option to say goodbye Marilyn came up, curious I clicked it, then he recited the quote that he says in the sorrows camp, and when he does appear in the camp, he's just standing there not moving, non interactible


Thanks for checking Kindwilfre16, I appreciate it :thumbsup:


Her whole quest has has a condition requiring her voice type, so that shouldn't have happened, but I put a 2nd condition on that response. So give this esp a try, it should fix it. I'll update the file section on the dev thread too. I think I'm going to do some animations from her, so that when she gets upgraded she flashes some rockets and her new laser.

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I've currently been holding off on starting the final battle at Hoover Dam so I could do some beta testing. I might have to disable some restoration mods that I've been running first. I've been going for the Independent path of course.

Ok got you down for ind, pre battle.


The best thing that I can think of is creating your own file that just simply extends the game similar to CAGE then everything else can be built upon that afterwards. It might be worth looking out for the problems reported on other mods that extend game play such as the Remnants and multiple versions of Ed-Es showing up. Extending the game seems to be the first hurdle that needs to be cleared in this mod.

Sounds like a pretty solid vote for developing our own solution, it's also the way I'm leaning. It would probably only take a weekend to do, and if we have a few people that are pre hoover battle (or don't mind working from a pre battle save for a while), we'll have some beta testers. It's always nice when we don't have to depend on someone else's mod, although we'll probably still end up having to clean up bugs from other mods that extend the game. It won't be our fault, but we'll still hear about it.


and yeah, no problem to fix up the remnants (and by extension their other faction counterparts like the khans, paladins, etc).

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Oh, that reminds me, can we put in a bugfix for the Great Khans quest?


I convinced them to ally with the NCR, but the Captain says I killed them.

And likewise, the npcs keep talking about the Great Khans leaving, even though they did not!


And they never did show up for the final battle either.



I probably have a few of the saves around that time, so in theory, I could test the mods a little.

I'd have to locate the ones that are relevant though, I have many savegames.


But in actuality, I'd be more concerned with a postgame mod savestate, since I've done a heck of a lot of stuff since the battle, so would need the mod to be retroactive compatible.

Edited by XTgrndr
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Going back to the NCR navy, I just discovered that the partially sunken boat at Callville bay is a tugboat http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Tugboat


From the pictures on the wiki it looks like it would be a neat gunboat, get rid of the handrails in the front and put a turret there, put 1-2 turrets on the left and right side and maybe one on the back.

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