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Any reason modders can't control the comments section?


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Even if there is a rare harmless comment that a modder has asked to have removed for their own reasons, what harm is there in deleting it.

This really seems like you guys are unnecessarily giving yourselves extra work. If you're already willing to peel off all the yellow stickers from time to time, why not simply let us get rid of our own yellow stickers?


Yes, I was one of those in the thread back in October who said deleting our own comments was a bad idea. That was before the Skyrim users showed up who have clearly demonstrated their refusal to read readmes, changelogs, descriptions, or previous comments not two inches below where they're posting. Many of whom insist on posting things as worthless as "game crashes. your mod did it. FIX IT." This, when you know your mod works and hundreds of other people have absolutely no trouble with it. Some of whom I honestly suspect are pirates but can't prove that to my satisfaction enough to hit the report button.


Others who will tell you X is happening, when the solution for X is in the troubleshooting section of your readme. Or people who chastise you for not putting the entire readme in the description field. Or the ones who will literally ask exactly the same question you just answered for them ONE post ago.


I've had all of one person on Steam Workshop who came back to one of my comment areas there to give me the standard nazi rant about how I was suppressing their rights to speak after I deleted a nonsense comment, or one that had obviously false and damaging misinformation in it. Easily solved again of course by simply deleting the rant and moving on.


I've therefore concluded it's no longer helpful to let that kind of thing fester in the comment threads because it might get abused by less restrained people. The commenters are already entirely unrestrained and flooding your report boxes doesn't seem like the right answer here.

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@stemin, you still didn't read the Terms Of Service I linked for you did you? The Terms of Service is where we prohibit expressing your distaste for a mod, (and provide that portion of my answer) Going on a mod release thread just to say you don't like the mod is not allowed, let me show you what comments are allowed:


"from the Terms of Service regarding commenting rules," I mentioned previously:

File and image database commenting and rating

Please take the time to read and understand the following before commenting on any files or images uploaded to this site.


We have a strict zero-tolerance policy for the breaking of our terms and people can and will be banned from the site without warning if they ignore them. Remember; ignorance is not an excuse.


The commenting, endorsement and rating system is available on Nexus sites to provide users with:




an interface to offer positive feedback on the functionality of the file in question based on the author’s initial intentions


the ability to offer constructive criticism on aspects of the file that could be improved

the chance to ask for feature requests and discuss such requests with other users of the site or the author


the ability to ask for help in troubleshooting problems with the file in question



If your comment does not fit in to the above criteria then do not post. If you disagree with the content of a file on the site then do not post. Simply ignore the file and move on. If you believe the content of the file breaches the Nexus terms and conditions then please report the file for moderator viewing and move on, do not take matters in to your own hands.


If your comment contains text that is likely to personally offend other users of the site either in the language you use or the message of your text then do not post. We take personal attacks very seriously and you will be banned without warning.


If you believe that someone else’s post does not fit into these criteria then you are encouraged to report the comment in question for moderator review. Above all do not post in reply to the offending comment however good intentioned your post might be, even if you are the author of the file in question. This is known as “feeding the trolls” and “forum vigilantism” and is frowned upon by the moderator staff. You may well end up with a suspension from the site if you partake in this activity.


This site has extremely dedicated moderating staff who have full authority to edit and delete posts as well as ban accounts instantly and without warning. However the moderating staff cannot possibly read and keep up-to-date with every single comment, rating and file posted on the site. It is up to you, the users of this site, to help keep this site clear of the people who just want to ruin it for everybody by reporting violations of these conditions to the moderators, either through the provided reporting features on the site or via forum PM to the moderating staff.


You are absolutely allowed to say I like this mod, but I'd like it better if it was not a replacer (feature request); but if you say, I don't like this mod because it's a replacer, well you're likely to be banned.

The Terms are pretty darn clear.


Anyway, Arthmoor, I would be completely amenable to authors being able to hide comments from all viewers except staff. I think the real issue here is peacekeeping. If there is no report, there is no evidence. We have days when we get a lot of reports but I can go through 30 or so in usually less than an hour, and we have plenty of staff nowadays. However, in the new Nexus 2.0 perhaps an author hide button that creates an auto report associated with the hide action would be the way to go. That way we can review if a problem brews.


But I have to say the system now works pretty well, the reports keep us in tune with the pulse of the nexus, if you will. This is a very good thing, in my view. We can see personality conflicts brewing, we can see potential conflicts, accusations of stolen content can be routed out early and nipped in the bud before they cause real conflicts. I've seen this time and again. It applies to image share too, where a potential argument after some small intervention ended up creating a much more friendly and understanding atmosphere, because we were proactive and started a dialogue.

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@stemin, you still didn't read the Terms Of Service I linked for you did you? The Terms of Service is where we prohibit expressing your distaste for a mod, (and provide that portion of my answer) Going on a mod release thread just to say you don't like the mod is not allowed, let me show you what comments are allowed:


You are absolutely allowed to say I like this mod, but I'd like it better if it was not a replacer (feature request);


No, you're right.. Something is NOT clear to me, because I don't see how that statement is any different than the example I gave:


"Hey, this is a great mod, but I don't like that it replaces x armor. You should have put that in the title"


That's ok though. I just won't leave any comments.

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I think being able to hide comments is an excellent idea, if an automatic report is generated it'll be obvious to staff if an author is hiding bug reports, hiding anything that isn't a glowing recommendation or abusing it in some other way.
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