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I need help.... bad


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I use a regular Xbox one. I just rebought FO4 about 5 months ago becasue it's legit one of my favorite games ever. I've beat before but with mods I'm trying to make it even harder. Evrything works fine until Boston and then it freezes especially if there is fighting or a lot of action. I bwkieve the "techie" term is when there is a lot of FPS. But it freezes when I'm alone also. But only in the city. I once had about 47 mods now I'm down to like 27. I;m going to type in the mods I'm using in the order they are on my Xbox. I read the descriptions to make sure they are compoatable. I put a mod wehere it tells me. I even use the Bethesda.com Mod load order thing. Still have issues. Hopefully you guys can tell me what I have to do to be able to walk and fight all thru the city.


1.) Unofficail FO4 Patch

2.) Sim Settlements version 7 i think? It's thelatest one

3.) Cheat Terminal- I have put this at top of load order and nottom and no changes

4.)Sim Settlement Add-on (Leader/Leaderpack)- (says it needs version 3.4 or higher to work but I can't find wher Sim Settlements tells you. Like I said I think it's verion 7)

5.) Militarized Minutemen- I dont believed it is theleveled version but idk

6.) Heather Casdin-Companion who also gives a quest)

7.) Nora Companion (WIP)

8.) Companion overhaul

9/) The Deadly Commnwealth Expansion (overhauls raders, gunnners, etc..)

10.) Everyones Best Friend-( Nora mod does say that some ppl have had issues with this mod. I removed and still freezes)

11.) Full English Dialogue Overhaul

12.) Really Unlimited Carry Weight

13.) XB1 Survival Compass

14.) Main Menu Music Replacer

15.) Immersive Fallout-Music.. just changes the music obvi

16.) Castle walls repaired-Ultimate Vanilla Edition *not activated* since I aven't taken the castle yet

17.) HUDFramework

18.) Immersisive HUD (iHUD)

19.) Holotime Widgit

20.) Companion Status Widgit

21.) Eyes of Beauty

22.) MNOre Beards and Mustaches

23.) Girly Animation-need for Full leather bodysuit mod

24.) Full Leather Bodysuit

25.) Black Cat Suit-CBBE

26.) Fear Suit-CBBE

27.) Moden Firearms V2.5-1.4 (newest veresion)- used to say place at bottom of order but doesn't anymore...



Well that's it. That is my mod order.... Someone please help


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sim settlements is pretty resource intensive, so try disabling it, however you cannot simply disable it in an active playthrough, you will need to start a new game with it disabled to see if it resolves your issue, the reason being is because said mod, is script intesive, you cannot simply delete scripted mods in an active playthrough, because scripts bake into the save game, which if they are deleted in an active playthrough, will cause all sorts of issues, as the game tries to still fire said scripts, the more noticeable behaviour, is much bigger saved games, this leads to save bloat, which will be the cause for CTDs and other issues, and eventual save game corruption.


and modern firearms could be another mod that may cause fps drops, due to all weapons being of high quality. which may be too much for an xbox.


also going back to sim settlements, that mod should be placed lowest in the load order.


Really unlimited carrweight - cheat mods are very risky, the game can and probably will have issues with very high carry weight assuming thats what said mod does, (increases the carryweight actor value to very high value).


thats all i can think of atm

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Thank You for your input. Unfortunatly you just broke my heart. Modern Firearms is really the only reason why I play... The vanilla weapons are weak in my opimiom, they dont look cool and you can't do much to make them stronger.... I also enjoyu Sim Settlements.... I enjoy using it even though I dont really know how to use it. I.ll drop unlimited carry weight... since the newest upodate of the Cheat Terminal has a new section that allows you to adjust your survival mod settings. like YOu ca request saves or autosaves whenever you want, you can enable fast travel and adjust ther amount damage you can dish out and that you can take.... it also lets you raise your carry weight to 5000.... WhichI tried and found I was carrying like 40k lbs lol... but I can fix that by saving stuff in the settlement and The nerchant which is a uniguw feature in CheatTerminal... It allows you to summons a merchant at anytime and offload and trade with him when needed. I can also not pick up everything. I will Put Sin at end of load order. i thoiught that having 2 companion mods plus Mans BFF could cause issues. Sibce allows me to have 2 ppl and Dogmeat with me at all times.... Ive deleted Heather but not Nora... the Nora mod is a WIP-which i think means work in progress. maybe she was causing issues.


thanks for the tips

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The ones that stick out to me are: Nora Companion, Companion Overhaul, The Deadly Commonwealth Expansion, The Black Cat Suit* and Fear Suit*. Also the Main Menu Music Replacer, Immersive Fallout and Full English Dialogue Overhaul could also cause problems with the audio interfering with the loading of the engine (engine trying to do too many things at once maybe).. However I sorta of agree with pyrostorm on Modern Firearms. Consoles can only handle so many changes before they start acting wonky, on my PC i limit my mods to around 249 but I have no idea what the mod limit is for consoles for all I know it could be the same.


The Black Cat Suit and Fear Suit require CBBE and you did not list that mod in your load order, so it could be as simple as getting that mod (I think it is available on sexbox but not ps4).

Edited by Undeadbob666
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sim settlements is pretty resource intensive, so try disabling it, however you cannot simply disable it in an active playthrough, you will need to start a new game with it disabled to see if it resolves your issue, the reason being is because said mod, is script intesive, you cannot simply delete scripted mods in an active playthrough, because scripts bake into the save game, which if they are deleted in an active playthrough, will cause all sorts of issues, as the game tries to still fire said scripts, the more noticeable behaviour, is much bigger saved games, this leads to save bloat, which will be the cause for CTDs and other issues, and eventual save game corruption.


and modern firearms could be another mod that may cause fps drops, due to all weapons being of high quality. which may be too much for an xbox.


also going back to sim settlements, that mod should be placed lowest in the load order.


Really unlimited carrweight - cheat mods are very risky, the game can and probably will have issues with very high carry weight assuming thats what said mod does, (increases the carryweight actor value to very high value).


thats all i can think of atm


I use the modded Wattz laser rifle and it issue it to all my settlers and it is usually a one shot kill weapon. Half of my Provisioners go to and from Hangmans Alley and I keep finding dead raiders and super mutants in the streets of Boston

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I use the modded Wattz laser rifle and it issue it to all my settlers and it is usually a one shot kill weapon. Half of my Provisioners go to and from Hangmans Alley and I keep finding dead raiders and super mutants in the streets of Boston


if you are referring to my bit about using cheat mods, i am talking about excessive actor value changes, not cheat weapons.

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One thing to remember about Nora, is that sim settlements makes changes to settlements, which the mod specifically states if any alteration is made to Abernathy Farm, there could be issues. But somehow I don't think thats your issue here.


Can you give us more detail on what happens leading up to the crashing/freezing? Do textures wonk out? Does your xbox fan spin up really loud? Are you broadcasting at the same time? Streaming? Do you have Kinect plugged in? If so disconnect it at the back by unplugging it, that serves up at minimum 14% extra power from the console to put towards the game that is no longer redirected for Cortana.


I use Modern Firearms as well as Modern Sidearms and haven't ever had an issue, but shortly after I switched to fallout 4 on pc and haven't ever played the xbox version again so I am unsure if current versions have known bugs. I'll check Idlesheeps Discord to see if there are any reports of their mod being way too resource heavy for console.


Deadly Commonwealth Expansion may also be causing issues, depending on how it commands spawns and such. If it is script heavy, that could be causing an issue with loading up scripts on a console that just doesn't have the beef to handle it. Maybe.


And as others mentioned. You have CBBE mods, but not CBBE itself. This will cause issues unless those mods specifically state that they offer the CBBE body replacer when that piece of gear is replaced, and is not a total female body replacer in game. You could possible use body slider to circumvent this by altering the outfit to fit different skeletons or just the vanilla female body mesh/skeleton.

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