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Has anyone ever tried: Old game New PC


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I've got a lot of time in some games that I haven't finished yet, modded etc. Not the first time I've played them but would like to make the current ones I have going last a few years. However I feel my laptop may have only a couple of years left before it conks out.


Has anyone every tried installing their games (FNV, FO4, Skyrim) onto a new laptop/pc, installed same mods, kept same load order, and cut & paste their saves?


Does that work? Always been curious about that.

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From what I have read in a few places, transferring your files and data from one drive to another is not that difficult and if both use the same OS you should be golden except for some tweaking and cleaning. But I can't say that with any certainty since I haven't had to do it yet. Like many ppl here, I have modded my games extensively and don't want to start all over again because I would lose so much.

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I always back up my save games, especially if I used WryeBash as my mod manager, because I can click on the savegames tab and see which mods, in the exact loader each savegame needs to run in the future.


Thing is though, I have a hard time playing a character from a savegame from 2 to 10 years ago, because that character was created by a younger me, who liked different things than the older me likes.

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You can have something like Google Drive monitor your save folder, if something happens the saves will be safe on Googles servers. However it's worth bearing in mind that the folder can get very big.



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