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Do you use cheats in Skyrim?



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  1. 1. Do you use cheats in Skyrim?

    • Yes, becouse i like power
    • Yes, becouse im bad at this game
    • Yes, but only when im desperate for help
    • Yes, for other reasons
    • No

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Assuming that, by cheats, you mean codes (console commands) or mods designed to give you an immediate advantage by raising your stats and/or providing free equipment/giving you unlimited money etc... no, I don't use cheats. There is something about getting something for nothing that I find repulsive, and playing while knowing that I haven't earned my superiority would make it extremely hard for me to enjoy the game.


On the other hand, I have no qualms about using exploits in order to raise my character's skills. For example, summoning an Atronach or Dremora Lord to spar with can easily be justified as a personal quirk of your character, and sneaking against a wall near an NPC can be seen as practice to erase your presence in order to make yourself harder to detect. Because it requires some amount of time and effort on my part, I don't see it as cheating.

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Basically, I use cheats whenever I feel that the game is preventing me from having fun.


For example, if I run out of lockpicks in the middle of a dungeon I will either give myself more lockpicks or unlock the locked door or chest directly, because I don't think having to break off a dungeon crawl to go buy more lockpicks is especially entertaining.


Also, when I'm trying to ascend a mountain or something, and find that I cannot climb a ledge or slope that any decently fit real world human could easily assail, I will tcl my way to the desired position, because the idea that my awesomely powerful warrior cannot reach out her arms and heave herself up a meter-high ledge is retarded.


Oh and after finding Mjoll's favourite enchanted sword and delivering it back to her, I found that I had very ironically somehow lost my own favourite enchanted sword (the Ghostblade) somewhere along the way. I'm still not sure if this was due to a glitch or if I actually dropped it somewhere. Anyway, I didn't feel like diving back into Mzinchaleft to look for it, so I just gave myself a new one plus the ectoplasm needed to upgrade it.


Little fixes like that, you know. It's not like I've ever made myself immortal or given myself a ton of gold or whatever.


I pretty much just use the console for "TCL" as I'm always jumping up/down mountains which gets me stuck quite often. I can't imagine the frustration of getting stuck in between a couple rocks on the console and not being able to do anything about it.


Well, assuming you get stuck outdoors, you could always fast-travel away.

Edited by Relativelybest
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Yes for other reasons:

I wanted Jarl Maven BlackBriar to be my follower (read spouse). I succeeded in making her a follower but I can't get her to marry me. I think the game is anti-lesbianism! :laugh:


Oh yeah, and I have weight set at 0. Now that really IS cheating!!

Edited by AleCuneo
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Fill a room with rabit legs? Repopulated Whiterun with friendly dremoras? Making a giant smaller than a mudcrap? Yes, yes I do use cheats in Skyrim :dance:
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