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Must have mods for 2018?


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Hey there, am new here and have already asked a slightly different question in another thread but I'd like to have some help here.


I'm trying to get Dragon Age Origins as close to a "remastered" 2018 experience as I possibly can, with continuity mods and better textures for characters and stuff.

I've already worked through the most endorsed stuff, but some of those are old and so I guess it's natural for them to accumulate much more likes than newer mods, whether they're better or not.



I already have a few installed but my question is, naturally: what are the "best" mods around as of today. that make your game look the best, fix continuity (like DA2 and Inquisition Armor) and have the smoothest feeling (graphically and gameplaywise)?


And should I install Qwinn's Fixpack? I feel like if I want to use any mods, like the "Grey Wardens of Ferelden" I'm better off using the single fix mods I can find scattered around the Nexus.


Thankful for any help I can get!

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I always preferred individual fixes or modular packages to comprehensive 'fix packs', but it really is dependent on user preference... being able to customise and tweak my game exactly the way I want it was far more important to me than ease of installation.


My partial recommendations for modding DAO can be found here; those posts are a few years old, though, and some of the links might be dead, owing to the demise of the Bioware Social Network mod-hosting... a few of the BSN-hosted mods are now available on the Nexus and the great tmp7704's work (most of them are must-haves, IMO) is available here.


And one continuity-type mod that won't be on the Nexus is Risibisi's wonderful ports of Inquisition hairstyles, found on her modding blog: Look Hair! - Inquisition Edition.

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I can't say enough good things about "Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fix Pack v3".


I worked with him on the beta versions, and had been using v2.0 for years before that.


v3 addresses *hundreds* of broken plot and dialogue flags, inadvertent deadends, and other problems that were never corrected in the official patches.


Also, except for certain ones that make changes to the dialogue options, QUDAOFP doesn't conflict with other mods. Item, appearance, and game-play mods all work fine!


(I'm traveling and using my mobile right now or I'd include the link, but it's in the topic pinned at the top of this forum. :wink: )

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IA pretty much conflicts with everything. Great mod, but I have never used for just that reason.


This. So much this!


IA does indeed conflict with just about everything else. And so I stopped using it the first time I encountered such an issue and learned the hard way that I couldn't simply uninstall it because certain changes got "baked-in" to my saves and they couldn't be loaded without it. Not even via "Force Load".


BTW: Here's a link to an old discussion about what mods people recommend. It's a bit dated now, but there haven't been that many "must-have" new mods (except QUDAOFP, of course) since then.


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All mods are pretty much user taste dependent. Came back to this game about a month ago.

I'll list 5 mods that I've found that I really like and I consider core mods - and a couple of Honarable Mentions depending on preference.


1) Quinn's DAO Fixpack (dialogue based changes mostly)

2) Dragon Age Rules Fixpack (these are modular, you don't have to install them all. These affect gameplay mechanics where Quinn's are mostly dialogue based)

3) Retexturing DAO. (this is a global texture pack, I like it better than JB3 - personal preference)

4) FtG UI (this makes things easier to see on todays larger monitors)

5) The Winter Forge (this has an FtG UI patch). (this pretty much allows you to do anything with the items you have in game, and I mean pretty much anything)


Honorable Mentions:

Awakening in the OC, Awakening Runes Fixes and Awakening in the OC - Merchants. If you want Awakenings content in a standard Origins playthrough (including rune slots on armor) these 3 mods cover pretty much all the bases.

Manual of Focus (Origins). This works just like the Manual of Focus in Awakening, which allows you to respec your characters.

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