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Will mods than have been updated to work with SKSE 1.5.50 or 1.5.53 still work on 1.5.39


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I haven't updated Skyrim or SKSE yet after the creation club updates broke my load order in September. SKSE has caught up and a many mods have updated to use the newest SKSE... But will these updated versions of those mod still work fine on an older SKSE? A number of mods I use haven't been updated and likely won't be for a long time if ever...

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No can do, not without Quick Loot, Swift Potion or Simple Lock On... and those are just 1.5.39, there are numerous authors that also haven't made the jump from 1.5.50 to 1.5.53 even... Violens for one.

Edited by Kulharin
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I feel sorry for all the mod creators who have to continually update their work just to accommodate the Creation Club merchandise.

I don't, since nobody sane expected SSE to forever remain static once it came out. It was getting patches on a regular basis long before the CC existed so I don't see why anyone expects it to remain static now.

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I feel sorry for all the mod creators who have to continually update their work just to accommodate the Creation Club merchandise.

I don't, since nobody sane expected SSE to forever remain static once it came out. It was getting patches on a regular basis long before the CC existed so I don't see why anyone expects it to remain static now.


I had no idea what to expect, but I think that stemmed from a lack of information rather than lack of sanity. Did all the creators of SKSE plugins know in advance about this need to update their plugins on a monthly basis? I feel confident that not all downloaders of those plugins knew about the monthly need to update and the possible game downtime if versions got out of sync.

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Anyone working with SKSE64 plugins has to know the exe will be updated on a regular basis. It was before the CC, and will continue to be the case now.


Any users who expected SSE to remain flat on a pre-CC exe file have only been deluding themselves.

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I feel sorry for all the mod creators who have to continually update their work just to accommodate the Creation Club merchandise.

I don't, since nobody sane expected SSE to forever remain static once it came out. It was getting patches on a regular basis long before the CC existed so I don't see why anyone expects it to remain static now.


Yes how dare us insane minds expect a game that been out for years to be fully functional by now silly us.... I think it's long been time that SSE is finished with recieving updates, ESPECIALLY since not a single update has done anything to actually modify game files, the only updates coming out for SSE are for the creation club which is totally irrelevant for anyone who plays on pc.


Arth- has your celeb status gone to your head? have you turned "sane" come back to us "insane" ones that actually want to make skyrim better! the dark side doesnt suit you... If anyone has a voice for change towards bethesda it's you... when you take a stance like this calling the rest of us who are sick of useless patches insane it hits home.... you should be calling bethesda insane, not us fans who want a stable game that we paid good money for, get your priorities straight or people are gonna see you as a voice of authority that doesnt really help just dictates...

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I don't get that. Why wouldn't SE reach a plateau like LE did & updates end? They're not known for fixing their bugs.

It's because the creation club which caters to xbox/ps4 users continually updates THATS THE ONLY REASON.

xbox users rejoice while pc users go to heck lol... There is zero reason for updates needed. Bethesda isn't updating skyrim it's updating the creation club part of skyrim. and people who have sway within the community should be backing a petition to stop the unessecary updates or mandatory updates...


that would be the sane thing to do.

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