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"improved: Don't allow starting the game if there are unsolved file conflicts"


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My new mechanic is stupid. My axle is broken, but my car is clearly still able to be driven on the road. How do you think I brought it to him in the first place? I drove it of course! So what if my axle is broken? So what if it could suddenly break on me while driving and get me involved in a possibly fatal road accident? My car runs! So the mechanic shouldn't care about it and let me drive it!


^Same argument as the OP, applied to a different situation.



Ummm, a tad over dramatic, plus a broken car can kill you or someone else, a game is well, just a game. Apple and orange.


I get what you all art trying to say, I really do, but I have been modding since Morrowind and all bethesda games in between. I have spent hundreds of hours in each game after modding it heavily (minus Fallout 4 sincie I only got it a few months ago). And I can count on one hand the number of times my game has not behaved properly or my save got broken. And I promise I'm not over exagerating. Considering my personal experience, I am simply not motivated to be more technical with modding, although I do enjoy it.


I don't claim I am a more experienced modder than anyome else here. Doing it for a long time and technical knowledge are two different things, I totally get that. And, like I said, I admire you folks who are good at it. I am very technical in other things that I do, such as building computers, or my job as a software tester, or DIY projects around my house. To me, those things are worth being technical in, but someone else may not be even if they enjoy doing them, and that's OK.


I am a very busy man, not only do I work hard, but I am married with 6 children. When I have time to relax and play video games, the last thing I want to do is fiddle with it too much or over complicate it. It is an escape for me, not more work. And considering my personal track record with modding I see little point in changing my ways. And that includes my experience so far with Vortex; things work so I don't worry about it.


All I am trying to do with this thread is give some feedback on something I see as a problem so Vortex can be improved further. And I believe Tannin and Dark0ne want Vortex to be a good experience for every modder who uses this site and I really like what they have accomplished with it so far. As many others have done, I'm giving a suggestion based off of my experience. As a software tester, that's what I do I give feedback to the developer based on the perspective of the end user (overly simplified, but I'm sure you get what I mean).


Telling me to go back to the mod manager I was using seems counter productive. I want to be part of the conversation like everyone else here does. And just like everyone elses experience and enjoyment of this product matters, so does mine. You don't have to agree with my suggestion or my method of modding (this happens in software developement all the time), but essentially telling me to get out of town, or anyone else for that matter, hurts the developement of Vortex instead of making it better.


I didn't mean to bring up a controversial toppic or make anyone angry. I'm just a guy who likes gaming and modding and wants to see Vortex be a success, which is something I think we all have in common.

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i don't think you have brought up anything controversial, however i do think your suggestion of something that is a new function that informs you, and attempts to offer a layer of protection to your game, and calling it out for requiring improvement, or being able to override it and carry on regardless is a mistaken stance...


I agree, using Vortex is a vast improvement, and I don't deny this feature and the warning it's attached to aren't helpful (although I admit, it kind of sounded that way in my original post). I understand it's purpose, I just want to be able to turn if off if I want. Even with me ignoring the warning, I have had a very positive and stable experience with my games; which is one of the reasons I am excited about continued development.


I know my view on this is slanted from a tester perspective and a somewhat lazy modder perspective. In the software testing world I give suggestions to the developers all the time that may or may not be implemented. There are a lot of factors at play; code, stake holders, users, cost, time and so on. None the less, my job is to point out potential flaws or shortcomings so they can be up for consideration based on the variety of factors I mentioned. I just think it's a little presumptive to dismiss my suggestion before it has had the chance to go through the development and consideration process.


Software such as Excel for instance, needs to accommodate the very technical user who likes to use lots of graphs, calculations, macros etc. but it also needs to accommodate someone who all they want to do is make a basic budget and use a simple calculator. If using Excel required any of it's more technical functions in order for you to save or use your spreadsheet then it would alienate a certain demographic of potential users even if the spreadsheets they created were sub par in the eyes of a more advanced user.


Could that less advanced user use a different spreadsheet instead like Open Office? Sure, but that user may also prefer the clean design and user friendliness of Excel even though their use is comparatively simplistic. That is how I view NMM vs Vortex. I am a more simplistic user and you are a more advanced one. Because of the field I work in, I believe Vortex should accommodate both. I don't think I should have to settle for a clunkier, older mod manager just because I use it differently from others.


I don't mind that Vortex tells me I have a potential problem, I just want to be able to ignore it if I want. And I imagine I'm probably not the only one, I just happened to be the one to point it out.


But, it is really good that this conversation has expanded because Tannin, Dark0ne and others involved in development can look at it and weigh the argument against the factors they use to make the decision whether my criticism is valid or not. I appreciate the deeper and more understanding conversation, thank you.

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All I am trying to do with this thread is give some feedback on something I see as a problem so Vortex can be improved further.


I'm going to take my car to the garage so they can remove the oil light that keeps coming on, that will fix my problem.


You are not being helpful. This is unnecessary. If you continue, I will report you.

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I don't mind that Vortex tells me I have a potential problem, I just want to be able to ignore it if I want. And I imagine I'm probably not the only one, I just happened to be the one to point it out.


But, it is really good that this conversation has expanded because Tannin, Dark0ne and others involved in development can look at it and weigh the argument against the factors they use to make the decision whether my criticism is valid or not. I appreciate the deeper and more understanding conversation, thank you.



I'm guessing that people are trying to understand WHY you would want this feature turned off, especially since, thanks to Vortex, the problem is so easy to fix, AND you get the added benefit of having a fully working load order with NO ERRORS.

Also, people who turn that option off, are going to come running in here saying "TeH Vortox, it haz ruined mah GAEM!!"


Seriously, you don't have to be a super-modder to fix the things that Vortex will warn you about, you just have to make a couple of clicks, and you're good to go.

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever that you want to ignore the warning that your load order is messed up and will eventually corrupt your saves.

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All I am trying to do with this thread is give some feedback on something I see as a problem so Vortex can be improved further.


I'm going to take my car to the garage so they can remove the oil light that keeps coming on, that will fix my problem.


You are not being helpful. This is unnecessary. If you continue, I will report you.



Report me for what?

For having a differing opinion than yours?

For using a metaphor?


The example I gave showed EXACTLY what you want to do.

Instead of putting oil in the car, you would rather have the light, (reminding you to put oil in the car) removed, knowing full well, that eventually the car will break down, but until that time, you're not being annoyed by the oil light being on all the time.


What you are suggesting is called a "Bad Idea"



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Let's put it this way. In NMM if there are conflicts, it asks you to overwrite. In Vortex, installations do not overwrite because they unpack separately from each other. They only overwrite on deployment. These "conflicts" are the stuff that are should be overwriting each other. If you don't tell Vortex how to solve these conflicts, then it won't know what overwrites what in your deployment. It's pretty simple.

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All I am trying to do with this thread is give some feedback on something I see as a problem so Vortex can be improved further.


I'm going to take my car to the garage so they can remove the oil light that keeps coming on, that will fix my problem.


You are not being helpful. This is unnecessary. If you continue, I will report you.



Report me for what?

For having a differing opinion than yours?

For using a metaphor?


The example I gave showed EXACTLY what you want to do.

Instead of putting oil in the car, you would rather have the light, (reminding you to put oil in the car) removed, knowing full well, that eventually the car will break down, but until that time, you're not being annoyed by the oil light being on all the time.


What you are suggesting is called a "Bad Idea"




I don't mind differing opinions, that's what this whole thread has been. Healthy debate is great. What you were doing, at least from my point of view, is mock my opinion, twice. I was being cordial and you were being a troll. If that wasn't your intent, that's fine but that is certainly how you came across. However your previous post added something to the conversation instead of mocking it, which is good.

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