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Vortex is an unmitigated disaster


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Just my two cents. I downloaded Vortex yesterday, and I'm already switching back to Nexus Mod Manager. The interface is confusing, it lacks basic load order management, has a few bugs like getting stuck trying to install multiple Fallout 4 mods in Fallout 4 VR at the same time (the program freezes at the "Incompatible mods" window and there is no way to close it besides restarting Vortex), and once your download fails (for example, because you lost internet connection for a moment), there's no way to resume or restart it, and you have to remove them and look for those mods on Nexus again. That's unacceptable. Sorry, but in it's current state, it feels like a downgrade from NMM. Maybe I'll try it again when it gets more stable.



It's in Beta, and people are using it with no problems.


You need to read the knowledge base and watch the tutorial videos.

Vortex is far more powerful than NMM, which is why people prefer NMM, because you don't need to actually learn anything to use it, it lets you do whatever you want to your load order, which is a bad thing


YOu can just Install Vortex and expect to install mods without taking some time to learn it.

For one, you need to break the bad habit NMM gives you, of micromanaging your PLUGIN load order, you don't need to do that anymore, Vortex will sort it automatically, which allows you to sort the import stuff, Textures and Meshes.


The fact you said it "lacks basic load order management", shows me that you downloaded it, installed it and a couple of mods, and tried to do everything you used to do in NMM, and gave up.




Well, like they say, If it's not broken, don't fix it. I use LOOT to manage my load order, and configure rules there for those mods that need to be loaded after or before something else. I barely ever move mods around manually, but there are very few times that I need to do it, and NMM allowed me to do it easely, Vortex doesn't. And yeah, I expect Vortex to download and install mods easely without much effort on my end, that's what most people expect from a software, making your life easier. If I have to "learn" to use it, then it's not intuitive. But that feature is not what made me get back to NMM. The last two things I mentioned are critical problems that make Vortex unusable for me. One forces me to install mods one at a time, because it gets stuck trying to install them all at the same time, and the other made me lose a big queue of downloads because I lost connection for a moment. That pretty much made me ragequit. I'm sure Vortex is more powerful that NMM, the interface looks better (although it's a bit confusing at first), but even tho NMM has many problems, the very few things it does, it does them well. Also, I think people should take criticism as an oportunity to improve Vortex, not like a call for attention, or a proof of laziness and lack of knowledge. You know, it's perfectly fine to not like something.

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For instance.


You install two texture mods in NMM, you have to make sure you install MOD A before MOD B because you want MOD B to overwrite MOD A textures, and if you mess up, you have to uninstall BOTH mods and start over


With Vortex, you install MOD A and MOD B, then vortex says MOD A and MOD B have conflicts, so you click on SHOW, and you're brought to a screen where you can tell vortex to load MOD B after MOD A, and vortex will overwrite the proper files.


Now say you messed up, and you told MOD A to overwrite MOD B.

Now all you have to do is tell Vortex to Load MOD B after MOD A, and Vortex restores the overwritten files and overwrites the proper ones.

NMM asks you which mod should have priority when there's a conflict...

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Well, like they say, If it's not broken, don't fix it. I use LOOT to manage my load order, and configure rules there for those mods that need to be loaded after or before something else. I barely ever move mods around manually, but there are very few times that I need to do it, and NMM allowed me to do it easely, Vortex doesn't. And yeah, I expect Vortex to download and install mods easely without much effort on my end, that's what most people expect from a software, making your life easier. If I have to "learn" to use it, then it's not intuitive. But that feature is not what made me get back to NMM. The last two things I mentioned are critical problems that make Vortex unusable for me. One forces me to install mods one at a time, because it gets stuck trying to install them all at the same time, and the other made me lose a big queue of downloads because I lost connection for a moment. That pretty much made me ragequit. I'm sure Vortex is more powerful that NMM, the interface looks better (although it's a bit confusing at first), but even tho NMM has many problems, the very few things it does, it does them well. Also, I think people should take criticism as an oportunity to improve Vortex, not like a call for attention, or a proof of laziness and lack of knowledge. You know, it's perfectly fine to not like something.







Actually Vortex allows you to change the load order quite easily, but as you said, you don't want to spend the time learning it, because you think that software shouldn't need a manual to read.

You should see the size of the manuals that comes with AutoCAD or 3dsMAX, or just Microsoft WORD


OK, so you don't want to spend time learning it, that's ok, but that negates your ability to complain about "Vortex doesn't do this" "Vortex doesn't do that", because you didn't spend the time learning it and giving it a proper try.

If you had tried to use the software properly and it didn't work, your complaint would be valid, but if you try and use it for a few minutes and you can't figure out how it works because you didn't bother to read the instructions, then the problem is on you.


It's ok if you don't like it, but you didn't spend any time learning it, plus you Necro'd an old thread, from 2018, with the most combative title ever, rather than starting your own thread.

SO, while it's perfectly fine not to like something, WHY purposely pick the "Unmitigated Disaster" thread to post your opinion, rather than starting your own?


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For instance.


You install two texture mods in NMM, you have to make sure you install MOD A before MOD B because you want MOD B to overwrite MOD A textures, and if you mess up, you have to uninstall BOTH mods and start over


With Vortex, you install MOD A and MOD B, then vortex says MOD A and MOD B have conflicts, so you click on SHOW, and you're brought to a screen where you can tell vortex to load MOD B after MOD A, and vortex will overwrite the proper files.


Now say you messed up, and you told MOD A to overwrite MOD B.

Now all you have to do is tell Vortex to Load MOD B after MOD A, and Vortex restores the overwritten files and overwrites the proper ones.

NMM asks you which mod should have priority when there's a conflict...




Yes it does and then it DESTRUCTIVELY Overwrites the Mod, meaning that if you change your Mind, you have to Uninstall BOTH mods, and start over.


I spent a bit of time typing out the explanation explaining how Vortex will do that for you NON-Destructively, so if you overwrite the wrong mod, it's as simple as changing "LOAD MOD B BEFORE MOD A" instead of "LOAD MOD A BEFORE MOD B"

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Well, anyway, I was trying to explain some features of Vortex, that you missed/didn't read about, because they're great features and take a lot of the work out of using NMM.
But have fun with NMM, if you try Vortex again, start your own thread, instead of finding the "I hate vortex" thread and commenting in it, as it takes away from people trying to help you.
It's one thing to post concerns and criticisms about Vortex, but to do it by Necro'ing and old flame-bait thread from November 2018 doesn't help your case.

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You seem to really like Vortex and take any criticism as a personal offense or something. Seriously, Vortex is not AutoCAD, that comparison doesn't make any sense. Vortex doesn't even need a manual, there are a few things that may require a bit of digging around on internet to understand how they work, but that's all. Still not intuitive. But if it makes you happy, ok, Vortex has nice load order management. That's not my main complain tho. But I'll just stop commenting because there really no point anymore. I just wanted to leave some feedback, but people here seem to be quite... volatile. And sorry for the necro, I just found this post on Google and noticed the last comment wasn't so old, so I commented too. I didn't think it was necessary to create a separate thread to complain about a couple of things. I guess the negativity would have been even worse, so good thing I didn't.

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You seem to really like Vortex and take any criticism as a personal offense or something. Seriously, Vortex is not AutoCAD, that comparison doesn't make any sense. Vortex doesn't even need a manual, there are a few things that may require a bit of digging around on internet to understand how they work, but that's all. Still not intuitive. But if it makes you happy, ok, Vortex has nice load order management. That's not my main complain tho. But I'll just stop commenting because there really no point anymore. I just wanted to leave some feedback, but people here seem to be quite... volatile. And sorry for the necro, I just found this post on Google and noticed the last comment wasn't so old, so I commented too. I didn't think it was necessary to create a separate thread to complain about a couple of things. I guess the negativity would have been even worse, so good thing I didn't.



No, what I have a problem with, is instead of starting a new thread with your thoughts and criticisms, you hunted down one of the worst threads, FROM NOVEMBER 2018, which had a lot of conflict in it, and Necro'd it in order to post your Criticism, rather than just start your own.



That wasn't a coincidence.


That basically implies that you weren't as concerned about leaving your criticism, as possibly trying to stir up trouble.


Anyway, I've spent enough time here, you got the attention you wanted.




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I wish to lodge a formal complaint that Vortex works fine and therefore I don't have much to complain about.


This is unacceptable.


As a new, highly complex and experimental tool, I expected Vortex to be hard to learn, riddled with bugs and prone to killing puppies, all of which would have given me plenty opportunity to vent my spleen, but you have denied me this pleasure, as I discovered to my utter dismay that Vortex is childishly simple to master, and the only bug I've come across is so minor that I broke out in a rash of embarrassment whilst reporting it. Worst of all, no puppies died in the making of my load order. Not one.


You leave me no choice but to report this crime to the highest authority that cares about it, which is no one. The Washington Post will be running an article tomorrow. It won't have anything to do with Vortex, but they will be running an article nonetheless, because that's what all newspapers do. Meanwhile I shall protest this injustice by playing Skyrim all day, whilst drinking freshly brewed coffee.


So there. I hope you've learned your lesson.

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