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Where can I find Vortex database files for editing?


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Do we have access to separate Category and other .dat files like we did in MO for manual bulk edit in Notepad++/Excel or are they cooked into other files and/or blocked access to?


I'm doing an overhaul on my Categories and it's killing me to have to go through so many clicks and windows for each mod and/or new Category additions/renames rather than working it all out in a single pane of glass.


Where are the category and other .dat files located?







Also, not sure if this is a bug or not, but even after removing a custom category from Vortex, the mod still shows it listed as that name, despite not being a dropdown option any longer.

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I believe they're locked, at least the db files I found were


Yeah I poorly worded my thread subject name, instead of database, I should have said .dat files. I opened the .db files in SQL but they don't hold the information that I need-- I can't seem to find where the .dat files are, still looking and I'm hoping someone can chime in at some point with confirmation on their location.

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The only .dat file I know of is in the install directory.


icudtl.dat -- Whats the file tree path for that?




nevermind, either way that's not a Vortex file, its a generic resource file used by various programs such as Discord, Razer, Nvidia, Dropbox, etc etc etc, including Black Tree Games.

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icudt.dat is unrelated, it's a resource for localisation stuff.

The database you're looking for, that contains categories and such is at


but it's not a user-readable format, it's leveldb. I'm not aware of any gui tools to edit this db.

Vortex contains a command line interface you can use to edit the db directly (while vortex is not running) but you have to be super-careful to use the right format, otherwise Vortex may not be able to start again so you may want to make a backup.


The commands are:

// get list of command
Vortex --help
// retrieve values from db
Vortex --get "<path>"
// change or create value in db
Vortex --set "<path>=<value>"
// delete values in db
Vortex --del "<path>"

--get can take a partial path to return everything below that. The important top-level "hives" are "persistent" and "settings"

So to see your current categories for fallout 4 you would type

Vortex --get "persistent.categories.fallout4"

To change the name of the existing category with id 42 you'd type

Vortex --set "persistent.categories.fallout4.42.name=\"My custom category\""

The name itself has to be in \" (escaped quotes) and the whole set block quoted again, exactly as I've written there.


To create a new category you can just set one with any id that hasn't been used yet, but you have to set all attributes: name, order and parentCategory:

Vortex --set "persistent.categories.fallout4.10042.name=\"My custom category\""
Vortex --set "persistent.categories.fallout4.10042.order=0"
Vortex --set "persistent.categories.fallout4.10042.parentCategory=\"1\""

The parentCategory has to be the id of an existing category to place this one below. If you leave it out entirely, it becomes itself a root category.

Observe how the number in order is not in quotes - because it's a number.

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icudt.dat is unrelated, it's a resource for localisation stuff.

The database you're looking for, that contains categories and such is at



You are a wizard and a gentleman, my good sir! Thanks!

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