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Yeah, Texas, good luck with that...


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Always so droll to see a good old Conservative bashing by liberals. Which brings to mind an anecdote...

"A teacher in District #3 (NYC) asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans. Not really knowing what an Obama fan was, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for Little Johnny.

The teacher asked Little Johnny why he decided to be different... again.

Little Johnny said, 'Because I'm not a Obama fan.'

The teacher said, 'Why aren't you an Obama fan?'

Little Johnny said, 'Because I'm a Republican.'

The teacher asked why was he a Republican and little Johnny answered, 'Well, my Mom's a Republican and my Dad's a Republican, so I'm a Republican.'

The teacher asks, 'If your Mom was a moron and your Dad was an idiot, what would that make you?'

With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, 'That would make me an Obama fan!' "-New York Post

The best part is no one mentioned conservatives until this post. Baiting the thread to derail it doesn't become you.

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@tetradite & nyxalith

There are a myriad of things that moderate conservatives such as I are uncomfortable within the far wings of the party and I have elucidated upon them numerous times. Your premise is: 'Lets laugh at the weird ideas the republicans come up with', there is no attempt at reciprocity for the equally off the wall ideas of the far left wing of the democratic party. Unlike the liberals most conservatives do not attempt Pyhrric dismemberment of the party just prior to a general election, we prefer to work within the framework and resolve things that way. This election is being portrayed by the left as us vs them instead of appealing to all of us. Frankly I'm getting just a tad tired of ridicule polemics as a substitute for positive ideas. Oh and thanks for the remedial international civics lesson...I would never have arrived at that epiphany without your oh so gracious help.

Edited by Aurielius
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@tetradite & nyxalith

There are a myriad of things that moderate conservatives such as I are uncomfortable within the far wings of the party and I have elucidated upon them numerous times. Your premise is: 'Lets laugh at the weird ideas the republicans come up with', there is no attempt at reciprocity for the equally off the wall ideas of the far left wing of the democratic party. Unlike the liberals most conservatives do not attempt Pyhrric dismemberment of the party just prior to a general election, we prefer to work within the framework and resolve things that way. This election is being portrayed by the left as us vs them instead of appealing to all of us. Frankly I'm getting just a tad tired of ridicule polemics as a substitute for positive ideas. Oh and thanks for the remedial international civics lesson...I would never have arrived at that epiphany without your oh so gracious help.


My initial premise was more that governments of all stripes have (or seem to have decided they have) a vested interest in keeping as many people as possible as stupid as possible (just clever enough to hold down a job, stupid enough to not question their conditions or whether the world might be made a better place).


I did not specify that this only applied to conservatives and I STILL haven't even mentioned Republicans. It's entirely possible to be a conservative member of the Democratic Party is it not? And I apply the criticism implied in my original premise to just as many liberals as I do conservatives. They're politicians, they're parasitic self interested scum, almost every single one of them. And they're almost universally bankrolled by even bigger scum. Please feel free to point out where I said otherwise.


The first point at which I was partisan was in response to your comment, which invited such a response by virtue of being partisan itself. And even that (although to be fair it isn't at all clear from my post) I also apply to both "sides". Best scenario for me is political civil war within each camp. Let them all destroy each other from the inside out. It's the only chance anybody will get anything better on offer.


And are you honestly saying you don't think Republicans have played any part in creating and perpetuating the "us -v- them" mentality? Seriously?


Once again, they're all as bad as each other as far as I'm concerned, the us -v- them serves them both well, as it further helps to achieve the things I outlined in the first paragraph of this post. Create an enemy (even at the cost of social cohesion), divide and rule. It's a game both sides play, because they know it entrenches both their positions.

Edited by tetradite
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Always so droll to see a good old Conservative bashing by liberals. Which brings to mind an anecdote...

"A teacher in District #3 (NYC) asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans. Not really knowing what an Obama fan was, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for Little Johnny.

The teacher asked Little Johnny why he decided to be different... again.

Little Johnny said, 'Because I'm not a Obama fan.'

The teacher said, 'Why aren't you an Obama fan?'

Little Johnny said, 'Because I'm a Republican.'

The teacher asked why was he a Republican and little Johnny answered, 'Well, my Mom's a Republican and my Dad's a Republican, so I'm a Republican.'

The teacher asks, 'If your Mom was a moron and your Dad was an idiot, what would that make you?'

With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, 'That would make me an Obama fan!' "-New York Post

Oh look another useless Aurielius post. Seriously this had nothing to do with the thread at all.


Way to turn it into a democrat/left versus republican/right thread.

Edited by marharth
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From where I sit, here in California, it's the libs who have so decimated the concept of critical thinking that if you ask some of these kids about it they think you're talking about a bonus skill in some mindless video game.
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From where I sit, here in California, it's the libs who have so decimated the concept of critical thinking that if you ask some of these kids about it they think you're talking about a bonus skill in some mindless video game.

One of the huge sides of the right wing is following human emotion over logic. Just read over some of the older topics. The right is rather outspoken about a certain something that completely destroys critical thinking.


Also this just in, liberals brainwash kids to make them think certain terms have to do with video games. Obviously the fault of liberals.

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One of the huge sides of the right wing is following human emotion over logic.

Like I said, out here in CA, that's being done by the left in spades. Dumbing down the education system to the point where it's just a babysitting service.

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One of the huge sides of the right wing is following human emotion over logic.

Like I said, out here in CA, that's being done by the left in spades. Dumbing down the education system to the point where it's just a babysitting service.

Like how exactly?

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The problem here is not about right or left, not about Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative. It's that bureaucracy has taken jurisdiction over what should and should not be taught, not from a standpoint of important skills and information, but one based on political or religious motivations.


Getting so caught up on who is now indoctrinating who only distracts from the issue that children are being indoctrinated at all, and it doesn't make it right no matter who is doing it.

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