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Miserith Hall a Player Home in The Reach. [wip]


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EDIT yea I'm gonna check out the new Miserith, but dude, dropbox sux, it said i had to be logged in, not everyone likes dropbox, try MEGA...



Ha... with another mod I released (not on nexus) I used mega and everyone complained and said that sucked and I should use Dropbox... I guess everyone has there own favourite :D


For me both/either works so I don't have a preference.



Just had a quick look at file sharing option and came across this conclusion from Computerworld Top 10... it was written in Mar 2018... Mega didn't get a mention...

"Dropbox is my top choice. I’ve been a user since 2008 and never had an issue.

The service is supported by a large ecosystem of apps,

it’s easy to use and share files with others, and it continues to evolve in positive ways."

Edited by The-Wanderer
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A (not so quick) update on progress...

The Bunkhouse... I've tested and it is working - went for the simple purchase. Will add in next release.

Hmmm..... a bit stuck on the rest of these though at present...

The Alchemy area requires alchemist specialised help... with small quests attached... Ideas anyone?
Markarth - The Hag's Cure
PC - "I need help in setting up an Alchemy room."
Bothela - "Yes I can help you with that but I need you to do something for me first."
PC - "Okay what do you want me to do?"
Bothela - " ???????? "
-= after quest = -
Bothela - "As you helped me I'll help you for just the cost of the needed items... say 300 gold."
PC - "That sounds okay to me, here."
Bothela - "Good soon have you creating poiso... I mean potions."

The Enchanting area will require mage/wizard specialised help... possibly with small quests attached... Ideas anyone?
PC - "I need help in setting up a Enchanting room."
Markarth - UnderStoneKeep
Calcelmo - "Do I look like I have time for such things." - goodbye
Someone/somewhere else ???
######## - "You where wise to seek skilled help for such as this."
Pc - "So you can help me then?"
######## - "Yes... but first I need your help."
PC- "Okay so what do you need from me?"
######## - " ?????????? " - What ???

A Blacksmith will be require to be found and employed to upgrade the forge and shop.
PC - "I'm looking for a blacksmith... do you know of anyone?"
Markarth - UnderStoneKeep
Moth gro-Bagol - "You should ask my wife Ghorza she can probably help you better." [optional]
Marcarth - Forge
Ghorza gra-Bagol - "A blacksmith to set up a new shop and forge... I may know just the right people for you."
Ghorza gra-Bagol - "You should go speak to #########, you are most likely to find them at ###########."

The Armoury/Treasure room will need the new blacksmiths help to upgrade these.

Same as the others for all these - Who/where to ask ???
The Kitchen requires a cook to help with that... added a small room/bed for them already.
Tavern needs an innkeeper to set that up...
The Great Hall... ??????
A Bard - only once Great Hall and Tavern are complete. Maybe have to go the The Bards Collage to find one.

It's looking more and more like I'm going to have to add anyone I want to use as a contact for anything special...

Edited by The-Wanderer
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A few thoughts.


The hag's cure lady always struck me as shady. Perhaps, instead of the usual "recover my lost x, y, or z" quest, you can have her send you to steal a trade secret or secret recipe from a competitor. Players RPing as good-natured might find that, if they instead tell the competitor what was asked of them, the competitor will help them instead.


The Enchanter at the college has a few radiant "fetch me" quests already, but is otherwise basically useless. He might be someone easily accessed. On the other hand, Nelacar in the Winterhold Inn (Black Star quest) might provide the more "black market" style services you like. There's also Drelas, in his cottage, out in the plains above Whiterun. He's usually found leaning over his in-home enchanter, but he is also immediately aggro. I don't know of any vanilla quests attached to him, though I did hide one of my rings of power in his house.


If Ghorza is the one I'm thinking of (outdoor Markarth) she is already sending you after a book, to help her learning-challenged apprentice. Might be a convenient way for her to get rid of him, pawn him off on the player, only to have the player discover that he performs much better when not micromanaged by an angry Orc master smith.

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"The hag's cure lady always struck me as shady...."

I Like that idea a lot :)

Don't know if I can figure out the mechanics for it to work though... extra thought if the PC does go the good way then the rival could do it for nothing as a reward...


"If Ghorza is the one I'm thinking of (outdoor Markarth)...."

Yes she is... I had thought a bit about the apprentice but... I'm also thinking a couple... one manages the shop the other the forge... don't think he has a partner... could be wrong... would be a nice twist though :)


"Drelas, in his cottage, out in the plains above Whiterun...."

Not easy to point the PC to him indirectly.... and probably not an obvious place to go

The collage would seem an obvious place to go for the task at hand though... still need a job for the PC to do first ???

Drelas could be involved in that some way though...


Markarth - UnderStoneKeep
Calcelmo - "Do I look like I have time for such things. Go ask those idiots at the Collage instead." - goodbye [optional]

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Hey thumbincubation... whilst you got your creative head on :D

Any thoughts on who might be suitable to go to for the Great Hall and upper class Bedroom upgrades... none of the traders I've looked at look like they could take on such works ???

For the GH I had thought originally the banners in there would be really tattered and for the upgrade the PC would need to go find someone to make new ones. (Solitude-Radiant Raiment) Maybe have to wait a couple of days.
Oh on the note of the banner... I can't get my texture to work right on a nif... I think it's to do with the alpha channel? but not spent a lot of time on it so far... you already had it working :smile:

A bit more on the enchanter....
Markarth - UnderStoneKeep
Calcelmo - "Do I look like I have time for such things. Go ask those fools at the Collage." - say once - goodbye [optional]

Winterhold - Collage
Wizard? - "Most of our students would not be up to that task and our tutors are far to busy with them to help but..." [optional]
wizard? - "you might try Drelas, he has a cottage, out on the plains above Whiterun, here let me mark it on your map." [optional]

Whiterun - Drelas cottage. (they could also going straight here... don't know how they would know to do so... cheat maybe :D )
Drelas - "An enchanting room... you'll be needing a special table for that and they are rare and very expensive."
Drelas - "You find one first and then we can talk about the rest."
-= PC goes to find a table =-
PC - "I've got one of those special tables so what now?"
Drelas - "Very good... To set the rest up will cost you 400 gold."

The PC would have to find-steal-buy one ??? a go fetch with a bit of a twist?
umm... what amount of gold would they need to buy one and who would have one to sell ??? 500/1000/5000 ???
they could maybe steal one of the ones found in cave/ruin ??? (I know how the mechanic for that would work.)


hmmm... the raw materials needed in BYOH for an enchanting table is about 950 gold.


The one in Serpent's Bluff Redoubt could be a good candidate for taking - the PC can end up here on many a radiant quest.

Would need to give PC a clue to it still though...



Ha... this mod is growing way bigger then I first intended :D

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Hehe. Mods have a tendency to do that.


For the banners, I just used the vanilla banner mesh. It already had the alpha property, so you could see through the banner holes. I want to say that started life as the generic green banner.


The enchanting table opens up a few possibilities. The resident enchanter at the college could have one he absolutely refuses to let go of (maybe it does something special that normal ones won't) but he once heard about the legendary enchanter Azhidal (quest dungeon, just outside the bulwark on Solstheim) and supposes, if anyone would have had one, it would have been him. Maybe the PC could find the special table there, or maybe just a special item (gem, etc) that turns normal tables into special tables, makes the candles burn blue or something.


Or, you could go the other way. "That? I'd give my right arm for one of those. Nobody's seen one for ages, but there are always expeditions chasing them. Talk to Drelas. He keeps up with who is where, looking for what." PC finds Drelas has one that he refuses to give up, but has heard rumors that one was buried with Azhidal, etc.


Serpent's Bluff or any of the forsworn camps would also work. Hagravens almost always have enchanters, and are more connected to the "old" magic than others. There's also an enchanter up at the Boethia shrine. "The Synod's been after it for decades, but every expedition they've sent up there has vanished without a trace. Seeing this, Savos Aren forbade us to even try. He won't risk College members on a fool's errand."

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There's a real nice "Cherrywood" Enchanters table modders resource out there. Might be cool.


I still couldn't get that file on zippyshare. I think I got tricked into allowing notifications (that never happens! :cool: and that thing had so many popups I just gave up.


Zippyshare popups


So, to be honest lol, I just was able to get it from the Dropbox link. As usual stupid web devs put the download button by the sign in button on the right of page, not over by the files on the left, but, my bad. I saw it this time :tongue:




Loaded it up, played it in sneak mode mainly, instead of facing all the baddies through the front gate I went up the rocks and around onto the North Tower..Killed a lot with fire bolts.. A couple with my Dragon Priest Dagger, And a few with my bow.



Burn Baby!






Com'ere Hag!



Pretty dark in a lot of this fort.



Not all dark.



All dead. I don't remember getting the Talk to the Jarl dialogue box. If it's still there i just missed it.



Center Tower looking down.



Maurai, my SpellSword on the ledge...



Mid air view.


A couple things I noticed, how come so many chairs on roofs that are static? Myself, I like functional chairs. And I like a lot of them looking out over a room too so i can take in the atmosphere


Door name bug, simple misspelling. When coming back into the Master Bedroom from Skyrim, it says "Mastrer Bedroom". :wink:


Also, a lot of areas seem pretty dark. I noticed you fixed the lighting in parts, and others still flicker. And some areas like the Armory are really dark.


I did notice none of the hay on the floors anywhere flickers. It was mainly in the Blacksmith rooms i saw that. So that's good. Btw, that blacksmith's room almost hid itself from me. I had killed all the forsworn I thought but no dialogue. I walked around everywhere, then i walked toward the forge and finally saw it.. One Forsworn left in there..


More later if i think of anything.


(I found the image limit - 10 images per post)

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I use firefox with a pop up blocker and have never had a problem with zippyshare... and I've downloaded plenty of files from there from others... but then I've not had any problems with Dropbox either.

I guess all the free transfer sites try and trick users into doing something or downloading something they really don't want...


The "Cherrywood" Enchanter could be interesting.


So many enchanter search ideas... it will probably have to boil down to what I can actually program :D

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