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Hello guys.

Sorry for a stupid question, I am full of those, but I was unable to find an answer anywhere so I must ask.


Is TES5Edit 64.exe for 64-bit games or OSs?


I am using -


Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

Skyrim-V (LE) /(SE)

Which of the two EXE I should use?


Thank you.

Edited by Teytame
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I think you wanna use the 32 bit flavor.

Alright, for LE I use tested 32 bit but what is TES5Edit 64.exe for? Is it for SE or something else? Does anybody know?



64, in the name of any EXE is an indicator that it is a 64-bit program that will run on 64-bit systems.

That wasn't difficult.


-ALSO- DO NOT, use the 64 bit version of TesEdit because there's no need to as per Elminster's instructions

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64, in the name of any EXE is an indicator that it is a 64-bit program that will run on 64-bit systems.

That wasn't difficult.


-ALSO- DO NOT, use the 64 bit version of TesEdit because there's no need to as per Elminster's instructions


Well, yes, I figured that much and since I have 64-bit system and 64-bit version of Skyrim, that's why I am stressing this topic.

It is still confusing, why release something that isn't needed, but OK...


Thank you for your answer, I guess I'll continue using 32-bit version of TES5.

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