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Which ending do you usually go for and why?



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  1. 1. Which end do you generally strive for in the Mojave? Write why below.

    • Caesars Legion
    • NCR
    • House
    • Independant New Vegas

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My first playthrough and most of my others, I've sided with Yes Man and gone independent. The NCR has its capitalist corruption and rolls over people, even if they don't outright enslave them. The Legion condones slaves and treats women like brood mares for the state while condemning all Pre-War technology despite many of its soldiers using guns. Mr. House has his technology and knowledge going for him but he's still a rich despot who kicked the inhabitants of Vault 21 out of their home and forced everyone who wasn't the Three Families into Freeside and elsewhere. The Legion is outright fascist while the NCR has all the same problems of the Pre-War U.S. government. I like to string all the factions along, then throw them under the bus and install Yes Man. My Courier has put far more thought into the state of Vegas and the Mojave than Kimball, Caesar, or House ever did.


In the wider scheme of things, the NCR would win even if they lost Vegas to Mr. House or the Courier. They have far better technology and infrastructure than the Legion. They don't have any problems using Pre-War technology and even improving on it. They don't make slaves out of half their workforce. They don't have that Handmaid's Tale s#*! going on like the Legion does. The Legion shoots themselves in the foot by rejecting Pre-War tech and medicine, but they're hypocrites because many of the Legionaries use guns and Caesar has an Auto-Doc in his tent. He's a complete moron by wanting to destroy the Securitron Army; a wiser general would use those robots to take the dam and hold it. Both sides have overexpanded but the NCR has geography going for them because they have nowhere to push but east. The Legion's push west would result in fewer and fewer tribes to conquer while losing their holdings in the Four Corners states. Remember that the Legion doesn't have the longevity that the IRL Roman Empire has. The Roman Empire lasted from Caesar Augustus in 27 BCE to the sacking of Constantinople in 1453. This doesn't include the Etruscan kingdoms or Roman Republic before it, just the imperial government. And yes, I said 1453 because the so-called "Byzantine Empire" was really the Roman Empire even if they were culturally more Greek than Latin by the end. They never called themselves "Byzantines" or even Greeks but identified as Romans. The Legion has only been around for a few decades by the time of New Vegas's story. Many of its soldiers and slaves were pressed into the Legion as teens or adults. That means those people have memories of the tribes and vaults they came from. And speaking of adults, Caesar himself is already in his late fifties by the time of the game's storyline and obviously, he's not going to be around forever. What happens when he's gone? Lanius takes over, and he'll be even worse than Caesar. Meanwhile, the tribes will likely recover their old identities and revolt. Even if Lanius could hold most of the Legion together through fear, he's still as good of a politician as Olive Garden is authentic Italian food. He's like Mao Zedong--a good general but a shitty head of government. Between the NCR and Legion alone, the NCR would win the war; having Mr. House or the Courier rule New Vegas as a buffer state would give the NCR less of an eastern border to defend.

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My 1st run would go with Yes Man, but later on it's usually NCR.

Why not Yes Man anymore? Suspicion. I dont think yes man an independent agent. Most likely a followers of apocalypse team behind that rust bucket, but can also be other. I dont do puppet, because puppet masters are nothing good.

Why not House? because only good abomination is a dead abomination. Furthermore, Big Mountain show how bad it can be with abominations running things. 

Why not Legion? You are asking why do I not serve the cause of a bunch of enslaving, robbing, raping, murdering tribal thugs?

NCR is about the best option any guy can choose. Tax is bad, sure, but at least you dont have to fear getting enslaved, or killed by dictatorial bastards.

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The Yes Man usually, House is a tech bro and as such shouldn't be allowed to be in charge of anything, we can also see his vision for the future by looking at the social divide between the Strip and Freeside. When he talks about humanity going to the stars you can be sure that he isn't talking about your average Joe.

The NCR are corrupt and not beyond murdering people who are in their way, during their questline they straight up ask you to kill House, The Khans and the Brotherhood, you can negotiate peace with two of the three but that's on the player, the NCR never suggest it and Moore is not impressed when you do settle things peacefully. 

The Legion are a bunch of slave owning savages and obviously the worse option, Caesar seeks to justify their barbarity but that's what all despicable leaders have done throughout human history.

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