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The meaning of Pro-Choice ?


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@ Hey You ... wow that was some frustrastion showing up in your correspondence.


Realities need looked at. As it seems you are capable. ;)


I look forward to discussing more realities with you .

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my problem with abortion in 2019 is the narrative. it seems like you're either for no abortion or your fine with 600,000+ abortions a year(USA)

It seems like there is no room for compromise. Whatever happened to Bill Clintons "abortions should be safe,legal, and rare" The conservatives can't accept the legal part on account mostly because of their religious beliefs, which is odd cause i believe the bible instructs Christians to follower the rule of law. Might be wrong on last part, i'm not a Christian. the dems can't handle the rare part because they only see that happening through legislation, meanwhile 600,000+ women go through the process of deciding to take the life of their offspring and I hate that for women. there something, i think it goes "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" we need to a break from fight over whether or not abortion should remain legal and at least partially focus on preventing some of these unwanted pregnancies from occurring.

Folks have been working on preventing 'unwanted pregnancies' as long as I can remember, in all reality, likely far longer...... And we still see pretty much a consistent number of abortions per year. From that bit of information, I can draw the conclusion that what we are doing, and have been doing for generations, ISN'T WORKING. Teaching abstinence as the ONLY thing in whatever sex education classes you get in school is just stupid. It OBVIOUSLY doesn't work, but, we can do something different? Apparently not..... And that one, I lay right at the feet of the religious right. And given THAT bit of information, I don't see anything changing any time soon.



Women have been dealing with birth control, unwanted pregnancies and abortion since prehistory.



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it sounds like you peoples are not entirely agreeing with me, that's all right. We all agree that 600,000 abortions is a number that we should compassionately try to lower? I'm not alone on that am I?

Nope. You are not.

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Hyperbole and misinformation.



I want to clarify for further discussion.


I have to admit I didn't read all of your bullet points.


It was the initial premise I gleaned you said ,,, about removal of dead fetal tissue .



Nobody cares about that as far as I know. It is not even a point of law , except mutilating a dead body. But that would be crazy to invoke that point of law here.


I like your point of view black swany


And since the thread I told you ... am glad you came back since our initial meeting.

Got deleted . Just want to say ... I am glad you came back to post.

I like your point of view. And it is needed here imho.

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Hyperbole and misinformation.



I want to clarify for further discussion.


I have to admit I didn't read all of your bullet points.


It was the initial premise I gleaned you said ,,, about removal of dead fetal tissue .



Nobody cares about that as far as I know. It is not even a point of law , except mutilating a dead body. But that would be crazy to invoke that point of law here.


I like your point of view black swany


And since the thread I told you ... am glad you came back since our initial meeting.

Got deleted . Just want to say ... I am glad you came back to post.

I like your point of view. And it is needed here imho.



You condescending attitude is noted.


And you have continued your behavior of taking information and data out of context and attributing your own interpretation to both the isolated comment, and the entirety of the comment. Had you even bothered to read the entirety of the post, you would have gleaned that I was describing a medical procedure and not a legality or point of law. You have again demonstrated that getting the whole picture and dealing in facts in not your stock in trade.


Your use of childish appellations is indicative of your attempts to illicit argument and deliberate confrontation and not precipitate an intellectual discourse which deals in facts and realities.


As I said before, find someone else to play your infantile game. I have no patience for you or your deliberate attempts to provoke argument.


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That is not true that I am not trying to illicit intellegent conversation.


That is my first and foremost concern.


But yes we humans don't percieve things the same ... therefore it can get f*#@ed up in the understanding.

And yes I did not read all the information you dumped so to speak. Whcih I dont fault you for ... it is my in abilty to absorbe it.


Again ... I am glad you are here posting. look forward to me eventually better understanding you.

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it sounds like you peoples are not entirely agreeing with me, that's all right. We all agree that 600,000 abortions is a number that we should compassionately try to lower? I'm not alone on that am I?

I see no need to artificially lower the number. Offering alternative means of birth control is always welcome, but abortions are a right (simple autonomy over your own body) and should always be legal and accessible.

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It was the initial premise I gleaned you said ,,, about removal of dead fetal tissue .



Nobody cares about that as far as I know. It is not even a point of law , except mutilating a dead body. But that would be crazy to invoke that point of law here.





Except that Anti-Abortion activist use the pictures as propaganda, and purposely mislabel them as LIVE Abortions etc.

There is complete dishonesty when it comes to that, just like the infamously doctored Video by that Right Wing Veritas Group that purposely edits their videos to spread misinformation.


The problem is, the Anti-Abortion side doesn't use facts, they use lies.

That is what's sickening, they know they are wrong, so they have to "Appeal to emotions" and manipulate and lie in order to try and sway people.


Check out this "Graph" about Planned Parenthood a Republicans member of Congress used to try and "prove that Planned Parenthood mostly does Abortions", this graph was supposed to show the Spending that PP was doing on these things.


This graph was created by the "Americans United For Life", and it's heavily Doctored, and is made to appeal to emotions.

Pay attention to the fact that there is NO Y-AXIS values that shows Monetary Amounts, which allowed the Graph Manipulator to have the amount of Abortions, (327,000) HIGHER on the Graph, than Cancer Screening (935,573)

It's this blatant dishonesty the Right, and Anti-Abortion Activists use, that disgust me.


Look at the DRAMATIC "Appeal to Emotion" outright LIE. Pure Right-Wing propaganda as usual.

Note the Ending Amounts.

With no Y-Axis values, they have 327,000 ABOVE 935,573

Also note that Somehow the 935,573 value in 2013, ends up being LOWER, that the 289,750 Abortions at the start of the graph in 2006

Also, 2,007,371 in 2006, (Cancer screening) somehow almost ends up being equal to 327,000 (Abortions) in 2013.

Absolutely RIDICULOUS.

(Yes, you can see C-span footage and screenshots of this graph on display during the hearing)







Now, I took the time, to add a Y-Axis, and actually graph the true Values, and the graph isn't eventful at all, and it doesn't sell the Right-Wing, Anti-Abortion pitch AT ALL, which is WHY they Doctored it to be so dramatic.

Here's what the actual graph Would've looked like if the Right-Wing group "Americans United For Life" hadn't Doctored it.


Look how small of a change the ABORTION line looks, going from 289,750 to 327,000

Completely uneventful, it's not that huge dramatic "X" the Propaganda graph portrayed.

This is what disgusts me most about the Right-Wing, and the Anti-Abortionists.



They KNOW they don't have FACTS on their side, so they have to manipulate data and create Propaganda.

This was done in Excel by simply putting in the values for the Y-Axis, along with the start and ending values for Abortions, vs Cancer Screening, and allowing Excel to create the graph.

THIS, is actually what it looks like.

The Dollar signs are there because the Congressman was arguing about how much PP was spending on these things, and how the Government should stop funding PP for performing abortions, (Which the Republican Congressman was sadly unaware that PP can't get funding for performing abortions due to the Hyde Amendment, something this Republican lawmaker and all other Republican lawmakers either ignore, or know nothing of, as most of them are pretty oblivious to our laws.)








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Well, when your arguments can't be based on logic and reason, (as in this case) the emotional appeal is the only thing you have left. Kinda like the Dems campaign for gun control. :)


Basically, what this tells me is, the government is in the business of wanting to legislate most every aspect of our lives. Of course, that's nothing new.


And there is no constitutional right to an abortion. That requires some interpretation of what has been written...... and not everyone agrees on the interpretation. Big surprise there huh?

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