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18 Mods on the first try!


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Hi all,

Modding Fallout 4 with 18 wish-list mods was somewhat unnerving to begin with. When the "Vortex" button became necessary, I knew I was out on a limb. At least that's what I thought.

So, I watched and listened to the introductory videos that were presented by Gopher on the Vortex landing page. Then, I followed the instructions and suggestions and started downloading. Vortex sorted all the mods and plugins for me. I was even able to correct a few plugins that were missing their masters. I started about 11:00 AM and by 3:30PM, I launched Fallout 4. Everything worked the first time.

"Great job" to the developers of the Vortex mod management system. You made it work and I got a whole new experience in Fallout 4!


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Have fun gaming, and great job on taking the time to learn the new mod manager before jumping in feet first.
That small investment of time you made, helped you get a good understanding of Vortex, and hopefully now, your future modding will go as wall as your initial start.
As you get more and more familiar with Vortex your set up time will get shorter and shorter.

Yours is a success story we love to hear.

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Congratulations scribeRat for your success with Vortex and welcome to the party pal !!


Nice to hear such a good new. That is all it is, a bit of study, investigation, reading, trying with a few mods first to see how Vortex behave, observing results, apply changes if necessary and voila. :cool:

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