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Illusion of freedom


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We as a nation? I couldn't find any factual evidence that a major number of the U. S. A. People gave a hoot. Jay Leno did some on street interviews asking people questions that any five year old should know. After my pain relievers kicked in I laughed a lot.


Before my pain was reduced I felt tired. And I was tired of the campus antics I was part of when taking Radio&TV Announcing as my major. I didn't have any laughing gas either to get my 18 to 20 something youthful fast responsive fit of laughter going.


Like that joke. I met a man who had a wooden leg named Smith. Some people took longer to get that than others and that evening that Jay Leno showed a few minutes of street comedy, my old brain was slower than molasses.


By the time I realized that all of the people Jay Leno had asked several questions, that I knew all the answers to, and realized it was a way to get some laughs, I felt like the bank owner in the old version of Mary Poppins.


I was foggy about the street scene theme and thought he was just proving that U. S. A. has a lot of people who don't care! It was supposed to be FuNNY! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I was guessing that you might already have or may one day have children of your own... colluding? ROFLOL

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Colluding is not funny ... unless that is all we can collude about.


Our forefathers colluded , no actually conspired to make this great country .


The question is ... was Trumps colluding meant to make this country greater ?


I don't see that his intention was to do so. Albeit I can't say for sure he knew enough to avoid the division damage he has done .


Or maybe that is not fair ... I guess it is the division damage potential we had already left exposed. Ergo , by exposing it , the law of averages will eventually exploit it.


Did we willfully not collude with fellow countrymen ... so as to leave an obvious sore for others to cause to fester ?

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Every human being on this little ball is free.

What people represent as "suppressing their freedoms" are actually consequences for exercising your freedom in a way which violates societal norms and angers, annoys, vexes or otherwise pisses off your neighbors and their duly anointed governmental bodies. Now,I will admit that not all governments are anointed by the populace. I will also freely admit that some societal norms and governmental dictates are deliberately meant to stifle and suppress those which might take exception to the status quo. Suppressing the press and dictating what people can and cannot say about their government is beyond the pale, but anything beyond that is up for argument.


But the freedom to speak ones mind does not give anyone the right to speak about their fellow human being in a way which they wold find distasteful for themselves. No one is allowed to denigrate someone else's ancestry, religion, gender, lifestyle, or geographic location unless it is acceptable for that same denigration to be heaped upon them. That too is a violation of societal norms.


And personal freedom has limits when you rub up against the whole of humanity. You have the freedom to bathe or not. Just don't be angered when people keep their distance should you choose the latter, freedom has consequences.

So, we are free. We can do whatever the < expletive deleted > we want. But we MUST be prepared to accept the judgment of the society we live in when we behave like an < expletive deleted >. If you are not willing to accept the consequences, then you deny everyone else their freedom.

Edited by Guest
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Colluding is not funny ... unless that is all we can collude about.


Our forefathers colluded , no actually conspired to make this great country .


The question is ... was Trumps colluding meant to make this country greater ?


I don't see that his intention was to do so. Albeit I can't say for sure he knew enough to avoid the division damage he has done .


Or maybe that is not fair ... I guess it is the division damage potential we had already left exposed. Ergo , by exposing it , the law of averages will eventually exploit it.


Did we willfully not collude with fellow countrymen ... so as to leave an obvious sore for others to cause to fester ?


Did we willfully not collude with fellow countrymen ... so as to leave an obvious sore for others to cause to fester ?


I've been wounded and nothing is worse than a wound nearly becoming gangrene. I know what you mean though. We don't just cause wounds. WE ARE ALL WOUNDED MENTALLY.


Theblackswanfalacy just added another pin prick to the stings of what we think is intelligence.


Time to wade through another supposition.


Suppose we are free and while we sleep we are even freer enabled to leave the living flesh we wake to each morning. Why return to it? Why not stay in the dream sleep zone which comes with a likeable life and let the body rot in the fart sack?

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Ah! Materials I might well best learned about when I was about 12 or somewhere between that and 18.


Thanks for providing links to papers on topics me thinks would have opened my eyes and saved me a lot of wasted time. I sense all the chicanery of the older siblings and their wisdom to keep my baby self from spoiling their relations aways from the room I lay in the crib, out of my sight, far from my abilities to hear, and never to learn and share until now.


I survived. As the old saying goes, "So far, so good." And then there is an album cover with words that shocked me a little, because it had words added to that which suggested, "So what?!


I'm old enough to know better, and I am sad that all the grades I earned were not used to learn such profound wisdom, until I was so lonesome I found myself as I am. Loving learning, and yearning to use what I have.



Thanks again; to all of you.

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Did we willfully not collude with fellow countrymen ... so as to leave an obvious sore for others to cause to fester ?




Which I am checking if what I said was clear enough so as not to need to wipe the mud from your eyes ???


And I only ask because it was not clear as mud on a re-read for me.


But yes BlackSwanny hits the nail on the head. We are not free from reactions to actions

Hello ! the laws of physics people. :rolleyes: :whistling:

Also specifically ...the law of entropy ... which border proponents seem to think they can stop. LOL

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  • 4 weeks later...

Truth is that I think the most free looking people I met were Americans, not Europeans. But in reality it looks like American system is not capitalism anymore, it is becoming feudalism with a few very rich people being able to buy even whomever - maybe even president - or at least laws. Maybe that is why Americans have fear from laws, because they have no control over it, because it could be bought.

But still they have the feeling of freedom, which makes them in their minds and thus in their reality the most possibly free people. There is the illusion of freedom complete.

So what is better - a system, which makes you feel more safe, openly limiting your freedom in exchange for more safety from far more rich and powerful groups, or system which makes you feel free, until you cross your path with a few rich people who usually have no interest in you and give you gladly the illusion of freedom? But you live your life the way you want? Because I guess the true freedom is in your mind.


I don't know if western Europeans feel free, but I constantly meet people who don't give others enough of freedom, because they are not free themselves, so I wonder what could change that. But maybe it is still this influence of communism. So somewhere in the middle - socialism would be the best if too much of freedom is bad. Well of course it is ... I got lost again in circles.

Edited by Mudran
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We aren't really "Free" here in America either. The government is constantly passing laws regulating how we live, how we raise our children, how we educate our children, and numerous other aspects of daily life. Granted, we have more 'freedoms' that a fair few other places...... but, those freedoms have been eroded and paired down as time passes. Folks trying to convince us 'we don't need those particular freedoms in an enlightened society'..... Hhhmmm..... Show me an 'enlightened society' and I might actually buy into that. Or not.


Safety is also an illusion. Even the most restrictive governments cannot keep their populations safe. No government can assure safety, merely by passing laws, or restricting rights. (which is the tack they generally try and take anyway, even though they already know it won't work.......)


Those that would give up freedom, for the promise of safety, deserve neither.

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“You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once". - Robert A. Heinlein

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do". - Robert A. Heinlein

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