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I'm off to uni next month and am quite terrified about it.


Was just wondering if anyone else here is just starting and how they feel about it. Excited, worried or indifferent?

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My son is just about to start, fortunately going to the same uni as a couple pals from school. Dont think he's that concerned, really. Other than wandering about in even more of a haze than usual, looking pale, wan and generally languid. A role I had rather taken on for myself. Ah me:' and the sons shall supplant the fathers.' ...or something like that.

Wish you the best of luck. After a couple of weeks, you will feel like you've been there forever. :thumbsup:

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I'll be going back to uni at the end of this month; I'm going into my fourth and final year. I'm looking forward to it, I've moved house again and feel like each year I've managed to work my way successfully up the property ladder in Exeter and am in one of the best student houses/locations available in the area with 3 friends.


Remember that university is meant to be both educational and socially fulfilling and make sure you balance the two well. Don't go just to learn because you'll only be paying for half the experience. In turn, get all your drunken manic antics out of the way in the first term and then sort yourself out from there. Hopefully your first year should be relatively straight forward and "simple" (unless you're crazy and doing something intensive like medicine!) so you can really enjoy yourself. Similarly remember that university is a place to compound who you are, not reinvent yourself.


What university are you going to? Are you moving into halls, commuting or moving straight into a flat/home? Is your course intensive?


Oh yes, that reminds me; for the love of god don't listen to what they say about "study hours". For example I have 8 hours of lectures a week for four modules a term, and they claim for each module I should be doing 12 hours of personal study a week. That's a load of crap. 1 hour a week per module max unless you've been given a coursework assignment or exams are looming.


So much muddled information to give. Ask away if you're going to uni in the UK and have any questions.

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:thanks: Reassurance from older students is always nice.


I'm going to York uni to study Biochemistry (what was i thinking?) and gonna be living in halls. From what i was told this subject is mainly lectures with less personal study time, though i'm not sure. The books for it arrived yesterday, and they make quite an intimidating (and heavy) pile.


I guess the main concern is just that a change in environment tends to freak me out. None of my friends are at the same place, plus i'm leaving a boyfriend behind.

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once i reach the grand age of 20 i will go to Uni at the current moment i am still enjoying the freedoming of getting away from the pain and suffering from exams but i admire Dark One's Offer and i will no doubt talk to him about any Uni questions


Duncan Casey

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I guess it depends on how far away York is from your current location. my family is in Torquay, which is only 30 mins away from Exeter which was great for me; I'm only ever a 30 min train journey away from home/seeing friends but it's also far away enough that I can have my own space to hang out with my friends in Exeter. However some people like to see university as a "great escape", a chance to get away from domineering parents or past problems and go seek their independence. Thankfully my parents let me have that in abundance so it was never an issue for me.


When I was in halls I knew quite a few folks who had left boyfriends and girlfriends behind and they remained happily together thoughout the year, so I wouldn't worry about that. Long distance relationships can and do work, it just requires that little bit more effort.


Biochemistry, and indeed any science degree is more intensive than other courses from other schools such as business, geography, history, etc.. I can't vouch for the reading lists they give you, but on my business course they gave me a reading list of about 7 books that totally about £250. I bought them in the first term and they were never used. Never doing that again. Hopefully you'll put yours to better use that my lecturers did!

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I started this fall about a month ago (southern US schools tend to start earlier). I was indifferent before I came, and guess I sort of still am. That said, I have met some really amazing people and am thoroughly enjoying myself. You'll have a great time once you get there - just don't be afraid if random people walk up to and say hi. As a matter of fact, you may want to do that yourself some.


Anyway, I need to go back to justifying my recent server acquisition to my bank account. :whistling:

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at the moment i am in Lincoln still and the bad thing is i have to work hehe nah its alright and quite entertaining but wouldn't want to into Lincoln Uni though



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