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Can I get some help with script?

What I want: a script that will allow the npc I created to be my follower after certain point in dialogue.

What I did:

-made npc, added current/potential factions in faction tab, set the value of currentfollowerfaction to -1, added npc to the world

- I wanted to use the script which allows you to get Faendal (or Sven or Mjoll; they're the same I think) as follower

- made a dialogue, another script sets the stage of quest

- added script to this stage:

;player gets Deriael as follower
Alias_IFModDeriaelAlias1.GetActorRef().SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 3)
- it compiles without errors

- When I go to game, and select the dialogue option, nothing happens and I can't talk to that npc again


What could be the problem?


I have never made a follower so I can't really help. But some things that may help others help you...


Are you testing your mod on a clean save? If not, that could be a problem. The game prefers to use the state of stuff in the save game as opposed to a newly modified source.


Is your actor using a voice type that contains follower dialogue? If not, that may have an effect. If the actor doesn't use the correct voice type those dialog options won't be made available (as I understand it).

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Can I get some help with script?

What I want: a script that will allow the npc I created to be my follower after certain point in dialogue.

What I did:

-made npc, added current/potential factions in faction tab, set the value of currentfollowerfaction to -1, added npc to the world

- I wanted to use the script which allows you to get Faendal (or Sven or Mjoll; they're the same I think) as follower

- made a dialogue, another script sets the stage of quest

- added script to this stage:

;player gets Deriael as follower
Alias_IFModDeriaelAlias1.GetActorRef().SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 3)
- it compiles without errors

- When I go to game, and select the dialogue option, nothing happens and I can't talk to that npc again


What could be the problem?


I have never made a follower so I can't really help. But some things that may help others help you...


Are you testing your mod on a clean save? If not, that could be a problem. The game prefers to use the state of stuff in the save game as opposed to a newly modified source.


Is your actor using a voice type that contains follower dialogue? If not, that may have an effect. If the actor doesn't use the correct voice type those dialog options won't be made available (as I understand it).


The new game was made specifically to test the mod.

Yeah, I think the problem lies in voice. But I have a question regarding this:

- when I make a follower with default relationship set to, let's say, "Ally"(like in every tutorial), he normally has all the options, like "Follow me" etc.

- but when I'm making someone with custom dialogue, should I record those follower lines as well? Can I use some custom recordings for some lines and for example 'MaleEvenToned' voice for the follower lines? Just to test if the script is working.

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Are there any tutorials specifically for creating a character replacment mod? There are a few characters I feel deserve a facelift but I don't know where to start.

Check with the RaceMenu mod. I think there is now a more reliable process using RaceMenu to create a face, export the data, and use some tool to convert the RaceMenu data into CK friendly data.

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  • 1 month later...
You need to make a custom voice and attach it to your follower. With the tool Unfuzer you can extract the voices from the Skyrim.bsa. With a musicprogramm you can cut your own voicefiles together. I use soundforge, but other programs will also work fine. That's, what I am doing, when I want my custom voiced companions act with townsfolk or other npcs. I record in creation kit the soundfile and replace it with my cutted one, renaming it to the recorded filename. It works with scenes - but you can do it the same way for one companion. Luckily every voice actor speaks more than one person, so you can get a lot of stuff with the same voice. Look out for tutorials how to make a custom voice.
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  • 1 month later...

Hi and thank you for this resource.


Many times I have been disappointed by YouTube videos, for all the reasons people are aware of, (some are abysmal, some are outstanding [see Nightasy] and prayed for a list of text based tutorials.


I understand clearly the OP, and am amazed at the posters who seem determined to give you a hard time, with no good reason I can see.


You are more patient with them than they deserve.


Please ignore the negative nellies, may their gods bless, keep and take them soon :-)


Keep up the good work.

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