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Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"


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Thank you for your response-


I kinda figured this was the case. I feel like I have seen mods on the ps4 with things that I have never seen in the game before, which makes me think its added in, but I don't know if the mod author was just able to work around the restrictions somehow...


Regardless I appreciate the help I've gotten on here and I hope I can continue on the mod in the future if Sony ever decides to allow external assets.

I'm not sure if this will add any insight or ideas to help you out... but... I've found through modding with a couple buddies who play PS4 that duplicating/renaming/editing IN the CK usually works for PS4 mods. That meaning that editing vanilla scripts using N++ with the Papyrus add-on won't work. Whenever we are modding for Sony users, we do EVERYTHING in-CK to make sure it'll work; which can be extremely exhausting as well as time consuming; but worth the effort for those who use the finalized mod.

For example, I know that the vanilla game has certain scripts for unique displays... copying them and assigning unique ID's (sorry... not entirely a master at scripting, so I apologize if my terminology is "off") to edit them for use in a player home should work this way at least.

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Thank you for your response-


I kinda figured this was the case. I feel like I have seen mods on the ps4 with things that I have never seen in the game before, which makes me think its added in, but I don't know if the mod author was just able to work around the restrictions somehow...


Regardless I appreciate the help I've gotten on here and I hope I can continue on the mod in the future if Sony ever decides to allow external assets.

I'm not sure if this will add any insight or ideas to help you out... but... I've found through modding with a couple buddies who play PS4 that duplicating/renaming/editing IN the CK usually works for PS4 mods. That meaning that editing vanilla scripts using N++ with the Papyrus add-on won't work. Whenever we are modding for Sony users, we do EVERYTHING in-CK to make sure it'll work; which can be extremely exhausting as well as time consuming; but worth the effort for those who use the finalized mod.

For example, I know that the vanilla game has certain scripts for unique displays... copying them and assigning unique ID's (sorry... not entirely a master at scripting, so I apologize if my terminology is "off") to edit them for use in a player home should work this way at least.


You cannot copy scripts and assign them new ID's. You can, however, copy and re-ID objects holding scripts and change any property assignments for that script to work. I suspect that this is what you were intending to reference.

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Thank you!!


I'm going to try my best to understand this so I can continue working on my mod- please bear with me I am so sorry


So I have been pretty much using Sjogga's claw display script (thank you btw) for my displays, just modifying them as needed. I think that's honestly the only script I've added into the program, although it's been added in a few different times with different names (that seemed to allow the script to work with different items rather than having the same script name for different items). Anyway-- if I'm understanding what you're saying, I need to find something in the CK that works similarly to this script and copy that item's script? (And re-name it?)


If so, do you know of anything/have any suggestions? That's pretty much the only script I need, which is why this sucks. One script is stopping this whole thing.


If I am totally off the ball, I appreciate the corrections, advice and serious help I clearly need.


Thank you all again for helping me through this.


Y'all the real MVPs

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Thank you for your response-


I kinda figured this was the case. I feel like I have seen mods on the ps4 with things that I have never seen in the game before, which makes me think its added in, but I don't know if the mod author was just able to work around the restrictions somehow...


Regardless I appreciate the help I've gotten on here and I hope I can continue on the mod in the future if Sony ever decides to allow external assets.

I'm not sure if this will add any insight or ideas to help you out... but... I've found through modding with a couple buddies who play PS4 that duplicating/renaming/editing IN the CK usually works for PS4 mods. That meaning that editing vanilla scripts using N++ with the Papyrus add-on won't work. Whenever we are modding for Sony users, we do EVERYTHING in-CK to make sure it'll work; which can be extremely exhausting as well as time consuming; but worth the effort for those who use the finalized mod.

For example, I know that the vanilla game has certain scripts for unique displays... copying them and assigning unique ID's (sorry... not entirely a master at scripting, so I apologize if my terminology is "off") to edit them for use in a player home should work this way at least.


You cannot copy scripts and assign them new ID's. You can, however, copy and re-ID objects holding scripts and change any property assignments for that script to work. I suspect that this is what you were intending to reference.


Yes, thank you! Haha! I haven't been able to get Papyrus working well enough for long enough to get myself familiarized with Scripting as much as I'd like to... So when it was explained to me some time ago --- I was more lost than... well... More lost than I usually am! hehehe But the concept was there; somewhat. But, now I know and it's already in my notes! Leave no knowledge behind!

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Thank you!!


I'm going to try my best to understand this so I can continue working on my mod- please bear with me I am so sorry


So I have been pretty much using Sjogga's claw display script (thank you btw) for my displays, just modifying them as needed. I think that's honestly the only script I've added into the program, although it's been added in a few different times with different names (that seemed to allow the script to work with different items rather than having the same script name for different items). Anyway-- if I'm understanding what you're saying, I need to find something in the CK that works similarly to this script and copy that item's script? (And re-name it?)


If so, do you know of anything/have any suggestions? That's pretty much the only script I need, which is why this sucks. One script is stopping this whole thing.

I have been trying to go through the scripts already within the CK to see if any of them will be useful for what I need, and I found a couple to try out. Tested them, and of course, they did not work. These are the scripts I found and tested






There were a couple others that I tried to test but they ended up not having the right properties. I also tried-




but when I tested it in game it didn't work, in a different way. Instead of simply not doing anything like the three aforementioned scripts did when I hit 'activate', it did nothing and the 'Activate X' trigger disappeared. So I am continuing my search through the very long list of scripts to try and find something else.


I started by finding items within the game that were placed and that could be picked up again, such as the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, or the Pale Blade. I wrote down the scripts that these used and tried them, and neither worked. Then I just went into the script list (in my source folder) and tried to find something that sounded like it might work, wrote a few down and tried them.


I am not sure where to go from here, as I am so new to scripting itself, so reading the scripts does not really give me any indication of its usefulness to me, not to mention the fact that there are over one hundred scripts to comb through.


Are there any websites that maybe list each of the scripts and explain what they do? I have been unsuccessful in finding any so far myself. Or better yet, does anyone know of any scripts that work similarly to Sjogga's claw placement script but is already in the game? A placement script basically. Hers' includes a fail message, unlike any of the ones I found and tested, and hers also, you know, worked. But would require me to add in an external asset to get to work.


*The scripts I tested were attached to activators that I created, which were attached to the static object that I wanted to be placed. I made sure the Z rotation was not 0 as well to ensure it would work, so I assumed it didn't work because of the script. I had the items in my inventory that were specified in the property 'Xtoplace' as well. Nothing was placed, nothing happened.

**I can post full versions of the scripts I already tested if that helps anyone...


Thank you for any insight that anyone may have, I am determined to continue working on this mod, despite the limitations. It just might take a little longer, and I might need a little more help... Sorry :sweat:

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  • 2 months later...

Never be sorry for taking your time on your projects... that just means that it'll kick that much more butt when you're finished with it; not to mention assure that more users will be happy with the final product as opposed to annoyed by any quick-fixes to a fast-break[ing] game. lol!


However, I'm diving into the mess that is scripting now, myself... so if I come across anything while I'm trying to figure out my bathtub "hooey" that sticks out or reminds me of what it is you're aiming to do, I'll for sure share it here!

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  • 1 month later...

I'll just leave it here so anyone can find it if the thread got lost.

Static mannequin


Script improvement originally made by Sjogga Dragon Claw Holder that i apply into static mannequin and custom armor. Assuming you can do some modelling or working out with existed/vanilla meshes.


Improvement & variation scripts provided by JustChill & SurfSideNaturals kudos to them.


Just so anyone interest to do the same thing.

Edited by anb2004
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  • 4 weeks later...

I need a tutorial about npc packages.


I created a family using Alvor and Sven as bases, but the packages are not working. The farmer and his wife dont come out of the house, and if I enter there they attack me. They have the keys to unlock the door, but wont come to the xmarkers I left in the ground. I set them to work on feeding chicken, sweep the floor, cut wood and operate a tanning rack. Nothing is working.


I tried everything, google, duck, etc, could not find a tutorial about npc packages.

Youtube videos are no option. I dont have 20 minutes to listen to propaganda before getting to the point.


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  • 7 months later...

Here is something that I had looked all over to find and figure out how to do. So I'll put all the steps in one place (this post) then you can adapt it into your growing tutorial thing.



How to make an esp plugin that is dependent upon another esp plugin.

Since the Creation Kit requires a plugin to be an esm (or master) in order to have other plugins use or replace its data, there are some necessary steps to take to fool the Creation Kit into believing that an esp is an esm file.


Step 1:

Download and install Wrye Bash -- as of this writing (Aug. 12 2012) it is necessary to install both standalone & phython versions as well as the game location version should you wish compatibility with the newest release of BOSS. Note the Wrye Bash installer will handle all the installation options, you merely have to select them in the dialog window.

Skyrim version


Step 2:

Wyre Bash should have been properly set up during install to recognize the skyrim game directories. Select the mods tab and all your installed plugins should be listed including those which are not active. Those with a check mark are active those without are not.


Step 3:

Find the plugin you want to be a temporary master. Right click on it and choose the option called Esmify Self. A warning box will pop up explaining that this feature is for advanced modders, please read it. I'd advise not to check the box that says to not show that warning again, but really it is up to you.


Step 4:

Now that the plugin is an esm you can go open the Creation Kit, but before you do LEAVE WYRE BASH OPEN! If you close Wyre Bash while an esp plugin is changed to a master it will get moved out of load order and placed at the top when you reopen Wyre Bash. Best just to leave it open so you don't need to worry about reordering the plugins later.


Step 5:

Before you can open the Creation Kit you have to also tell it to allow more than one master file. If you try to open skyrim.esm & the new masterfied esp plugin, the Creation Kit will get upset at you and tell you that you can't do that. So locate in your skyrim directory the file SkyrimEditor.ini. Open this file with a text editor, notepad will do just nicely. Scroll down till you find the entry:

bAllowMultipleMasterLoads <--- this line needs to be added to the [General] section.

by default this value is set to 0, change it to 1.

While here you may want to go ahead and change

bAllowMultipleEditors <--- this line is present by default

from 0 to 1. This is useful if you are working on one mod and want to see how another mod did something without closing your current work.


Step 6:

Save the SkyrimEditor.ini file and load up the Creation Kit. Now you can select the modified esp and it will be treated as a master, allowing you to make small changes to some records and keep the rest of the data intact for the other mod.


Step 7:

Do whatever mod work you were going to do, then save your finished product and exit Creation Kit.


Step 8:

Before testing things out in game, return to Wrye Bash and right click on the plugin you had esmified and select the option to Espify Self. This returns the file to esp plugin status. Now you can exit Wrye Bash.


Step 9:

Using whatever mod manager you prefer, ensure that your new esp is set to load AFTER the required esp. Start Skyrim and test out your mod.


Step 10:

if you have to do further work repeat the process tho steps 1, 5 & 6 only need be done once. (unless for some reason you need to reinstall the programs then you'll have to do those again)



Why would anyone want to do this you ask

it is because of as I like to call it "the nature of the plugins" meaning that when two or more plugins modify the same editor ids the last one installed gets its data and the other is left out in the cold. By making one the master or parent, the other can incorporate its' data into the first, thus allowing both the ability to function as planned. Here is an example: One plugin renames arrows to sort them. Another plugin modifies the damage, value and other aspects of the stock arrows. Whichever one of the two was placed last, gets its data. By making one a master and using its data as the base then the two plugins will work together so long as the one that was built upon is loaded first.






yeah I'm not good at making tutorials, but like I said I thought it would be helpful to have all that info in one place. Feel free to expand upon and make it read better.


Recommended INI edits - copy/paste as necessary




SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa 




Apologies, I know this thread is really old but I'm trying to do this for the first time and I'm not finding "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads" in my SkyrimEditor.ini. Can I just add that line in?

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Apologies, I know this thread is really old but I'm trying to do this for the first time and I'm not finding "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads" in my SkyrimEditor.ini. Can I just add that line in?

Yes. Copy/paste both the lines under [General] and the line under [Archive] that are spoilered in the post you quoted.

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