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You removed my +100 endorsement screenshot? Are you kidding me???


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Now that I saw the image that was removed I have to say that it is beautiful and artistically made but speaking about the rules concerning the image share, here's the link to the topic regarding the nudity in the image share. As you can see it was made way before you uploaded the image.


The first post in the topic also has some links to the images that are examples of what kind of images are acceptable and what not.

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If this wasn't a 100 times endorsed image this probably wouldn't have been such a big topic.

As for the timing, there's probably hundreds of random files and images ready to be removed once a moderator gets across them, it's just random in the sense they might or might not see it.


The motto that I think truly applies is the same with files or image you don't like that are allowed within the rules: If you don't like it... move along.

You have to draw the line somewhere, even if more than 100 people do like to cross the line. Else you can just stop having rules altogether.

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It would be pretty easy to make an image that did not violate any of the rules of the Nexus imageshare but which was otherwise completely reprehensible. I'd like to think that in that case a moderator would make a judgement call and remove the offending image even if technically it doesn't violate the letter of the rule.


Likewise, I think it would be possible for an intelligent and mature moderator to look at an image that does technically violate that rule and make a judgement call that it's in no way offensive and allow it to stand.


This is of course a site where it's apparently perfectly acceptable to upload a mod that is nothing but screenshots of nude women as a menu replacer after all. Post those images to the imageshare and they're banned, but in the regular uploads I guess it's OK.

The lack of willingness of the moderator team to use discretion is almost as disappointing as their seeming inability to recognize that it's a problem.


Edit: corrected by Madcat221, who rightly pointed out that that mod was flagged as adult. mea culpa.

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After reading all of this .. makes me sad as well. It feels like this discussion is some kind of open war between the forces of good and evil, but with both sides in doubts. I have great respect for the Nexus community. I can say that i've met some people here more honest and kinder than most of the people I have meet in real life. But this thing right here ...


I can only say I agree with everything Midhras and Yagho said. I'm not siding with them, but I feel like they described and resolved the initial point of this topic while mods, let's face it, kept saying the same thing over and over again with only changed words.


As for Dark0ne scratching his head...well we have been down this road with the image share more times than there are grains of sand in all the beaches of the world.


There is something in this sentence that just doesn't sound right. The "sarcasm" in there is nothing more than a sheer over-exaggeration. This discussion ain't about philosophy or poetry. And using those kind of words intend to stir peoples' minds in one way or another.


I have no query about anyone but I think I pretty much summed it up above.


I have no idea what your meaning is on this. However if I over-exaggerate it is not for sarcasm sake, but because I would guess very few people that haven't moderated on this site has any idea how many conversations we have all had about the image share.


I also would be willing to bet dollars or donuts that most of the staff did not see or take note of the screenshot and it has been very busy lately and checking out the Top 20 screenies MAY not have been high on the to do list. As much issue I have had recently with the site itself I haven't looked at many and I almost never look at the Top images but just browse here and there. No I can't say or prove who did or did not see it....however I do know that there has been lots of work to do and not many people to do it. I have no doubt if the image had been seen by one of us it would have been taken down by one of us. At different times there are different focus on things that need to be done or we want to get done..time permitting. *shrug*


@Midrhas--I brought up about hoping the screen shot uploader had kept a copy as many people don't thinking it will always be here on the Nexus. I would hate to see a shot worked hard on being lost for one reason or another. Perhaps you should take a look at how long I have been a member of the Nexus and the fact I have uploaded many, many images on our sites. I am well aware of what the image share means to the community and has meant to me....I know how social this place is for many INCLUDING myself so do not presume to put words in my mouth. However how I PERSONALLY feel about any image or any uploader or the creativity of any image or any of that has no bearing on the rules of the site.

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It would be pretty easy to make an image that did not violate any of the rules of the Nexus imageshare but which was otherwise completely reprehensible. I'd like to think that in that case a moderator would make a judgement call and remove the offending image even if technically it doesn't violate the letter of the rule.


Likewise, I think it would be possible for an intelligent and mature moderator to look at an image that does technically violate that rule and make a judgement call that it's in no way offensive and allow it to stand.


This is of course a site where it's apparently perfectly acceptable to upload a mod that is nothing but screenshots of nude women as a menu replacer after all. Post those images to the imageshare and they're banned, but in the regular uploads I guess it's OK.


The lack of willingness of the moderator team to use discretion is almost as disappointing as their seeming inability to recognize that it's a problem.



Well... yasee... those mods have adult flags on them. Negligence to properly use them is just as much an infraction as uploading a nudie image to general imageshare.

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I did not take in the upload date as it was not relevant to the situation. As I've said, I seen the image, and found it violated the rule. That's all there is to it.


Even if I had seen the upload date, I wasn't exactly going to just bypass it and let the image stand, then I wouldn't be doing what I'm supposed to.


well i guess that's what it boils down to: if your job is to remove images that if only so slightly cross the lines as defined by the linked topics and whatever internal guidelines, without takin circumstance into account, then there's nothing you can be blamed for personally.

the matter remains then that maybe dark one would consider giving mods a certain flexibility there, it must be possible to find sumthin in between instant delete and approval stamp for exceptional cases, which this clearly is.

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Duly noted, I hadn't realized that. The rest of my point stands though.


It would be pretty easy to make an image that did not violate any of the rules of the Nexus imageshare but which was otherwise completely reprehensible. I'd like to think that in that case a moderator would make a judgement call and remove the offending image even if technically it doesn't violate the letter of the rule.


Likewise, I think it would be possible for an intelligent and mature moderator to look at an image that does technically violate that rule and make a judgement call that it's in no way offensive and allow it to stand.


This is of course a site where it's apparently perfectly acceptable to upload a mod that is nothing but screenshots of nude women as a menu replacer after all. Post those images to the imageshare and they're banned, but in the regular uploads I guess it's OK.


The lack of willingness of the moderator team to use discretion is almost as disappointing as their seeming inability to recognize that it's a problem.



Well... yasee... those mods have adult flags on them. Negligence to properly use them is just as much an infraction as uploading a nudie image to general imageshare.

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Beforehand I would like to specify that I do not know Yagho personally nor is he one of my "friends" on the nexus, just so you know that my appeal is free of bias.


I regret, like many others, that the image has been removed. I know the great importance to set rules within a community and that everybody, and I emphasize this point, must follow. Sometimes it is hard to define the threshold at which the rules are broken. In my case I was not shocked or offended by the image and by what I have read of Yagho's appeals that it was not his intention to shock of offend. Though I agree that the text in the upload area is clear personally I take it more as a warning against vulgarity that could spread and certainly offend some, due to the nature of some mods.


It is a pity to see such a superb image dissapear, no doubt the captain is the only master of the ship and the nexus is your baby, I think you manage you site admirably and I know that with the recent technical problems you have likely been flooded with emails, some less than polite, but please think about the notion of vulgarity I spoke of above in the text.


There is nothing vulgar in the image, but that is but my humble opinion.


There we have it, I have put my word in, but a small drop in the waters of this debate, but it is near to my heart.



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