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Whats your favorite BEER


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Mickey's is mine. Tastes good, cheap, and gets you where you want to go fast haha :P


Most people here in Wisconsin drink Miller...or pee in a can as I call it lol.

Edited by Illiad86
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I know it's nothing special but mine is fosters, it gets me drunk nice and slow. If I drink stronger i'm talking s**t within a few hours and make an arse out of myself :tongue: (and it's happened way too often...and I still haven't learnt my lesson :laugh: )


I started a concoction of white wine and bitter lemon lately, some can argue it's a girly drink but sod it!

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I don't usually drink beer, but when I do it's Union Radler Grapefruit. This thing is really refreshing.


And it has a dragon on it :happy:



My stomach hurts from alcohol and this is basically the only kind of alcohol I can drink without feeling pain afterwards (This thing has only 2.5% of alcohol per bottle)

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thats not beer............. :turned:


thats a kiddie drink,


I heard that in the UK if you find the right pub you can get "Live Beer", its like the house special and its brewed in the basement

they call it live beer because its still fermenting and they pump it upstairs right to a tap at the bar

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thats not beer............. :turned:


thats a kiddie drink,

If I drink the real stuff I'll get heavy stomach pain (I forgot how this is called, it has a professional medical term), I can't do much there now can I? :biggrin:

I like kiddie drinks anyway :tongue:

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thats not beer............. :turned:


thats a kiddie drink,

If I drink the real stuff I'll get heavy stomach pain (I forgot how this is called, it has a professional medical term), I can't do much there now can I? :biggrin:

I like kiddie drinks anyway :tongue:


I think you might have acid reflux or IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome). You may to see your GP for some buscopan if it's IBS or lansaprozole (may be misspelled) if it's reflux. If you get heartburn often it's probably reflux.


@Dogtown1, that sounds gross! I've not heard of this over here but they must be some dodgy pubs as it's illegal to do that :tongue: I've tried mid-fermented beer (I won't say how) but it tastes like vinegar :yucky:

Edited by Ironman5000
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I've gotten used to English beer now, stuck on Sovereign or John Smiths, But would love some proper SA Castle Lager. You can get it over here, but brewed locally and sadly, just not the same :ermm:; but still enough for this :wacko:
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