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Advice to Vortex Programming Team


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Couple of points here.

Vortex is not a "Paid Product". Nexusmods does not make a penny off of it. Their only revenue is premium download speeds and maybe some advertising. No matter what mod manager you use - the revenue is the same.

Customer support - other than site admins, none of us count as customer support. We are just volunteer users like yourself, trying to help out other users on what we think is a good product. Tannin sold us on Mod Organizer, and we came along for the ride.

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@imprezza86 I would have to agree with your entire post. The admins definitely seem irritated in some responses, which I get, I've been there. One person seems to be the biggest issue though, and thats 1ae0bfb8. I mean I literally read tons of pages of his responses. I have worked in customer service for years on end, had he actually been working for a corporate company he would have been fired already from the amount of customer complaints received. Telling a customer that they are the problem is completely unacceptable, even if it's true.


Please note that the only admins/Nexus Mods employees that post in the Vortex forums are:


Site owner - Dark0ne

Vortex Lead Developer - Tannin42

Director of Programming - MrMason

Community Managers - Pickysaurus and BigBizkit


Regardless of whether that factors into your assessment of our customer service, I wanted to highlight that these are the only people on these forums that speak officially / represent Nexus Mods, if it wasn't clear before.

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One person seems to be the biggest issue though,


Your best course of action is to add him to your ignore list. If you don't have an ignore list or are unfamiliar with how it works, left click on your name at the top left corner of the page and select Manage Ignore Prefs. Add his name to your list and the problem is solved. :)

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except the problem lies with the guy who posted up the lie-filled nonsense. can he ignore himself?

I give the same advice to you. Not every post requires a response. Sometimes you just need to read it, file it away, and move on. It's what the ignore list is for. :)

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"Please note that the only admins/Nexus Mods employees that post in the Vortex forums are:


Site owner - Dark0ne

Vortex Lead Developer - Tannin42

Director of Programming - MrMason

Community Managers - Pickysaurus and BigBizkit

Regardless of whether that factors into your assessment of our customer service, I wanted to highlight that these are the only people on these forums that speak officially / represent Nexus Mods, if it wasn't clear before."


@BigBizkit Yea I get that. Thank You for your help! Him and others jumping all over people just isn't helping in my opinion. You would think they were admins or lead programmers, the way they get so mad at anyone going against Vortex. But i'm done with it.

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