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The Age of the Dragon


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Alaila eyes the newcomer under her hood, noticing the way he looked at them. They were far too strange not to notice, especially with a Quanari with them. Slightly narrowing her eyes, the elf put her pipe away and took her staff, laying it down in her lap. Just to be sure.
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As he sat and dug into the stew, Jadaco wondered what was up with the group over there, but decided not to investigate. It was none of his business. As he thought this, Orum stared intently at the Qunari. Jadaco could tell that the mabari was about to growl, so he shushed it before it started trouble. A purebred Mabari against a Qunari warrior would be quite the battle, sure, but one of them would die.

"Oi, Orum, shaddap. Let's not start a fight. Especially with a Qunari." It occured to him that some of the locals were probably laughing at him. Dogs and Fereldans tended to be stereotyped. Jadaco didn't care.

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Thomas stared at the Qunari for a moment before shrugging his odd reply off. He looked around the tavern. It was getting quite crowded in here. That's when he noticed a man sitting at the table, he had a nasty scar on his arm. The mage gently nudged Illadriel to which the elf replied with a glare. With his head Thomas gestured at the man with a Mabari.


Illadriel glanced at the man. She noticed the scar on his arm but thought nothing of it. Some people she met had even worse and ones scars should never define their real self. "It seems that you caught someone's attention." Illadriel said to the Tal-Vashoth. Most of the obviously still stared at the Qunari but not like that, though that wasn't surprising. Having a Qunari compound in the Docks for years, they saw plenty of them.


Thomas looked around some more. "Hey, you! Come here, join us!" He shouted to the red-haired elf. Safety in numbers.

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Everyone was looking at him, but it didn't really matter; everyone always looked.


He had been sitting with his back to the door, but whoever had just walked in had caught the attention of the two at his table. He turned his head to see a man with a heavily scarred arm -much more so then either of his- and a mabari hound, who were both staring at him.


He had seen the ferocity and loyalty the mabari had possessed first hand, many times, and this dog was focused intently on him. He reached out his hand, open and level to the dog's snout, and kept his eyes on him, just to see how it might react.

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Alaila would normally refuse such an invitation, but she didn't like all those people in the inn, and especially not that man with a mabari that had walked in. The elf caught her wooded staff and pulled her chair towards the table of Thomas and the rest, but still far enough from them.


"What is with his hand?" she asked quietly the white-haired mage, looking at the man. The Quanari also gave her goosebumps, but just about everyone here did.

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Thomas glanced at the hooded elf beside him. "Maybe the Mabari thought it was a juicy piece of meat." The mage shrugged.


Illadriel noticed that the elven woman joined them at their table. "We were not properly introduced. Andaran atish’an. I am Illadriel of the Grey Wardens." She said to the red-haired elf and offered her a slight smile.


"She won't say her name. She didn't to me." Thomas mumbled, he didn't sound angry or insulted. The Dalish looked at the mage. "That's still not an excuse for us to forget our manners." She replied.

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The Qunari was either introducing himself to the dog, or looking for a reaction. Orum growled at what he perceived to be a potential "predator", or threat to his master. He growled as the Qunari approached, and stood up when he got closer, about as close as he could come to warning the Qunari to back off. Unless his master told him to stand down, his reaction would remain unchanged. Jadaco gazed uneasily at the Qunari, he didn't want an incident.

"Orum, heel." Jadaco commanded. The hound reluctantly backed down. "My apologies, sir. He's quite protective." Orum cautiously sniffed the Qunari's outstretched hand, and calmed down a little. "And on top of that, I don't think he's seen a Qunari before." Jadaco said politely. He was glad (not for the first time.) that he had rigorously trained the mabari. He stared cautiously at the massive specimen, ready to spring into action should it be necessary.

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He patted the dog on the head and turned his attention to the owner , who continued staring, even as he stood right here. He stood up, his horns grazing the ceiling, and spoke to the human, "The finger of suspicion is not unknown to me, woodsman, but for once it would be nice to just be able to do something without one of you preparing to defend yourselves. As if you could hold your own against me anyhow. If you are so interested, then come sit."


With that he walked back and sat down in his too-small chair next to the elves and the weirdo. ( :tongue: )

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Jadaco kicked himself internally. He prided himself for not being racist, and yet a Qunari simply approached him and Jadaco got ready to kill him, self-defense or not. He rose from his table and followed the Qunari over to his table, cautiously carrying his stew and drink. He sat down, aware and apathetic to the fact that his arm was being stared at.

"How about we start off on a better foot? I'm Jadaco, possibly the only Fereldan in this building." He signalled a waiter and bought a big serving of meat for the Qunari. "I don't think I caught your name."

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Alaila had only nodded at Illadriel's introductions, not saying anything about not introducing herself. She never asked for their names, they offered them themselves.


"Aneth ara, da'mi." she said in Dalish to the Warden, her gaze flying to the man that had joined them at the table, together with his mabari before the elf could say anything more to Illadriel. Much to her companion's disappointment - if they knew -, the one Alaila didn't mind and trusted the most was the mabari. He was trained to follow his master's wishes and he follows given orders. He was predicatable.

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