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  On 8/30/2012 at 5:08 PM, ErLollausen said:

I actually had two ideas. the firs i think is very simple, if this eye vamp mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16376 could be retextured to a glowing blue more adapt to vamps.

The second one, and this is where ill be told to f off, if a completely new city could be made in skyrim, but an open (no load screen) city, that you could enter/exit quickly. Perhaps somewhere in the Sea of Ghosts up North, or in a dense vegetation area.

Cheers, have a good one.

PS something everyone's been hoping for, an automatic crossbow! that qould kick a**


Underworld vamp blue/bright vamp eyes.



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  On 8/30/2012 at 5:23 PM, xwolf said:

make a Headshot mod so the npc's wont run around with 3 arrows in the Head


a headshot should kill most foes, but if your good, you will crouch, this awards a sneak bonus plus a critical strike for the headshot, thus u should hit for about 4x the damage on the first shot

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I'd love to have the Mighty Umbra mod ported to Skyrim (without the quest chain ofc, I'd be happy even with just the raw sword unenchanted), if possible. Here's the link http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/13398


Also the CM partner Feria (http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/15150) would be nice as she was possibly the prettiest face back in Oblivion, and since there are no mystic elves in Skyrim she could be a bosmer or an altmer with Nord's white skin


Thanks in advance

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  On 8/30/2012 at 4:57 PM, RasAlgethi24 said:
  On 8/30/2012 at 12:30 PM, DanielLiswinski said:

Ok. Here are the Links to my Skyrim Mod Requests.






























That's all for now, for I don't know more for the moment. :D


But I think, that these are more than enough for the next months (next year?). ;)


Wow! Thank you so much kind sir! That was quick. :thumbsup:







I'm the most famous Person, a beggar knows. :) Because I give more than 1 coin for a pair of shoes. I give them a complete new Life! :D

Gray Fox? Who's Gray Fox??? :D :D :D




Just a new Idea, there is a awesome (in my oppinion the Best) Vamp Eye Mod for Oblivion, that maybe will look awesome for Skyrim too.

Worth a Try? Here's the Link:





Aaand one more idea to go:

Can u create a Mod, which will turn Wolves into friendly Allies after becomming a Werewolf/ Part of the Inner Circle of the Companions?



Of course I would welcome every Mod which adds some Elvish Stuff, I'm addicted to Elves. :D :dance:


Yeah I'm an Elvenlover, and now? :D :D :D


Cheese for Everyone!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Edited by DanielLiswinski
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  On 8/28/2012 at 9:14 PM, RasAlgethi24 said:

Hello. can you add a mod that removes the negative effects being in the sun as a vampire? So there's no more health/stamina deregeneration and penalty, weakness to fire, no more shiny particle glow around your body, no more on screen prompt saying your "vampire blood boils in the sunlight".


A version that keeps the weaknesses but removes the shiny glow particle effect around your body while out doors would be nice too.




il look into the scriping and get back to you

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  On 8/30/2012 at 5:00 PM, RasAlgethi24 said:
  On 8/30/2012 at 12:39 PM, BladerRavinger92 said:
  On 8/30/2012 at 10:46 AM, BladerRavinger92 said:
  On 8/30/2012 at 7:46 AM, RasAlgethi24 said:

I have a simple request. Can you make mod a that changes the opening main menu music to this:






done, give me a few hours and il have it for you


fixed, uploading now, il drop you the link


Your Upload sir (hint, Click Here)


Wow! That was quick! Thank you so much kind sir. :thumbsup:


yet no kudos. oh well theres always tomorrow

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First and simple: Change regular combat (not boss/dragon) music to:

Second: Dwemer Hover craft and or motorcycle mounts (I understand if it's impossible)

Third: Revolver, just for funsies B] here's a resource: REVOLVER

Fourth: Whips! I'd like to whip some people <3

Last but not least: A male samurai armor which features baggy pants, choice of boots or sandals, half armored torso (right arm not not armored and the chest plate cuts off towards the left part of the chest.) If I had a scanner, I'd draw something up for you.


Thanks for listening, I know it may not be done B]

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  On 8/30/2012 at 6:30 PM, redlink234 said:

First and simple: Change regular combat (not boss/dragon) music to:

Second: Dwemer Hover craft and or motorcycle mounts (I understand if it's impossible)

Third: Revolver, just for funsies B] here's a resource: REVOLVER

Fourth: Whips! I'd like to whip some people <3

Last but not least: A male samurai armor which features baggy pants, choice of boots or sandals, half armored torso (right arm not not armored and the chest plate cuts off towards the left part of the chest.) If I had a scanner, I'd draw something up for you.


Thanks for listening, I know it may not be done B]


some of your requests are do able, but others not so. im not the sort to add stuff i believe would ruin the game. il working on a musket as t fits with the time and tech, but ne revolvers, hover craft, or whips, i dont do stuff just for funnys lol, though it would be a hit. armour we can arrange

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