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Question On Moving NMM Installation to Vortex


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I'm aware of this, but it didn't resolve the issue of the archive becoming corrupted/unusable.

For what it's worth, using Vortex alpha over a year ago, I imported over 300 mods from NMM without a single archive corruption. In the year since, I have not had any corrupted archives out of the hundreds of mods that I've downloaded. This information obviously does not solve your problem. However, it may indicate that your issues arise from hardware problems and/or something (besides Vortex) in your computer environment.


Since this thread has turned into a free-for-all.

Is it safe to upgrade to the latest release of Vortex?

I'm still on 0.17.11

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Since this thread has turned into a free-for-all.
Is it safe to upgrade to the latest release of Vortex?
I'm still on 0.17.11

Vortex 0.18.9 has not given me any problems whatever. However, I make no recommendation for you. As an elder statesman of these forums, full of knowledge and wisdom, you will surely make the right decision for yourself. :smile:

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Since this thread has turned into a free-for-all.

Is it safe to upgrade to the latest release of Vortex?

I'm still on 0.17.11

Vortex 0.18.9 has not given me any problems whatever. However, I make no recommendation for you. As an elder statesman of these forums, full of knowledge and wisdom, you will surely make the right decision for yourself. :smile:




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Yes it's safe I find no apparent bugs or issues with the latest version of Vortex, I have to admit although it was a pain in the arse to make the move from NMM, two positive things came from it. Since it turned out that I had to manually remove and reinstall my mods.


1. It forced me to package my mods that have been loose in my installation for too long so now all my personal creations are actually ready for uploading to Nexus in two different games. That was a big plus.


2. It gave me the opportunity to purge out mods that I no longer used or were just too outdated to even have in the games, therefor making my games run faster and cleaner.


Now with that said. I have to admit that having my profile at my fingertips makes it easier to go to the Nexus site when I need to and I think a lot of the features are handy, I still think load order management is a bit cumbersome and could be easier and cleaner, although some people would disagree, that's just my take on it.


When I went to start FO4SE last night I got an error, it seems that Vortex wants to place FO4SE and Fallout4.exe in a folder they're not in, but this issue was easily fixed by manually telling the app where they were. It seemed an unnecessary thing to do since the app should know where these files are. I've not tried starting my SSE game yet, but my guess is I'll have to do the same with it.


Although it's possible to do group installation files, Vortex still takes you through more functions to install and deploy the group than I think is necessary. I find the load order error fix at each installation a bit annoying though I can see the purpose of doing it at installation of mods, but when you're trying to install a lot of mods at once it can get annoying. Perhaps a way to shut that off until needed would help or maybe not.


As a computer tech, webmaster and computer builder I can see where the Nexus is going with this MM, The fact that it mirrors the site is nice, although I feel the function of a MM is to manage Mods so the rest of it seems like the Nexus site is just bleeding over on to my desktop and feels too much like a Facebook app, I know I can remove the modules If I don't like it, and I do like getting site news on my DT so perhaps it's just me needing to get use to having Nexus in my space.


All in all it looks nice runs fast , although I've not tried downloading with Vortex, I'm old school and prefer to install from my system, but I'll soon try to install with Vortex to see the extent of it's capabilities.


That's my 2 cents, for what it's worth, I've been around this place for a while and although change is sometimes hard I also know the need and beauty of it. Thanks NEXUS for trying to make things easier, just don't forget to listen to the mod creators and users, they're the real reason you're here.


We love you.

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Thank you for your post. It's nice to hear from people who have constructive things to say. Your "2 cents" is worth at least that and probably a whole lot more. :smile:



I find the load order error fix at each installation a bit annoying though I can see the purpose of doing it at installation of mods, but when you're trying to install a lot of mods at once it can get annoying. Perhaps a way to shut that off until needed would help or maybe not.

By "load order fix" do you mean "file conflict resolution," which is done on the mods page? If so, then turn off "Deploy Mods when Enabled" in Vortex settings until you've finished installing and enabling a batch of mods. I've never done that, but I'm guessing it will delay the "fix" notification until the switch is turned back on.

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