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Ubisoft claims they'll drop the more obnoxious forms of DRM


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Rockpapershotgun interviews two suits from Ubisoft, neither of whom seems capable of telling the truth or answering direct questions: Ubisoft On DRM, Piracy And PC Games


The basic gist is, they claim to be abandoning the highly obnoxious always-on DRM, the three-install-limit-and-then-screw-you DRM, the let's-make-the-game-crash-if-you-fail-security-checks DRM and all the other obnoxious bulls*** they've done repeatedly in the past and will just use the industry "standard" of a single online activation per game.


To which, I say, f*** you, Ubisoft. I don't trust them to keep their word on this, as they have lied before about games not having DRM, putting DRM in them anyway, then trying to cover it up when people found out: From Dust DOES Need Online, Badly Ported


Too late. Zero credibility. Even if they have actually learned to tell the truth and are doing it here, I still won't trust this company or buy anything from them. Ever. I wish they would just abandon PC gaming and quit polluting the entire industry with their stink.

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I don't especialy mind. I'd much rather have DRM than pirates thinking they can steal whatever they like. You don't complain about shopkeepers locking up do you? you wouldn't simply walk into a jewelers, snatch something, and walk out screaming "ITS MY RIGHTS ON THE INTERNET!" Pirates are scum. Worthless criminal scum. If I have to suffur through DRM to make it a little harder for them to commit their crimes, so be it.
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First off, everyone knows about Ubi's online DRM, which is the sole reason why I am not playing their games on PC.


They are leaving always online for Uplay, like how EA left for Origin, which is quite nice mind you very a decent service (I never tried Uplay). But yay I can play games without dealing with my internet connection. I don't care about DRM just as long as it doesn't hinder me when the internet is off and cry out for updates every single mintue of it's lifetime (which is the reason why I like Origin a lot).

Edited by brokenergy
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They said they'd removed the DRM from Driver San Francisco, it was true that they'd removed the always on bit but it still required you to sign in every time you wanted to play it. I stopped buying their games when they started this UPlay nonsense and I don't see any reason to change that.


I don't especialy mind. I'd much rather have DRM than pirates thinking they can steal whatever they like. You don't complain about shopkeepers locking up do you? you wouldn't simply walk into a jewelers, snatch something, and walk out screaming "ITS MY RIGHTS ON THE INTERNET!" Pirates are scum. Worthless criminal scum. If I have to suffur through DRM to make it a little harder for them to commit their crimes, so be it.


The only people who have to deal with DRM are those of us who buy our games, pirate copies have the DRM removed. DRM punishes those who buy the game while doing nothing whatsoever to stop piracy. In the case of Ubisoft the DRM actually lost them money as people stopped buying their games altogether, a drop in sales of 90% should have started alarm bells ringing but it didn't.

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. If I have to suffur through DRM to make it a little harder for them to commit their crimes, so be it.


That philosophy baffles me, willing bare personal suffering for s*** other people might do? While knowing that doesn't even work anyway.


What else can you do? Create an awesome game, with no DRM and low price and people steal. Create an average game, DRM, $60 and people still steal. Better off shrinking the risk that doesn't kill off your consumer base in my opinion, with DRM if need be. Besides, most of the cost is recouped in the first 3 months in the game's release, during which DLCs are released and other whatnots to keep the people interested. Ubisoft is certainly moving to Uplay soon.

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. If I have to suffur through DRM to make it a little harder for them to commit their crimes, so be it.


That philosophy baffles me, willing bare personal suffering for s*** other people might do? While knowing that doesn't even work anyway.


What else can you do?



Not support a hole businesses.... And it seems like people have done that from what jim_uk has pointed out. I don't need Ubisoft games, free market competition rules here, if Ubi leaves a gap where my custom would go, someone else is probably going to fill, then they will get my custom.


Create an awesome game, with no DRM and low price and people steal. Create an average game, DRM, $60 and people still steal. Better off shrinking the risk that doesn't kill off your consumer base in my opinion, with DRM if need be. Besides, most of the cost is recouped in the first 3 months in the game's release, during which DLCs are released and other whatnots to keep the people interested. Ubisoft is certainly moving to Uplay soon.

Cry me a river ubisoft. Trying to screw some other 3rd party over at my expense is plain BS. As a consumer I care about what I get for my money, not what someone else has to deal with.

Edited by Ghogiel
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I don't especialy mind. I'd much rather have DRM than pirates thinking they can steal whatever they like.

Erm... DRM has not actually had any effect whatsoever towards this. It is about as much a confirmed fact as gravity, and behaves in much the same way.


Short of games being made exclusively for cloudbased gaming, I don't really see any sort of DRM actually working. Cloudbased gaming however really isn't something that any company could pull off on any reasonable scale as proven by the failures of Blizzard and EA to provide even basic services for games that are always connected.


It doesn't mean that companies shouldn't be concerned about piracy, but rather that they're spending so much money and effort to try and slow down something that is an almost certainty, while pulling time and resources away from the actual game and features that they could offer to legitimate customers.

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imagine if they put all the time and money from the DRM into the actual game. they could create an amazing product (im talking any developer/publisher not just Ubisoft) the small amount of money you would lose from the pirates would easily be offset by the large amount of people who would buy the game, esp if it was even better because you put more time and money into it from not putting it into a DRM because more people would buy it.


that said, if Ubisoft really does stop with its DRM and do what should be done, a one time check for legitimacy and then your done, its yours install it 100 times, then maybe other companies will follow suit. i think they saw what happened to Diablo 3 and it always having to be online even though its a single player game and saw the hate it got for it (except from some 1337 fanboys). hopefully more companies will follow suit and do what i said before and use that time and money to improve on their products.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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