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Fallout 4 not starting via Vortex


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Greetings fellow players,

I'm having an issue as of today : Fallout 4 ain't starting. Didn't installed new mods or updated anything : it just won't start the game. Anyone else just got that issue ? (And yes, I rebooted, Steam is running, and yada-yada. :wink: )

Even tried the game from steam directly : it's working. Weird, never had that issue before.

PS : can't try Vortex with any other games, since it's the only game I'm modding, but every other games are working on my PC as usual.

PS2 : Oh, and I have no error message whatsoever

If anyone got a cue, I'm open, thanks !!

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Well that is simpler.

Stop Vortex.

Go to game directory.

Run Fallout4.exe

Does that work?

If it does, your shortcut path to the game is bad.

Another possibility is that after Fallout 4 updates, you have to go to Options and set your graphic modes appropriately (resolution, etc) You can exit after saving options.

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Ok : how do I change the shortcut to Fallout 4 in Vortex ? (Because I need to run via Vortex to have my mods running, right ?)

If you're using hardlinks through Vortex (which I believe is the default option, so if you don't know, then don't worry about it), then no. Hardlinks are a Windows friendly way to read files that don't actually exist there (in this case, the files don't actually exist in the game folder. They exist in the mod staging folder).


Because of this, Vortex doesn't need to be running as the game will be able to pick up the files automatically.


Edit: Oops, forgot to answer the question about changing the shortcut.


When you go to the "Dashboard" section there should be a Fallout 4 under the tools (should be right beside the bigger banner thing that has "XX active mods" on it).


Click on the triple dot beside the arrow and then "Edit" to pop open the Edit window.


Change "Target" to the .exe file, and "Start in" to the folder the .exe is located in (Vortex may automatically set "Start in" if you let it sit for a few seconds).

Edited by FlamingCheeseMonkey
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Awwww, I thought we had to use Vortex... Thought it was the way NMM was working also, meh, my bad !


Just strange Vortex can't start the game anymore thought : I didn't changed Fallout's path... Meh.

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Awwww, I thought we had to use Vortex... Thought it was the way NMM was working also, meh, my bad !


Just strange Vortex can't start the game anymore thought : I didn't changed Fallout's path... Meh.



Did it stop starting Fallout after Windows 10 update, or Vortex update?


If one or the other, most likely you have Fallout to Run as Administrator.


Check your Fallout and FalloutLauncher.exe and see if they're set to "Run as Administrator" if they are, TURN IT OFF, and Vortex will most likely run Fallout again.

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