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QoL suggestion: Toggle REDUNDANT notification OFF/ON on an individual basis


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I'm not sure if the REDUNDANT thing is fully implemented yet, but right now it's a complete annoyance, as it permanently keeps the Notification thing open, which in turn, blocks the view of the rest of the Vortex interface, and even hen 'hidden' by clicking the bell, it comes back

There are plenty of REDUNDANT notifications that I keep dismissing, only to have them appear again, even though I KNOW that the REDUNDANT problem, is not actually a "problem", so at least can a checkbox be added to the notification such as "Do not notify me of this again" (for that SPECIFIC "problem") or something else?

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It is annoying, yes, but I think that allowing it to be turned off just like that is a bit dangerous, because what if it does actually indicate a problem, now or in the future? Advanced users like us would probably be able to figure it out, but Goofus the noob modder might wonder (loudly and angrily and on this forum) why Vortex didn't tell him why his mod isn't working. It's easy to say "well it's your fault", but drug commercials are now telling people not to take the medicine if they're allergic to it, so that's not really gonna fly with the average user.

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It is annoying, yes, but I think that allowing it to be turned off just like that is a bit dangerous, because what if it does actually indicate a problem, now or in the future? Advanced users like us would probably be able to figure it out, but Goofus the noob modder might wonder (loudly and angrily and on this forum) why Vortex didn't tell him why his mod isn't working. It's easy to say "well it's your fault", but drug commercials are now telling people not to take the medicine if they're allergic to it, so that's not really gonna fly with the average user.


Yes, those people are the reason there are cooking instructions on a box of pop-tarts, and warnings not to use toasters in the bath tub.


That's why I suggested Individual Basis

I currently have a redundant warning about GIST Rustic Soulgems Patch


It's a patch to use GIST with Rustic Soul gems, however, for whatever reason, Vortex is convinced that it's redundant.


That's the equivalent of Vortex telling me that the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch is redundant.



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GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch is an esp only.

It is honestly worth the effort to check your mod folder as well as the game directory to see:

1) Is the appropriate file still in the mod folder.

2) Did someone place that file in the correct location in the game directory.

3) There are no conflict rules that apply to GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch.


It would be pretty easy to see if the GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch esp is in the plugin list.

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GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch is an esp only.

It is honestly worth the effort to check your mod folder as well as the game directory to see:

1) Is the appropriate file still in the mod folder.

2) Did someone place that file in the correct location in the game directory.

3) There are no conflict rules that apply to GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch.


It would be pretty easy to see if the GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch esp is in the plugin list.



I already did that, it's the only GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch.esp in my data folder, however, Vortex insists it's redundant

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GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch is an esp only.

It is honestly worth the effort to check your mod folder as well as the game directory to see:

1) Is the appropriate file still in the mod folder.

2) Did someone place that file in the correct location in the game directory.

3) There are no conflict rules that apply to GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch.


It would be pretty easy to see if the GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch esp is in the plugin list.



I already did that, it's the only GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch.esp in my data folder, however, Vortex insists it's redundant



Then bug report it.

These things only get better if we report them.

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The "redundant" message should only be displayed if no (0, null, zilch) files were deployed from it, meaning: You can disable the mod without any effect on your game whatsoever.

Insofar I don't see a need to allow these messages to be suppressed, you can get rid of them by disabling the mod in question.


If you have a case where a mod that actually has files deployed gets reported as redundant then we investigate and fix it because that's a bug. But I won't add functionality so you can disable a feature because it has a bug.


I already did that, it's the only GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch.esp in my data folder, however, Vortex insists it's redundant


You can only have one file of any given name in a folder, that's why files get overwritten.
The question is: do you have multiple mods (enabled) containing that same file in the staging folder? E.g. multiple versions of that same mod?
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The "redundant" message should only be displayed if no (0, null, zilch) files were deployed from it, meaning: You can disable the mod without any effect on your game whatsoever.

Insofar I don't see a need to allow these messages to be suppressed, you can get rid of them by disabling the mod in question.


If you have a case where a mod that actually has files deployed gets reported as redundant then we investigate and fix it because that's a bug. But I won't add functionality so you can disable a feature because it has a bug.


I already did that, it's the only GIST-RusticSoulGems-patch.esp in my data folder, however, Vortex insists it's redundant


You can only have one file of any given name in a folder, that's why files get overwritten.
The question is: do you have multiple mods (enabled) containing that same file in the staging folder? E.g. multiple versions of that same mod?




OK, this one turned out to be my fault.


I just kept looking at the popup screen, and then closing it, without researching it further

So, this time I decided to open the Data folder AND the Mods that were redundant, and they indeed WERE Redundant.

I had forgotten that I had overwritten an animated SkyUI icon set with a COLOR SkyUI animated icon set.


As far as GIST patch goes, for whatever reason I actually had it insalled twice, and of course, looking in the Data folder is only going to show ONE Gist Patch.esp, but Vortex kept telling me I had two copies installed, which I did.


So, Vortex was actually performing quite well, it was MY fault for not listening to it like I should have.



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