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I hope I don't get a warning for this post since it has nothing to do with games. I just wanted to give you guys a little credit and thanks for doing such a great job and making this the best forum around. Something I do a lot is read the Banned topic. I read that thread so that I know what not to do. This is a great site and it's because of all your hard work.


Thank you.

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Ok, you are now banned for complimenting staff without mentioning specific names in a specific order as well as not giving kudos for each one and not uploading mods saying how great the site is and....hehehe.


On behalf of the team, thanks.


I've actually been working on consolidating the rules in such a way that it is easier to read, everything in one place along with examples. I'm trying to figure out how to present it so that you see the short list of rules with a very brief description but with the option to see "more info" which goes further into a more lengthly description with examples.


Not every possible scenario will be outlined since we do not want this to turn into a legal document the size of War and Peace but you will get the idea and won't have to look anywhere else on the site for a miscellaneous rule or policy (I hope).


LHammonds (Moderator)


EDIT: You might want to check this page about limitations on signature sizes. ;)

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:wub: :thumbsup:


Have a big hug and a kudos!


If only there were more folks like you in the world. :)

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I give to you all virtual fruit baskets and some lovely West Virginia Apple Butter.


You all do very well and I not only admire your dedication but sometimes your obvious restraint.

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with out all the moderators here this site would be in chaos! thanks for keeping this site in order have a sweetroll!


EDIT: idea potted into my head about this i think the moderators might think as a tribute



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I want to thank all the mods too :) and also Dark0ne for making this site possible :D.


Thank you all for this wonderful site, forums and keeping it clean of trolls =_=


Hehe :D


Cheers :thumbsup:




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